Seeds of Destiny 24 April 2020 Devotional — The Ruin Of Pride

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Topic: The Ruin Of Pride
Pride is a limitation to destiny. We saw that the attitude of arrogance forbids the altitude of eminence.

SCRIPTURE: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: Isaiah 14:12-13.

Dr Paul Enenche Live Sunday Service DUNAMIS ABUJA
Dr Paul Enenche Live Sunday Service DUNAMIS ABUJA

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Pride can bring down a person from a high position. Arrogance can crash people from their destiny.
Previously, we saw that pride is a limitation to destiny. We saw that the attitude of arrogance forbids the altitude of eminence. Whenever a man is too big for people, he is weighed down, and his weight would make it too difficult for him to climb to the top.

Today, I will like you to take note of two characters in scripture whose destinies were ruined by pride:

1 satan the devil.

satan was the archangel; the Cherub that covered the throne. Ezekiel 28:13-15 reveals that music equipment was wired into his system. If he flapped his wings, it was music. Every time there was heavy worship, it was Lucifer in charge. Then he became too big for his position and asked, “Why am I not admitted into the counsel of the Godhead? I think I can be bigger than this.” Then he rebelled against God and was cast down. As he displayed pride, God seemed to look at Angel Michael and told him, “Michael! What are you waiting for?” Then by one kick from Angel Michael and his company, Lucifer was cast down from heaven into hell and he became an ugly demon because of pride.

2 Queen Vashti

Queen Vashti was another person whose life was ruined by pride. Her husband organized a feast and demanded her to come out for the people to see her but she refused to honour the king’s request. The king became angry and that was how she lost her position as the queen. She was shut out of the kingdom and another queen, Esther, took her place.

Beloved, pride ruins lives and destinies. Pride can bring down a person from a high position. Arrogance can crash people from their destiny.

Therefore, I counsel you to resist the life of pride by all means.



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Remember this: Pride can bring down a person from a high position. Arrogance can crash people from their destiny.

Resist pride by all means.
Ask God to clothe you with the garment of humility.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to resist pride by all means. Clothe me Lord, with the garment of humility in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: God assists everyone but He resists the proud. He assists everyone but He opposes the proud. Culled from “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr Paul Enenche.

AMAZING FACT: An eagle’s brilliant sight is in part, due to its sizeable eyes, which can take up around 50% of its head.

DAILY READING: Esther 8-10

PROPHETIC WORD: You shall not end like Vashti in Jesus Name.

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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Dr. Paul Enenche



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