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Topic: In Preparation For Eternity With God
Live as an ambassador of God’s Kingdom in your generation. Live your life to publicly identify with your Creator in your generation
SCRIPTURE: Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Matthew 24:44

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: You cannot serve God and other things on earth and guarantee your place in eternity.
In our previous studies, we identified three of the things that constitute readiness and preparedness for eternity.
Today, we shall look at other things that aid our readiness and preparedness for eternity with God in Heaven.
Living in the consciousness and company of His Presence (Psalm 17:15, Psalm 122:1)
If you don’t enjoy God’s presence on earth, how will it be possible for you to access His Presence in eternity? There are people who can’t stay in church for thirty minutes without getting apprehensive or being in a hurry to leave. They see spending thirty minutes in church to be too long meanwhile, they can watch movies for three hours on the same spot. They can do any other thing for lengthy periods of time but they cannot pray for fifteen (15) minutes.
If you don’t enjoy His presence in this life, how will you access His presence after this life? If His Presence does not excite you in time, His Presence will not attract you in eternity.
Living in His worship and service.
If you want a place with God in eternity, don’t serve or worship anything else but God in time (Matthew 4:8).
You cannot serve two masters; it is either you love one and hate the other or hate the other and love one (Matthew 6:24). Our God is a jealous God (Deuteronomy 4:24). You cannot serve Him and other things on earth and guarantee your place in eternity.
Living as God’s representative in your generation.
Live as an ambassador of God’s Kingdom in your generation. Live your life to publicly identify with your Creator in your generation (Galatians 6:17;1Peter 2:9). Live unashamedly for God in your generation. You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men (Matthew 5:14-16). Let people know that you belong to God.
There are many people who don’t have any problem with being Christians for as long as nobody is aware. They carry the Bible but they hide it or wrap it with a paper for people not to see it. They can’t bear His reproach. And because they are ashamed of identifying with God here on earth, He will be ashamed of them on the last day in eternity (Mark 8:38). Beloved, determine to identify with God publicly.
Remember this: You cannot serve God and other things on earth and guarantee your place in eternity.
Live in His presence always.
Live in the service and worship of God.
Live as a representative of God’s Kingdom here on earth.
PRAYER: O Lord, thank You for Your Word to me today. I receive the grace to live in Your Presence both in this world and in the world to come, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Refuse to be a nominal Christian. Refuse to be a bench warmer. Live in the consciousness of His presence. Be known with God. Culled from, “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: Ezekiel 16-18
AMAZING FACT: On average, a person says 4,800 words in 24 hours.
PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive the mantle for Kingdom ambassadorial existence in Jesus’ Name.