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Topic: How To Live In The End Time
[Seeds of Destiny 26 September 2019 Devotional]
Beloved, you must refuse to be swallowed up by the plagues of the end time. Deliberately decide not to be a victim of the end time bandwagon.
SCRIPTURE: Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Matthew 24:42

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Watch your life because nobody can watch you like you.
Previously, we saw various signs of the end time. And from what we see and hear in our world today, it can be confirmed that we are, no doubt in the end of times.
Beloved, if your desire is to see God face-to-face at the end of time, if you do not want to be swallowed up by the spirit of vanity and fleshly pleasure, how do you live in times like this?
1 Refuse to be a victim of the season
Beloved, you must refuse to be swallowed up by the plagues of the end time. Deliberately decide not to be a victim of the end time bandwagon.
2 Watch your life
Be on your guard; watch your life because nobody can watch you like you (Matthew 24:42). It is important to watch your life for the enemy moves about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). You may not be looking for sin but sin is looking for you. That is why 1 Corinthians 12:12 says, wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. So, watch your life!
3 Live Ready (Matthew 24:44)
Beloved, let the coming of Christ meet you ready; let it not meet you stealing, watching a corrupt movie, or having immorality. Do not get ready to worship or pray, live in prayer and worship-readiness. Do not get ready to study the Bible, live in Bible study-readiness. Do not get ready to fast; live in fasting-readiness. Live a fasted life.
Remember this: Watch your life because nobody can watch you like you.
1.Live ready.
2.Think on the eternal consequences of every action before embarking on it.
3.Increase your prayer frequency.
PRAYER: O Lord, I have no strength of my own. I depend on You to lead me through this race till I see You face to face, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.