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Topic: The Power To Tread
It is a fact that whose child you are determines to a reasonable degree, the privileges you can enjoy in life.
SCRIPTURE: Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To be a child of God qualifies and positions you for power.
It is a fact that whose child you are determines to a reasonable degree, the privileges you can enjoy in life. For instance, a child in the Royal Family in England is entitled to royal privileges because of who gave birth to him or the family he is born into. He has no worries whatsoever under Heaven just because of where and to whom he was born. But these privileges, however great, are nothing compared to the privilege of being the son of the Most High God.
Our son-ship in God positions us naturally for supernatural power. The Most Powerful God cannot have a powerless child. But as many as received him, to them gave he power…(John 1:12).
Whether or not you are using the power is a different matter, but to be a child of God qualifies and positions you for power.
Now, one of the powers given by God to His children is the power to tread on snakes and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy, according to our anchor scripture.
Now, the serpent represents four things:
1.Deception. The serpent deceived Eve. God has given us power over the forces of deception. You are not permitted to be a victim of the devil’s manipulation and deception.
2.Danger. A serpent around is a sign of danger.
3.Disease. The sting of a snake represents the impartation of disease which can progress into death in some cases.
4.Death. The serpent is a killer.
The scorpion equals unforeseen danger, sudden strike and unexpected pain.
When you understand this, then you will understand that God is saying in essence: I give unto power over deception, danger, disease and premature, untimely death and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Today, I prophesy to you, any of these forces looking for you shall not reach you but bounce back to hell, in Jesus’ Name.
REMEMBER THIS: To be a child of God qualifies and positions you for power.
Make demands on the power of God at the place of prayer.
Flee from every appearance of evil.
PRAYER: Lord, I thank You for giving me power over the forces of darkness. And by this power, I destroy every power of sickness and death over my life, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: You pray from a position of victory, not from a position of defeat. That is, you are a winner waiting to be confirmed. Culled from PRINCIPLES AND POWER OF PRAYER by Dr Paul Enenche
AMAZING FACT: Babies are always born with blue eyes.