RCCG, LP20 and CTL 3 Days Prayer & Fasting

RCCG, LP20 and CTL 3 Days Prayer & Fasting

Open Heaven
EA Adeboye

Prayer of Thanksgiving.
Prayer of Mercy

Worship God for whom He is. Exalt His Holy name.

Give Him thanks for seeing us through the last month and thank Him for this new month.

By His mercies we are not consumed. Ask for mercy over the church, nation, and yourself
Plead the Blood of Jesus

Ref: Psalm 34:3Psalm 57:11Ps 136Ps 103Ps 124Ps 91Lam 3:22-23, Ps 51Rom 9:15-16, Rev 12:11Exo 12:13


Prayer for the Church: RCCG, LP20 and CTL

Thank God for RCCG & the spread of the gospel through this mission. Acts 2:47

Pray that the gates of hell shall not prevail over the church. Mt 16:18

Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church . Joel 2: 28-29

Pray for our leaders:
Daddy& Mummy G.O & family that they will finish well and strong

Pray for all the Pastors/Ministers for grace to fulfill their Calling. 1 Tim 1: 19

Pray that the Lord will empower all His Ministers to do exploits for Him. Dan 11:32b
Mat; 18:18

Pray for the spirit of contentment for all pastors that God should be their sufficiency. Proverbs 30: 7- 9

Pray that the Lord will remember pastors that are struggling & frustrated. That they be encouraged & shall be first partakers of the fruits of their labour in the vineyard. I Sam 30:62 Tim2:6

Pray for all our Missionaries in Rccg & worldwide that God will give them the heathen & the ends of the earth as inheritance.
Ps 2:8Mark 16:15Luke 10:1

Pray for their protection, provision, deliverance from hostilities in their terrain from enemies of the gospel. Ps 91Acts 16:25-28. Mark 6:11

Pray for signs &wonders to follow them. Mark 16:20John 4:48



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Pray for the success of the Remodelling/Renovation work to be done at CTL. Zech 4:9,

Pray that the glory of the new house shall be greater than the former. Haggai 2:9

Pray that God will raise kingdom treasurers/builders for the work. Neh 2:18

Pray that God will frustrate every negative Plan of the enemies over the work. Neh 4:1-5


Prayer for Individuals/Groups

Pray for Divine Assistance for the jobless that God should make a way for them. Isaiah 43:19-20

Pray for businesses/Careers/Professionals for success and enlargement of coast
Prov 14:23bPs 90:17

Pray for the matured singles for the grace of marriage. That they shall marry the bones of their bones and never their enemies. Gen 2:18,23 Prov 18:22, Isa 34:16.

Pray for the waiting mothers that God remembers them in this month of grace. Gen 25:21Exo 23:26Ps 113:9

Pray that God should still the storms in troubled homes & Wisdom for wives. Mark 4:39Prov 14:1

Pray for the spirit of love, submission,obedience in homes. Eph 5:22-25Eph 6:1-2

Pray against every Spirit that leads to Separation and Divorce in homes.(Violence, unforgiveness, adultery & fornication, hatred, greed, covetousness)
Malachi 2:15-16Mat 19:6-9,

Pray for the Sick . ( Terminal Diseases & all kinds of ailments) Ask that the Lord will have compassion upon them and heal them.
Exo 15:26Mat 20:34Mark 1:41

Prayer for the Nation

Pray for Divine intervention over Nigeria. ( Good Governance, peace, Economic growth, Social welfare, & wisdom for our leaders)
1 Tim 2:1-3Prov 29:2Isa 62:1Isa 26:12Isa 16:5Prov 2: 6-7,

Brethren, Pls pray these prayers fervently and add as many as the Holy Spirit leads you to pray.

The Lord Bless and Renew our Strength. “WARRIOR NO DEY TIRE

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