Table of Contents
Topic : Living the Principle
How will you live out Life Principle 2 this week?
Consider the challenges you may be facing as a result of your obedience to God. One strategy for successfully dealing with those challenges is to think of them as badges of honor for your faithfulness.
Remember, if you’re being targeted for standing with God, there’s no better place in the world to be!
If you find that you are struggling with obedience in a certain area, ask yourself what God is leading you to do—and what is standing in your way. With the help of the Holy Spirit, weigh the pros and cons
of obedience. Ask God to help you recognize the potential that lies in following His will.
Ask Him to expose the consequences that cause you to fear as the ineffective threats that they really are. And ask Him to remind you of the promises He has made in the Bible to help you grow in confidence that His way is always the best way.
Life Lessons to Remember
- God wants you to trust Him with your life and all that concerns you (see Proverbs 3:5–6).
- At times you will need to wait on the Lord for an answer to your problem or situation (see Psalm 37:9).
- At other times you must be willing to end