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Topic: Accessing The Glory Through Prayer
The degree of your spiritual exercise determines the extent of your spiritual excellence.
SCRIPTURE: And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering. Luke 9:28-29
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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: It is those who risk all for God that can rise high in God; it is those who embark on spiritual exercise that can experience spiritual excellence.
The Scripture makes it clear that the place of prayer is the place of the glory; the way of prayer is the glory highway. Jesus encountered God’s glory while He prayed. The fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering as He prayed (Luke 9:29).
Also, when Moses and Elijah prayed, they encountered and connected with irrecoverable glory (Exodus 34:29-30, James 5:17, 2 Kings 2:11).
Now, it is very important to know that dimensions of glory are available for everyone but not accessible by everyone. Jesus had twelve disciples but He took only three (Peter, James and John) to a high mountain to show them His glory because dimensions of glory may be available to all but not accessible to all.
Now, the question is, how do we experience the glory of God through prayer?
Take note of the following points:
1. Those who are willing to go far with God are those who are qualified to go high in glory.
It is those who risk all for God that can rise high in God; it is those who embark on spiritual exercise that can experience spiritual excellence. The degree of your spiritual exercise determines the extent of your spiritual excellence. The glory does not belong to valley dwellers who remain in the realm of spiritual indecision (Joel 3:14) but mountain climbers who are willing to go far with God.
2. Those who persist in prayer prevail with God (Luke 9:29). Spiritual endurance is the key to spiritual elevation. Those who seek God’s Face experience a change of phase. Your identity will change when your prayer life changes level.
My counsel is, make up your mind to persist with God at the place of prayer so you can experience His glory in your life.
REMEMBER THIS: It is those who risk all for God that can rise high in God; it is those who embark on spiritual exercise that can experience spiritual excellence.
Be persistent in prayers and in the study of the Word.
Go all the way with God; never give up on God.
PRAYER: Father, I ask that You change my identity at the place of prayer. Grant me the grace never to give up on You, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: What you desire, you attract. What you desire, you acquire. Culled from 10 PRINCIPAL SECRETS OF PRINCIPAL PEOPLE by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: 2 Samuel 5-8.