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Topic: Looking Up To Jesus
[Seeds of Destiny 5 October 2019 Devotional]
Nothing finishes a person like trusting in man; to trust in man is to rust in life.
SCRIPTURE: Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…Hebrews 12:2a

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Nothing finishes a person like trusting in man; to trust in man is to rust in life.
Looking up to God implies having total trust and confidence in God. Looking up to God is focusing your gaze completely on God. Looking up to Jesus is looking away from your money or possessions and focusing on Jesus alone. Looking up to God is turning away from man as your reason for living.
The tragedy today is, most people look at their pastor as their healer instead of God; But the pastor is just an instrument in God’s Hand. Some see their rich relations or boss in their offices as their savior or the reason why they are alive. They could go as far as telling such people, ‘If you don’t help me, I am dead.’ This is an aberration! How can you tell a mortal man that if he doesn’t help you, you are finished? It means you are really finished; that statement has finished you already! Never put your trust in man.
Nothing finishes a person like trusting in man; to trust in man is to rust in life. This is because man can fail, man can change, man can lie, man can die, man can age, but God is ageless, changeless, dieless and weariless. God is too dependable to deceive you, He is too reliable to reverse, He is too faithful to fail you. So, fix your gaze on Him alone at all times. He will help you.
REMEMBER THIS: Nothing finishes a person like trusting in man; to trust in man is to rust in life.
1.Ask God for mercy and repent of any area you have looked up to man as your saviour other than God
2.Determine to look up to God alone as the source of everything in your life and in all you do
PRAYER: Lord, I ask for mercy in any area I may have looked up to a man as my source. I look up unto You Lord as my helper, saviour and the source of my life, in Jesus’ Name.