Table of Contents
Topic:Living the principles
God was with [Joseph] and delivered him out of all his troubles, and gave him favor and wisdom in the presence of
Pharaoh, king of Egypt (Acts
The story of Joseph reveals how you can stay motivated and honor God in your work. Joseph did this by remembering God was with him, no matter what happened. He set his heart to serve God faithfully, whether he was in the prison or the palace,
and regardless of whether he was experiencing famine or fruitfulness. The same should be true for you.
Like Joseph, you may not know why God has allowed the difficulties you face in your labors. It’s possible you have a certain goal in mind with regard to your profession. But it’s also possible—even likely —that God’s plan for you is much greater than you
have for yourself. Like Joseph, you might not be able to see that plan at the time, but you must continue to obey God nonetheless and never lose heart (see
Galatians 6:9). Whether it’s a battle with an enemy, an overwhelming challenge, or a personal crisis that appears impossible to overcome, remember that God
is with you. He is your energy, your strength, your wisdom, and your creativity. He is also your boss. So do your very best for His sake and allow Him to
work through you. He’s got a great victory and a wonderful reward in store for you if you’ll trust Him and do as He says.
How will you live out Life Principle 4 this week?
Life Lessons to Remember
God’s promises are the anchors of your
spiritual life (see Hebrews 6:18–20).
God always fulfills the promises He makes
(see Joshua 21:45).
God will reward you as you patiently wait for Him to fulfill His promises (see Habakkuk 2:2–