Seeds of Destiny 31 July 2020 Devotional: Excellent People – Generational Standard Bearers

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Topic: Excellent People – Generational Standard Bearers
To exist in distinction and excellence is to exist above obscurity. It is to exist with positive notoriety. No man, woman, friend or enemy can say he/she is not aware of your existence. Nobody can claim ignorance of your impact on earth.

SCRIPTURE: Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Matthew 5:14.

Dr Paul Enenche Live Sunday Service DUNAMIS ABUJA
Dr Paul Enenche Live Sunday Service DUNAMIS ABUJA

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Existence in distinction and excellence is existence as a pace setter, a road pointer, a standard bearer and opinion leader.

It has been established that understanding is key to fulfilment in life. What is not defined cannot be found, and what you don’t understand, you cannot undertake.

Earlier in our previous studies, we saw what it means to exist in excellence and distinction. We saw that existence in excellence and distinction means to stand out in life, to exist as a generational illumination, to make a difference on the earth and to exist in importance and relevance.

Today, we shall look at other definitions of existence in excellence and distinction.

Now, existence in excellence and distinction means:

1. Existence above obscurity.

To exist in distinction and excellence is to exist above obscurity. It is to exist with positive notoriety. You are known for something positive or you are notorious positively. No man, woman, friend or enemy can say he/she is not aware of your existence. Nobody can claim ignorance of your impact on earth. To exist in distinction and excellence is to exist in impact that commands global attention (Matt. 5:14).

2. Existence as a standard bearer and opinion leader.

Existence in distinction and excellence is existence as a pace setter, a road pointer, a standard bearer and opinion leader. If God says, you are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14), it means you are a road pointer or direction giver because light points the road and gives direction. Existence in distinction or excellence is existence as a generational direction giver. God wants to bring you to a point where people know what to do as they see what you do. God wants to bring you to a point where you are a standard of measurement for other people. When people look at you, they would pray and wish to be like you. You are serving God with integrity, yet you are commanding stupendous prosperity. Your life depicts a commendable balance between holiness and prosperity to show the world that it is possible to maintain holiness and integrity, and still have prosperity. This makes you a road pointer and standard bearer to your generation.



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Beloved, when you live like this, your results will bring multitude to God. You will not only preach to people with your mouth but they would also look at what God has done in your life and follow you to know your God.

Remember this: Existence in distinction and excellence is existence as a pace setter, a road pointer, a standard bearer and opinion leader.

Determine to set the pace for people to follow through holiness and positive impact in your generation.
Refuse to be obscure in life.

PRAYER: I receive the grace to be a pace setter, road pointer, opinion leader and standard bearer to my generation, Lord in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: We are meant to impact our world. We cannot just watch the world. Culled from “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 49-51

AMAZING FACT: Christianity was the main religion in Egypt between the fourth and sixth centuries AD.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Lord engrace you to glorify Him with your life in this season in Jesus’ Name.

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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Dr. Paul Enenche



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