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Topic: The Word And Upright Character
The Word of God is a major tool for character reformation; the entrance of the Word is the doorway to illumination. When we access the Word, light comes; and when light comes, darkness checks out.
SCRIPTURE: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The Word of God is a major tool for character reformation; the entrance of the Word is the doorway to illumination.
It is an established fact that a Christian is supposed to be a standard bearer for his or her generation. He/she is instrumental to setting the standard for the people of the world to follow. The Christian is designed to be a road pointer and a pace-setter for his/her generation. We are meant to set the pace and not keep the pace. Our upright character is meant to convict sinners and draw them to God.
So, in a degenerate world, how do we maintain upright character?
We maintain upright character through the Word of God (Psalm 119:9, 11).
The Word of God is a major tool for character reformation; the entrance of the Word is the doorway to illumination. When we access the Word, light comes; and when light comes, darkness checks out.
The Word of God moulds our character by revealing Divine precepts and principles. The Word of God is the container of the Ways of God (Isaiah 55:7-9). You cannot be in touch with the Ways of God and be a wayward person. You cannot follow the Ways of God and end in the traps of the enemy. As you hear the Word of God, the nature of God is transmitted into you. The more you receive the Word, the more like God you become.
Beloved, my counsel is, pay close attention to both the studying and the application of the Word of God. Allow the Word of God to change who you are to who you are meant to be.
REMEMBER THIS: The Word of God is a major tool for character reformation; the entrance of the Word is the doorway to illumination.
Determine to read and study the Scripture habitually, consistently and diligently.
Ask God to change any negative character you have at the place of prayer.
PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You deliver me from any negative character or tendency. Let my character speak positively for me, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Change your world, do not allow the world to change you. Culled from WHO ARE YOU? by Dr Paul Enenche
DAILY READING: 1 Chronicles 18-20
AMAZING FACT: The Moon is 81 times lighter than the Earth.