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Topic: The Word, Our Inheritance Revealed
[Seeds of Destiny 6 July 2019 Devotional]
When the Bible talks about being joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17), it confirms that God has allocated inheritances for His sons to inherit and every one of us are joint-heirs with Christ; so the manifestations that Christ experienced is a confirmation of what we are expected to experience.
SCRIPTURE: And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. Acts 20:32

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The Word of God is the Container of the Will of God.
In our quest to explore how the Word of God blesses a person, we saw, previously, that the Word of God imparts faith and faith attracts the Blessing of God.
Today, we are looking at the fact that the Word of God reveals our inheritance in God.
The Word of God reveals our inheritance in God, and revelation precedes possession.
Our anchor Scripture confirms that the Word of God is pregnant with our inheritance; Paul was saying, I encourage you to connect with the Word because inside the Word is the detail of your blessing, your inheritance in God (Acts 20:32 Paraphrased).
Beloved, if you want to know what God has blessed you with, if you want to know the inheritance that is yours, it is located in the Word of God. So, the Word of God is the container of the Will of God; it is the container of the plan and blessing of God for His people.
When the Bible talks about being joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17), it confirms that God has allocated inheritances for His sons to inherit and every one of us are joint-heirs with Christ; so the manifestations that Christ experienced is a confirmation of what we are expected to experience.
The truth is, once the Will of God is revealed to you, it can belong to you (Deuteronomy 29:29).
Remember this: The Word of God is the container of the Will of God.
1.Make demands on God for the revelation of His Word to You.
2.Locate Your inheritance in the scripture, pray, war and work towards its manifestation.
PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to my inheritance in Your Will. I receive what is mine Lord, in Jesus’ Name.