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Glory to the Name of Jesus – Hallelujah!

What a Life-Changing week it has been! Let’s give God Praise.

And I want to honour our father-in-the-Lord, Daddy GO – Pastor E.A Adeboye. God’s Servant, the Leader of this Great Commission.

And our Mother-in-the Lord, Mother in Israel, Mummy GO – Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye.

The Lord will continue to do Strengthen you Sir and Ma; fill you with Wisdom, Grace and Strength, in the Name of Jesus.

International Youth Pastor, I thank you very much for the opportunity to come. And all the other Leaders, we are very Grateful, we are honoured.

And I Pray that all the input that God has made in your through all those that have ministered, led Prayers, through Music: the Lord will amplify them in your Spirit and make your experience here Permanent, resident in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

There is a Book called “The Indwelling” – Kindly get it. Because some of the things I will Teaching now are coming from there.


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Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus, we Thank You for the entrance of Your Word that gives Light.

We Thank You because You are at work in our lives. You are not telling us Stories, You are actually bringing impartations to our Spirit – Impartations that will come into Manifestation.

We Thank You! We have actually entered into a Season of Enlargement. We give Glory to You. We are amazed at what the future is going to unfold; and we give You the Praise.

Now, continue to instruct us, and Particularly reveal the Power that dwells in us.

And Particularly, reveal the Power that dwells in us, to execute all we have heard thus far.

In Jesus’ Name we have Prayed – Amen.

This Morning, I have been led to divide my Ministration to you into Two (2) Portions:

I. The first one, I am going to just highlight a couple of the things that we have encountered. And then Pray about them.

II. The Second one is that we are going to get to the Main Session, which will focus on two (2) critical Elements.

And I believe those two (2) crucial Elements are Significant in your Life as a Person and in the Life; and the Ministry of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in the New Phase that God is taking His Church – VISION 2032: The Vision for forty (40 Million) Souls by the year 2032.

That Vision will be surpassed in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

And I Personally believe that some of the things the Lord will bring now will help us along that line – Along with all else that the Lord will be speaking through our Leaders and father-in-the-Lord.

Listen to me, in your Inheritance, People will find their Inheritance; in your lifting, others will be lifted. You will not be Promoted alone. As you are rising, God will be raising others with you.

That is the Enlarged Life; that is a Picture of the Enlarged Life.

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah – it is not by mistake.

In the Book of Revelation 5:1-2 John the Beloved saw a Book in the hand of God. We are told that as God was holding that books, a voice said: Who is Worthy to open the Book, and to loose the seals thereof? You see, that Book was a Book of Destiny. When Jesus began to open the Seals things began to happen.

In the hand of God is the Destiny of Nations. God is holding your Destiny and He is holding the Power. You cannot put Him first and come up last. Your Enlargement is embedded in His Person.

The day Jesus said to Peter, “follow me” – do you know that was an Invitation to Enlargement? He said, “I am going to make you Fisher of Men”.

Listen to me: if you had a business that went from Catching fish to Catching human beings, how will you describe such a Shift? That is Enlargement. Unimaginable, unquantifiable Enlargement.

When Jesus is calling People and they are walking away, they don’t know what He is calling them to. Do you know that when Jesus called Peter he didn’t know that inside that call were different kinds of Enlargement?

Inside the call there was a Miracle for his mother-in-law?

Peter didn’t know that one day the Fisherman will walk on water – Where did walking on water come from? It came from “follow me.”

As you are following Jesus, just loving, seeking, serving Him, thirsting after Him, you will walk on water – Amen.

The impossible will happen in your Life, Mighty Manifestations will take Place. He will take you to the ends of the Earth; He give you what People are looking for – Amen.

The Lord said to me years ago, “if you seek me I will give you what People are looking for.”

Jesus has secured Enlargement for us.

Remember, when He finished Paying the Price in Isaiah 53:4 – Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

After Paying the Price, Isaiah 54:1 says, Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child:

The Price has been Paid, Isaiah 54:15-17 says, No weapon that is formed against thee shall Prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in Judgment thou shalt condemn.

This is the Heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their Righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

For Enlargement to happen, there is a Process:

Isaiah 54:2 – Enlarge the Place of thy Tent, and let them Stretch forth the curtains of thine Habitations: spare not, Lengthen thy cords, and Strengthen thy stakes;

… Enlarge, Stretch, Lengthen and Strengthen are all Pictures of Growth.

I. Enlargement: this requires endless Growth. Growth is the unbearable code to a Mighty Life. Something that is growing is unstoppable. Anything that does not grow does not have a future.

II. Stretch: From today engage a Process that continues to Stretch you. Grow horizontally, grow in your Mind, in your thinking; in your Academics, your Platform, Anointing, in the depth of the Word of God that is inside your heart.

III. Then He said Lengthen: Some of us, our Measurements are too short. And God is telling you, if you are going to experience Enlargement you need to Lengthen.

Jesus said to them, lift up your eyes look to the fields – Lengthen your Expectations, the scope of what God can do in and through you.

IV. And then He said, Strengthen the stakes. The reason is because the stakes will determine how much you can carry. God will not build a Skyscraper on a bungalow Foundation.

You must be set apart. There has to be a Separation.

Joshua 3:5 says, And Joshua said unto the People, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you.

There is a tomorrow in your Life that demands Present action today. You see, what you do today is the key to what you Possess tomorrow.

What People have today are the Seeds they Planted yesterday. The seed you Plant today will be the Harvest of tomorrow.

Now, what is that tomorrow? It is because the Lord is going to do wonders among you.

All of you here (online) or reading now,

I believe with all of my heart that there are wonders in your tomorrow – Amen.

No matter where you are now, no matter your History; no matter where you are coming from, there are wonders in your tomorrow – Amen.

Because it has been Paid for! The Enlargement is no longer a Possibility, it is an Inheritance.

Enlargement is not really a Prayer Point.

For a Child of God, the Enlargement that we saw had become our Family Inheritance.

The real Question is: What Process is going to bring out that Enlargement into Manifestation?

Joshua said to the People, “Sanctify yourself”.

To Sanctify means to set apart. It is your Expectation that fuels your Preparation.

Those that are not expecting anything tomorrow don’t have to do anything today.

But if you are expecting wonders tomorrow what did they say you should do? Sanctify yourself!

I found out that Sanctification and Holiness without Motivation is hard.

When you are telling somebody ‘Be Holy’ and you don’t tell him why; that Holiness will be a burden on his neck.

If I say to you, don’t drink Coca-Cola today (and I put full stop). You are going to say, “why shouldn’t I drink my Coca-Cola today?” But if I say, “if you don’t drink Coca-Cola today, tomorrow I will give you a thousand dollars.”

How many of you will still drink Coca-Cola today? You will say, Coke Perish! What is happening? The hope of a thousand dollars tomorrow has taken away the appetite for Coca-Cola.

You see, there are certain things you are doing now, the reason you are doing them is because you cannot see what that thing will take away from you tomorrow.

Could you imagine if Joseph had slept with Mrs. Potiphar today; the Prime Minister that was waiting for him tomorrow, will he be able to receive it? No! Set yourself apart.


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There are Two (2) Levels of Separation:

1. Separation from the world;

2. Separation from the People inside the Church: from so called brothers and sisters who are not Preparing for tomorrow.

And you know, this Separation would affect your Phone, too. I say to People, “your phone is the most dangerous item that you Possess: It is a thief of Destiny.”

The greatest robber in your Life is your Phone. Do you know that the biggest enemy of your Prayer Life is your Phone? The biggest enemy of your Study of the Word of God is your Phone?

The Phones have terrible Capacity – Do you know why? The reason is because the Phone does something that Jesus warned against. Jesus warned us against Strangers. But the Phone gives Strangers access to you.

Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice, they don’t hear the voice of Strangers.

But do you know that ninety nine Percent (99%) of People you are going to meet on your Phone are all Strangers? And they are Strangers with Agenda.

These Strangers have come to collect tomorrow from you.

Who knows the animal with the shortest attention span? It is the Goldfish. Have you seen a Goldfish inside an Aquarium before?

The attention span of the Goldfish is nine (9) second – That is the longest a Goldfish can concentrate on anything. The average attention span of a Person today has reduced to eight (8) seconds.

Microsoft found out that the reason for that is Social Media.

Social Media has fragmented attention.

Do you know that as you are scrolling on Facebook you are doing what the Goldfish is doing? – Jumping about!

As you are doing it on Social Media, it is rewiring your brain.

So when you now get your books and you are trying to focus on one Chapter, your Mind is wandering around.

How many of you start Morning Devotion, but you don’t know what you have done by the time Devotion ends?

Anyone like that? The enemy had captured your attention.

And I want you to listen: ” if you don’t Pay attention, there can be no Enlargement.”

Your Phone must be set apart.


Can you imagine that you are Praying for Enlargement and your Phone is in your Pocket. You are Praying, “O GOD Enlarge me, increase my Greatness, make me like Judah.”

But God sees everything is that not so? As you are Praying, God is looking into your Phone: and He sees all things inside your Phone. God is saying, “he is asking me for Enlargement with an idol in his Pocket.” Hallelujah!

Ladies and Gentlemen, set yourself apart from the world and from so called Brethren that are not going anywhere. Why? Because there is a tomorrow.

You will not sell your tomorrow for a pot of Pottage, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

I say to People, “you look like your Phone.”

If you want to know what you look like, then you look like your Phone – If your phone is Holy, then you are Holy.

Ha! Are you going to have an unholy Phone of a Holy man? No way!

You cannot have a Holy man that has an unholy Phone. All those things inside your Phone, do you want Jesus to meet you with them when He arrives?

There are Apps that you must delete from your Phone if you want Enlargement.

This brings me to the Second Part of what I want to share with you.

We want to look at Influence, Dispossessing Nation, Transforming Communities, Transforming Lives, Carrying that Enlargement that is inside.

Enlargement cannot be found inside the Four Walls of a Church.

In Church, you get equipped and empowered for Enlargement. But Enlargement itself cannot manifest in Church; it is outside.

That is why Jesus said “go ye into the world.”

Do you know that all the Apostles who were waiting on the Lord in Acts 13 were in one Place Praying and Fasting? That is Impartation for Enlargement.

But when they finished Praying, what did the Holy Spirit say? He said, “separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.” And as they stepped out of that Place of Empowerment, things began to happen – Manifestations began to take Place.

Do you know that if the richest man in Africa – Alhaji Dankote’s son sits inside his father’s house, there will be no Enlargement? That is because his father’s house is his father’s house and not his.

But if he uses the Resources, the Training, the equipping that he has gotten and steps out into the world; and uses the Connections and Privileges he has, then he can experience Enlargement.

Your Enlargement is in your Assignment – Hallelujah!

You see, Enlargement is manifested when you go into the world.

And there are several world – The World of Religion, Business, Academia, the world of Commerce and Industry.

Blessed be God for ever more! As you go you develop Influence.



Influence is the ability to make an impact in a given direction; on the behaviours and actions of others.

In other words, something that is coming from you is affecting things, Systems, People around you, and moving them in a certain direction to accomplish certain Objectives – Hallelujah!

In the Bible there are Several Pictures of Influence;

1. The Salt for instance: Salt has the Capacity to dissolve inside the food and start influencing it.

It can influence your taste, your Blood Pressure and other things. But it would not make noise. It doesn’t talk to you.

2. Light – This is another Picture of Influence.

You see, Light has influence but it’s not making a noise. It is not shouting. It is exercising influence simply by Shinning.

3. Perfume is another Picture of Influence.

You know, when you wear this beautiful Perfume (Ladies especially) and then you you just pass by – wooow! People pass by you and the smell of your Perfume is Powerful. It is Influence.

You remember the woman that broke the bottle of Alabaster and Poured out the Perfume on Jesus Christ? The influence filled the room.

4. Yeast is amother.

Remember, Jesus said the Kingdom of God is like Yeast in a dough; that influenced the entire dough.



This is an example of influence we must have, to experience Enlargement.

Because Enlargement happens as you exact influence – There is no Enlargement without influence.

Ye are the Light of the world. A City that is set on an Hill cannot be hid. Neither do men Light a Candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a Candlestick; and it giveth Light unto all that are in the house.

… This Passage applies to everyone.

So say with me: I am the Light of my family, Campus, School, Office, Business Place, etc.

That is who I am – As a City set on a Hill, I cannot be hidden. I rise up from Obscurity.

When Jesus spoke about Lighting the lamp what kind of Lamp was that?

It is Oil Lamp (the local type).

How do you Light the Local Lamp? You strike a match, and then hold it to the Lamp and it begins to burn. When the Lamp begins to burn, the wick (through oil) starts burning – and it starts shinning.

You have to introduce Fire before there could be Light!

It is the burning in the Lamp that guarantees the Shinning of the Lamp. You carry the Lamp (not the Lampstand) to wherever you want Light to Shine.

A Lamp that is Part-Time cannot be the Light.

It means that when it is Full-Time, it will be Shinning; but when it is Part-Time then it is dark.

Let me ask you – Is the Lamp Part-Time or Full-Time? It is a Full-Time Lamp! What is it that is Changing? The Platform!

You have a Lamp that is Shinning in the Church – It is a Full-Time Lamp, in your School, Office, Hospital, wherever! Your Fire is burning for Jesus. But it is not in the Church, it to outside! It is a Full-Time lamp.

The same Lamp is burning in the world of Business as a Full-Time Lamp, on Fire for God.

What is the difference? The Platform from where it is doing it’s Ministry.

I want you to listen: you see, the idea of Part-Time and Full-Time has cheated the Church.

Please do not misunderstand me. I know there are People in the Church who have resigned from their job and they are not in any other business – They are working Full-Time in the Church. Perfect, Wonderful!

I am also like that – I left active Medical Practice twenty (20) years ago. I Practised from 1988 to 2003 (15 years). I became a Medical Doctor in 1988.

There are People that will resign from their work and serve God Full-Time.

But what I am trying to teach from the Bible Passage is that: If you are the Light of the world, that will carry Enlargement, you are on Full-Time and not Part-Time.

You may ask, “Are you saying that I have to resign from my job?” No! There will come a time when some People will resign from their job so that they can be setting Altars on fire. That becomes our New job now!

Every Lamp is a Full-Time Lamp, but they are Shinning from different Places.

So God said, I know what I am going to do – I am going to put some Lamps in Church, some in Business, in the University, in Secondary School, different Media;

And all of them will be Full-Time, Burning and Shinning for the Master that Purchased them on the Cross of Calvary.

Listen to this: “A Part-Time Christian is a Full-Time Sinner.”

… If you are serving God on Part-Time basis, who are using the remaining time for?

“A Full-Time Saviour cannot have Part-Time Disciples”.

Can you imagine that Jesus died for us Full-Time on the Cross so that we can follow Him Part-Time? No!

And you don’t know the damages that this Mindset had caused the Church.

For many of you, it is your Pastor that is Full-Time. Your job is just to support the Pastor.

It shouldn’t be so – You are a Lamp yourself, on Fire for God.

What is the Pastor’s job?

Ephesians 4:11-12 (NKJV), And He Himself gave some to be Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, and some Pastors and Teachers, for the equipping of the Saints for the work of Ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ,


I. So who is to do the work of the Ministry? The Saints!

II. Who is to equip them? The Pastor, Evangelist, etc.

Your job as a Pastor is to set the different Lamps on Fire: so that when they go to their different Places they will be carrying your Fire.

Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other Tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

It means that wherever they went, they were carrying Fire in them.

You see, if you think that you are Part-Time, will you Pray like a Full-Time Person?

If you think you are Part-Time will you expect Miracles and Manifestations like the Full-Time Person? No!

You think you are Part-Time, will you expect to be Anointed as the Full-Time Person? No!

Why is that so?

Because your Mind has already told you that, “I am Part-Time.”

Because the Bible says, we are Members of the Body of Christ

So you see why the Body of Christ is sick!

We have so many Part-Time Members.

Some are looking for you to Supply them with what only you can Supply, but you say, “I am a Part-Time Person.”

Do you know that your ear looks small, but it is a Full-Time ear?

Your finger is Full-Time and Powerful.

Your Intestines, Nobody can see them, but they are Full-Time.

You are a Member of the Body of Jesus Christ, and you are a Full-Time Member of that Body.

The only Question is, “Where is your Platform?” Where is the Place of your Manifestation? Is it in the Church Pulpit, in the world of Business, the Media, University, in Commerce and Industry? Where is your Place?



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Do you know that there is nothing that God created that is Part-Time?

How many of you have seen a Part-Time cow, goat, or a Part-Time mosquito?

Mosquitoes are mosquitoes Full-Time – All the time.

Including the time you want to sleep. You say, “mosquito you no dey sleep?” It says, No! I am a Full-Time mosquito. I have a job and you are my job this Night (laugher)!

Have you seen a Part-Time pig before?

A pig is a pig all the time. Even after you finish washing it.

And when you finish washing the pig because it is a Full-Time pig, what does it do? It goes back to wallow in the more!

If you are convinced that you are a Full-Time Christian, when you go back to your Campuses, Schools, Offices, Business Place; you will see yourself as a Full-Time Preacher, who happens to be a Student, an Office Worker, a Businessman and woman.

It will Change everything.

Now come with me to Ecclesiastes 1:1, The words of the Preacher, the son of David, King in Jerusalem.

We believe to serve God, you must resign from your work; leave everything and come into Church and be a Pastor.

You see, the things we do inside Church cannot change the world.

What is the Secret?

Carrying our Lamps to every area – Campuses, Offices, Churches, Businesses, to Government, etc.

Look at our Country for example, the Lamps on Fire are burning from inside Church.

Where are the Lamps in Business, in Government, in Office – Where are the Lamps on fire there?

Read Ephesians 4:4-7 (NLT) and you will see that we are one big family!

How many times did Jesus die for Pastor? How many times did Jesus die for you? How many Heavens will Pastors go to? Which one are you going to? How many Holy Spirit do Pastors get? Which one did you get?

We all have the same Holy Spirit. Or did you receive Deputy Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit for Beginners, Holy Spirit Light, Assistant Holy Spirit: is that the ones you received?

Who divided the family into two (2) Categories? Those who have been Called and those who have not been Called.

Who grouped them into Part-Time and Full-Time. Here are the Questions!

The God that is working in us, the Holy Spirit in our father-in-the-Lord is not different from the Holy Spirit in us.

Why should He be less inside you? Who told you that Miracles only happen inside Church?

Excuse me Please! When you read the Acts of the Apostles, the nearest Miracle to Church (at the Beautiful Gate) was not inside the Church – it was at the Gate of the Temple.

All the other Miracles you read in the Book of Acts happened on the Streets, in Peoples’ houses.

Who told you that there can be no Miracle in your School? Who said there can be no Manifestation of the Holy Spirit in your Campus and Office?

Who said the sick cannot get healed in the Hospital or in a Bank?

If God can find a Lamp on fire in the School, Office or Business Place, He heals.

Listen, this is how corruption can die in this Country (Nigeria); this is how Darkness will be scattered in this Country. Our Problem is that all our Lamps are burning from inside Church.

But Your case will be different! You are going to carry this fire to your Schools, Offices, Businesses – Amen.

And those of you who would be travelling to the Uttermost ends of the Nations, you will be carrying Fire – Amen.

When you Light the Lamp, you don’t put it under, you give it height. Why do you give it height? So that the Light can Shine!

Now you need to listen: what is it that must happen in the Market Place where God is locating many of you?

There are two (2) Critical Things that would define your Influence:



You all Lights are not equal. There is the Glory of the Sun and of the Moon. Candle is Light, the Streetlights are also Lights.

The Sun is Light – ninety three (93) Million Miles away, one hundred and forty nine (149) Milometers: that is how far the Sun is in the Sky. But because of the Intensity of the Light we can experience that Light on Planet Earth.

… Not only intensity, Light has height.

What do I mean by Intensity? Intensity of Light is the intensity of Christ in that Life.

– The Intensity of conviction, of your walk with God.

– The Intensity of your Passion, of the Fire of the Holy Spirit that is burning inside you.

Grow the Intensity of your Life – If a Life is intensed, the Light can travel to the Nations.



This is the Second (2nd) Component.

And why do you give height to Light? It is so that it can have impact.

Do you know Satan is also interested in the height of Darkness?

Satan doesn’t want to Place Darkness under.

Where does he want to enthrone Darkness? At the very top, so that Darkness from the top can the impose Darkness upon everywhere else.

And you know that we are wrestling against Spiritual Wickedness (where)? In high Places.

When Jezebel arrived in the Land of Israel, who was her first (1st) Convert? The King himself.

And as soon as Jezebel arrived, she made contact with the highest Person in the Land; and then the two (2) of them imposed Darkness on the entire Nation.

What is it that must happen to you? You need to increase the height of your Platform.

What is your Platform? It is your School, Office; what you do by Excellence, by Training – Increase the height of your Platform.

Some of you are going back to School for your First Degree, to have a Master’s Degree, PhD. You are going to become a Professor – You have to raise the height of your Platform.

And as you are doing that, your influence is spreading. And the intensity of your Life will continue to Shine.

So increase your height, grow your Platform and increase the Intensity of your Life.

Let’s look at the Life of King Solomon, according to Ecclesiastes 1:1, 12:

The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem.

… The words of who? The Preacher (King Solomon).

The Question is: If you were a King and you were the Preacher and a son of David and you were asked to introduce yourself, what would you say?

You would say, “The words of a King, the son of David, who also happens to be the Preacher.” Because to you, Preacher is the smallest of them.

So, who are you above everything else? He says, I am a Preacher. What is your Legitimacy? He says, I am the son of David.

Excuse me Sir, what is your Platform – From where are you to Preach the Message? He says, I am a King in Jerusalem.

– So what was his (Solomon’s) Calling? To be a Preacher.

– What was the Platform to Preach from? King in Jerusalem.

It is not every Preacher that Preaches from a Church Pulpit.

King Solomon said: I am a Preacher. “But where are you going to Preach from?” He said, I am going to Preach from the Palace (my Throne): And for your information, my Sermon is not inferior to all other Preachings from the Church.

I want to ask you a Question: When you read the Book of Proverbs, are those the words of God? Sure!

The Preacher Preaching (in the Book of Proverbs) where was his Church?

He didn’t have a Church, but he had a Kingdom! Which Pulpit was he Preaching from? A Throne!

And it was not a Figurative Throne. It was a Throne which the Bible says, there was no Throne like it (on Earth). On each side there were six (6) Lions.

And Solomon is sitting on the Throne, a Preacher for God, Preaching Eternal Messages, coming from the Throne (his Palace).

And the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8:4, Where the word of a King is, there is Power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?

King Solomon was using the Power of his Throne and the Power in the Word of God to Preach irresistible Messages.

… Just imagine this: “I, the Preacher, the son of FAMILY MEMBERS, and Sermons Translation Expert.”

I (the Preacher) was a Medical Doctor of so and so Hospital.

I remember my days as a Medical Practitioner. I sat in the Hospital, but I knew I am a Preacher, who happened to be a Medical Doctor

All of you are used to supporting your Pastors. No! You have your own Ministry. “Are you saying we shouldn’t support our Pastors?” You should support Pastors!

And as you do, they would set you on Fire: and then you will carry that Fire to the uttermost end of the Earth.

Why should God be looking for Missionaries in the School where you are a Lecturer (Teacher)?

– You teach them Chemistry and you don’t teach them Jesus.

– You are collecting Salaries in a Place where you can win Souls.

If we understand this, the Church will be Growing from Outside. And our People will be bringing People to the Church.

You will Preach to them, disciple them in your different Locations and then bring them to Church.

As you bring them to Church, the Pastor will set them on Fire, and they will take the Fire outside to bring in more People.

Why should Jesus die for you Full-Time and you are serving Him Part-Time? That’s an insult! Repent today.



You may look Ordinary, but that is a lie. You carry Power inside you.

When the Tongue of Fire landed on the Disciples in the Upper Room.

Did the Holy Spirit stay on their heads?

Yes, He landed on their head and entered into their bones – They were filled and began to speak as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance.

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:19 – What? know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

So the Holy Spirit is living where? He is inside you! Meaning Jesus is also inside you.

Colossians 1:27 says, Christ in you, the Hope of Glory: Christ “In” you, not Christ ‘with’ you.



There are Three (3) Dimensions of the Presence of God that you will find in the Scripture:

1. God can be for you.

Romans 8:31 says, If God be for us, who can be against us?

2. God can be with you – He was with Joseph.

But do you know that God can be for you and refuse to be with you?

God told the Children of Israel, I am for you, I am going to fight all your battles. I will get you to the Promise Land but I will not go with you. I will send an Angel to go with you, I will solve your Problems. But I will not follow you.

Moses said, if Your Presence does not go with us, we are not going anywhere.

Exodus 33:15 – What will distinguish us from the world, if not Your Presence?

You are carrying what you don’t understand. You are looking for what is outside because you don’t understand what is going on. His Presence is the guarantee of rest.

When you sin against His Presence, you sin against your rest.

Anything that takes away His Presence takes away your rest – That Pornography in your Phone, you are sinning against your rest.

Thank God the Presence of God went with them.

Psalms 114:1-3 says, When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a People of Strange Language; Judah was his Sanctuary, and Israel his Dominion. The sea saw it, and fled: Jordan was driven back.

… But there is a third dimension of His Presence, and it is the Ultimate:

3. It is when God relocates inside you: He says, I will dwell in you.

Study the Logo of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – There is Someone in the Middle (the Holy Spirit). The Christians and the Church are outside.

When the Holy Spirit is a inside, spreading His wings, suddenly manifestations take Place. Christ is inside you – how? The problem is that you don’t realiz/se how deep you are inside.

Do you remember the demonaic that Jesus met in Mark 5? He could not be bound by anybody; he was living in the tomb. But when he saw Jesus coming, he ran and bowed to Jesus.

Jesus asked the madman – What is your name? What did the demon say? “My name is Legion.” Why? Because there are many of us inside this man.

In the Roman Army a Legion was made up of six thousand (6,000) Soldiers.

And this demonic Spirit was called Legion, because the Commander of thousands of demons was now living inside one man.

Then they begged Jesus, “don’t cast us out.” And there were about two thousand (2,000) pigs feeding nearby.

The demons begged to be cast into the pigs. And Jesus ordered them to go!

So all the demons came out of the madman, entered into the pigs and what happened to the pigs? They drown! They ran and Perished in the water, about two thousand (2,000) of them.

Meaning that every pig received at least one demon; because if there was a pig that was not demon Possessed, it would have continued what it was doing. Is that not so?

But as soon as the demon entered into the pigs, the pigs became suicidal.

You see, anytime you hear a voice telling you to kill yourself, you are listening to a demon.

And if there be any one here or reading now on the Label of DMC, and you have been hearing such voices – Telling you to take your Life; I bind them, in the Name of Jesus Christ; and I cast them out of your life, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

So all the pigs Perished! – Two thousand (2,000) pigs could not contain what one man has been carrying for years.

The Legions, where were they? They were inside one man! And as the man is walking up and down, you could not see those spirits, because they were inside.

From today I want you to know that Jesus lives inside you. You may not see Him, feel Him, but He is inside.

And as you allow Him to express Himself, to Minister through you; in the Office wherever you are located; And as you grow the intensity of your Platform, you all will see great Manifestation – Amen.

In John 13:27, Satan put it in the heart of Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus. Jesus dipped a piece of bread and gave to Judas. The Bible says, Satan entered into Judas Iscariot.

If you saw Judas Iscariot walking down the road, will you see Satan? Where was Satan? He was inside! Then Jesus spoke, “that thing you want to do, do it quickly.”

Do you know that Jesus was talking to two (2) People here? He was talking to Judas, but he was also talking to Satan. He said, Satan I can see you inside this man: “that thing you have been Planning for me all these years, bring it on – and I will crush your head.”

Satan was Present at the Last Supper. That was where he entered into Judas.

I want to ask you a Question: What makes you think that Jesus cannot enter into you?

1 John 4:4 says, Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them:

They said why? He said, because Greater is He that is (where)? In you, than he that is in the world.

You hear the Bible say in Romans 8:11, But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your Mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

You are carrying Him inside you. He is the Secret of the Manifestation; it is not about what you can do or cannot do. It is about giving Him space.

Chosen Vessels, rise up on your feet and let us Pray!

Begin to give God Praise, begin to say, I can do all things through Christ Who Strengthens me.

Say, Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. I accept my Assignment, I am Called of God.

I, the Preacher will Preach from my Throne in the Office, School, Business and Market Place.

If you have not been baptised in the Holy Spirit, receive the Holy Spirit Baptism now.

You will carry Him to your School – The Spirit of Excellence will go with you. You will carry the Wisdom, the Fire to wherever you are going.

Say Father; increase the Intensity of my height. Pray!

Many of you will be Preaching from a Throne – An Academic Throne, a Business Throne, a Throne in Government.

“I (the Preacher) was a Student in the University, carrying the Power of the Holy Ghost to Plunder hell and Popular Heaven.

Say Father; raise the height of my Platform.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Just lift up your hands in Surrender.

And your final Prayer is:

LORD, I set myself apart for what You have set apart for me. I am not available for everything, I am set apart.

I see myself apart from Compromise, Sexual Immorality, from everything Impure.

Enter into a Covenant with God today. Say Father; I am set apart, my body is set apart, my Phone, everything about me is set apart!

Pray, say my eyes are set apart: my eyes will see the Glory of God.

Thank You Father! In the Name of Jesus.

… Now lift up your hands, I will like to Pray with you:



Eternal Father, behold Your Blood Bought Children, for whom Jesus Purchased Enlargement for;

The Ultimate Enlargement of carrying God inside our Heart.

Now unto Him that is able to do Exceeding Abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the Power that worketh in us.

Father, let that Power that resides inside these Brothers and Sisters be activated and released, in the Name of Jesus.

Let them carry You wherever they go from today.

Let them be conscious of Your Presence;

Let them carry Your Power, Fire, Light to their different Platforms, in the Name of Jesus. And as they carry you, Manifest Your Power through them;

Manifest in Healing, in Deliverance, in Miracles, Testimonies, Promotions, Liftings, in Salvation through every one of them, in the Name of Jesus.

Father, release them as an Army – An Army of a whole house.

Let them go forth carrying their Fire to the Uttermost end of the Earth, in the Name of Jesus.

Let there be Testimonies as they go; let there be Salvation, New Fellowship, New Churches Planted. Let there be Disciples, in the Name of Jesus.

And sustain this Fire inside their Hearts.

Father, from today they are set apart.

Everything about them is set apart. Because there are Wonders coming in their lives, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee.

The LORD make his face Shine upon thee, and be Gracious unto thee.

The LORD lift up his Countenance upon thee, and give thee Peace.

The Eternal Jehovah lift you and use you beyond your Imagination, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

The Favour of the Eternal God rest upon you, and let His Power do Wonders in and through your lives, in the Name of Jesus.

… And all the People of God shout – Amen!

So people, jump and give Him Praise. Clap your hands in Praise.

There is a Revival coming to the Church; and Fire into every nook and cranny of the Earth until the world is filled with the Knowledge of the Glory of God, as the waters cover the sea.

Somebody give God Praise in the house.

Thank You!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


About Devotional 2023

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