Sermon for today by Charles F. Stanley: When facing trials, know that God is doing something important in you

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Topic:When facing trials, know that God is doing something important in you.

When you go through trials, you may wonder, Why does it have to be so painful?

Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question because God’s discipline and instruction are unique to each individual.

God will work uniquely in your unique
situation—and usually that will require touching an area deep within your soul.

One thing you can know for sure when you are facing trials is that God is doing something immensely important in and through you. He would never allow you to suffer without a significant reason, nor would He permit your trouble to continue
a minute more than is necessary.



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Once again, the key to getting through adversity is to not run from the problems. Face them with faith in God, knowing He
will not give you more than you can bear.
How will you live out Life Principle 7 this week?
Carve out some chunks of time for prayer. First, pray for others who are facing dark times. Ask the Lord to intervene where He sees fit and to help those who are hurting find joy in the midst of their pain.
Ask Him to use you as an instrument of His comfort and care.

Second, pray about your own dark times.
Thank God for His presence and the ways He makes His love known. Thank Him for His promise to limit your adversity.

Ask Him for wisdom to help you
survive and thrive in your season of struggle.

About Today Bible Verse

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