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Topic: Relationship And Communication – Major Anchors Of Prayer
Relationship thrives on communication; the livelier the communication, the more functional the relationship; the livelier the communication, the healthier the relationship.
SCRIPTURE: After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven…. Matthew 6:9a.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Prayer is the platform for the building, strengthening and developing the relationship between God and man.
Our anchor Scripture reveals two vital things about prayer: relationship and communication. Prayer is the platform for communion between God and man. Prayer is the platform for building, strengthening and developing the relationship between God and man through communication.
I will like you to know that relationship precedes request, and communication enhances relationship. To request for things from someone you have no relationship with makes you a beggar. There are people who are merely begging in God’s Presence and think that they are praying. If your relationship with someone is concrete, at times, you don’t even need to request for what you need from them before they give it to you. Let me give you an example: I have a relationship with my wife; it is a relationship that has lasted for more than two decades now. There are things she does not need to ask me for. Now, if a wife who has a quality relationship with her husband always begs him or cries for things, then something is wrong. In the same manner, your parents, siblings or loved ones don’t need to beg you or kill themselves before they can get certain things from you; this is because you have relationship with them. So, when your relationship with God is buoyant, you don’t need to beg Him for things.
Now, how is the relationship between God and man serviced? It is by prayer. Prayer is the avenue for servicing the relationship between God and man. Relationship is serviced by communication. This is why communication breakdown equals relationship breakdown. Where people have quality relationship with one another, they also maintain quality communication. But where people have a defective relationship with one another, their communication becomes deficient.
So, relationship thrives on communication; the livelier the communication, the more functional the relationship; the livelier the communication, the healthier the relationship. In the same way, you can confirm the relationship between a man and God by the quality of his prayer life. You can confirm that people have solid relationship with God by the buoyancy, vibrancy and liveliness of their prayer life. Every time your prayer life begins to reduce, it is a proof that something is going wrong in your relationship with God.
Therefore, ensure the maintenance of a buoyant relationship with God by a vibrant communication with Him.
Remember this: Prayer is the platform for building, strengthening and developing the relationship between God and man.
Ensure that your relationship with God is intact.
Service your relationship with God by consistent communication and communion with Him.
PRAYER: Lord, I ask for the grace to maintain a buoyant relationship with You. Help me to commune with You always, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Prayer is a basic necessity because it establishes a contact between your life and God. Culled from “PRINCIPLES AND POWER OF PRAYER” by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: Horses use facial expressions to communicate with one another.