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Well, let Somebody shout a really “Big Hallelujah” – HALLELUJAH!!!!

If you know that tonight is the Night that the Almighty God will Reposition you, would you Please shout a loud Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

If there is absolutely no doubts in your Mind that the Almighty God has Single you out for Tonight to be your Night of a Great Repositioning; with your loudest voice, Please shout another “Big Hallelujah” – Hallelujah.

Let us Pray!


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All the Glory must be to the Lord,
For He is Worthy of our Praise
No man on Earth
Should give Glory to Himself;
All the Glory must be to the Lord.


My Father and my God, tonight we are in Your Presence.

We know that Expectation is the Birth Place of Manifestation.

And because we have come here with Great Expectations, we are asking You to do something that You have never done before:

Do something Wonderful, do something Magnificent.

And Father, wherever Your Children may be, locate them and Place them where you want them to be.

Put the devil to Shame! Heal Bodies, give Breakthroughs; but most importantly safe Souls.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Come on, shout another “Big Hallelujah” – Hallelujah!

Turn to Someone next to you and tell them: God will give you a Breakthrough tonight; but mine will be bigger than yours – Amen.

Let me first of all thank my Mummy and my Daddy, for this great opportunity to come and share this Word with you this Evening.

I want to look at Jeremiah 32:17 (NKJV).

Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the Heavens and the Earth by Your Great Power and Outstretched Arm. There is nothing too hard for You.

I read that again – Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the Heavens and the Earth by Your Great Power and Outstretched Arm. There is Nothing too hard for You.

And on this Third (3rd) Night of Divine Repositioning, my Assignment is talk to you from the Topic: “POWER BELONGS TO GOD.”

Someone just say that with me – Say: Power Belongs to God!

When the Almighty God gave this Theme of “DIVINE REPOSITIONING” to our daddy, He had Global Impact in Mind.


Because if the Almighty God is going to Reposition each one of us, that means there will be:

– A Reposition in our Individual Life;

– A Reposition in our Individual Homes;

– A Reposition in our Individual Communities;

– A Reposition in our Individual Countries;

– A Reposition in our Individual Work Of Life.


So when we speak of Repositioning – As the Almighty God gave this Theme to our dad; there are many but I wish to lift just three (3) Component Aspects of the Concept of Repositioning.

As I say that again: There are many but I only want to lift three (3) Component Aspects that are necessary to Place.


And then I want to focus on just one of those three (3) Aspects – Because to Reposition a thing or a Person one must:

1. First, Locate the thing or the Person that they Plan to Reposition.

2. Secondly, after they locate the thing or the Person that theyPlan to Reposition, they must then already have a Destination where they want to Place the thing or the Person that they have Repositioned.

3. And finally, after locating the thing or the Person; and having a destination where you want to Place it; the third Component Part is that: The one that is doing the Repositioning must have the Power in spite of the difficulty and the opposition, to put that thing or that Person where they Planned to put it.


I would say it one more time:

– In order to Reposition something, an Individual has to first, relocate the thing or Person that they want to Reposition.

– Secondly, they must have a Destination; an Idea of where they are going to put the thing or the Person that is being Repositioned.

– And then thirdly, in spite of the obstacle, or any opposition, they must have the Power to put what they have located in the Place where the have desired.


Now, all these Three (3) Components that I have just named are all Significant; but not equally Significant.

Because you may be able to locate a thing; but not know where you are going to put it.

Or secondly, you may say, “I have locate it and I have some Place where I want to put it; but I don’t have the means or the ability to get it from where it is to where I want to rest it”.

Therefore Beloved, to Reposition a thing, to Shift a thing, to Relocate a thing:


– There must be a Catalyst;

– There must be a Muscle;

– There must be a Might;

– There must be an Energy;

– There must be an Enablement;

– Or some type of Mechanism to make the movement Possible.

I suggest to you that there is the need for POWER.


Now, what do I mean when I say “Power?”

Power is defined as the ability, the act; or to Produce effect.

… Some echo Power – Power!

Power is also defined as having Possession of Control: having Authority, having Influence.

Power is also defined as having Physical Might.

And another definition of Power is a Source or means that Supplies energy.

My Assignment is to talk to you about, “POWER BELONGS TO GOD.”


In this Statement, it intonates, or it tells us that God and God alone is the Source, the Wellspring, the Owner of Power that is necessary to act on your behalf, on my behalf; and to cause a Divine Repositioning so that He can take us from where we are and Place us where He wants us to be.

I’ve got Good News for somebody that’s watching me, that’s listening to me, that tuned in by whatever Mainstream Platforms or reading now – By virtue of your attending this Congress, by virtue of tuning in to this Congress – Whether you are watching it Live or whether you are watching later or reading now  there will be a Shift concerning your Destiny starting from tonight – Amen!


If you received that, shout a loud Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Please, tell someone near you: A Shift is happening to me!

So, I suggest to you tonight, that God not only has the Power to Reposition us with ease; but He has the Power to Reposition!

He not only has the Power, but He is the Power!

The Bible says in Psalms 62:11, God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: That Power belongs to God.

… He not only has the Power, but He is the Power.

In Matthew 6: 9-13, Jesus Teaching us how to Pray, taught us this way:

Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom come.
Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this Day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our Debtors. And do not lead us into Temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

… Here it is:

For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory (how?) forever!

I have come to talk to someone tonight or as you read now  – To tell you that whatever God has told you He is going to do for you; He not only has the Power to do it; but He is the Power to get it done.

Somebody say: God got the Power!

I am telling you: He not only has the Power but He is the Power. He said so in one (1) of His Many Names:

I. His Name is Omniscience or Omniscient:

Meaning that He has All-Knowledge of things Pertaining to Science.

II. His Name also is Omnipresent:

Meaning that He is everywhere at the exact same time.

III. And one of His other Names is Omnipotent:

Meaning that everything Pertaining to Power has its Source, Support, Origin and end in Him.

He is Omnipotent, meaning that anything He says He is going to do, He is more than able to get it done.

I don’t know what you came here tonight or as you are reading on the Label of DMC, believing God for. I don’t know what your Expectation is.

But I do know this – The God that we serve has the Power, He is the Power, and He would make it happen for you – Amen.

If you’ve received it, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

In Revelation 19:6, it says that in Heaven there is a Song that is being sung and the Song is:

Hallelujah for the Lord God,
Omnipotent Reigns!

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Which means that He is the God who is in Control – His Name has the Power; and He has the Authority to do whatever He says He is going to do in your Life.

You will not end this Year wanting for anything; because the Lord God Omnipotent Reigns – Amen.

And whatever He Promised you in January, even if it has not happened yet, before this Year ends; because He cannot lie, He will make it happen for you – Amen!

If you can believe it, shout a “Big Hallelujah” – Hallelujah.

Now, I will round up by telling you that, “to Reposition you, He has to Locate you.”

– He has to Locate you,

– He has to have a destination for you, and

– He has got to be able to conquer all obstacles to get you where He has Planned for you.

And you need to know that the Almighty God has been thinking about you.

And the fact that He has been thinking about you, is for you to end Gloriously!

He says in Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of Peace and not of evil, to give you a Future and a Hope.

… So God has the ability to Locate you.

And there is someone that is here tonight, or reading now on the Label of DMC – The Almighty God sent me here to tell you that He’s Looking for you.

The Bible says it this way in 2 Chronicles 16:9 – For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself Strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.

And I am telling you: It doesn’t matter where you are, it doesn’t matter where Adversity has hidden you; God can Find you out – Amen!

Somebody say: He will Locate me!


I wish I had time to talk to you and to tell you how He located one Young man who was the Youngest in his Tribe – His Tribe was the weakest in the Land, and he was hiding in a Winepress threshing wheat. And he was a fearful, timid man hiding from his adversaries.

But the Lord Located him and Repositioned him:

– From being fearful to being fearless;

– From being one that was hiding in a Winepress to being one that was to deliver his entire Family and Nation.

NOTE: The Young Man refered to here is Gideon. And you can get to read the Story in the Book of Judges Chapter 6 (You can read the whole Chapter).

I’ve come to talk to someone who may be saying that you are the Least, and that you are the Last, that you are left out; but tonight, the Almighty God is looking for you and He is going to move you from Obscurity to Limelight – Amen!

If you can believe it, lift your voice and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Stand to your feet Please, and Pray this Prayer.

Say: Father, wherever I am Please, Locate me.

Use thirty (30) Seconds to Pray that Prayer – Father, wherever I am, Please, Locate me.

Thank You Lord! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

And so shall He do for you, in Jesus’ Name – Amen!

… Please, be seated in His Presence.

I am here to tell you that – God can Locate you. And listen, “He can also locate who He needs to locate, that needs to locate you”.

Did you hear what I just said?

I said: God cannot only Locate you; but He can Locate who He needs to Locate; to Locate you!

I wish I had time to tell you more.

But do you remember Moses on the backside of the Mountain? A Foreigner running and hiding out of fear.

Yet the Almighty God Located him, gave him a Message – Told him to go down to the Children of Israel and tell them, “I have seen your Oppressions; I have Located you and I am coming down to deliver you.”


I want Someone to hear me and hear me well:

Whoever your Destiny Helper is, who seems to be hidden now; by the Authority of coming to this Congress and reading now on the Label of DMC; God would Locate the one who is supposed to Locate you; and would send them to get you delivered — Amen.

If you can receive it, shout a “Big Hallelujah” – Hallelujah.

He Located the Children of Israel. And then He said, “I will Reposition you. I am taking you from the Land of Egypt, and I already have a Place that is Prepared for you; that is flowing with Milk and Honey.”

Somebody needs to hear what I am telling you this Evening:

That when God puts you in your Wealthy Place; when He puts you in the Spot where He has already Prepared for you; you will be able to go in there.

Because He would have already dealt with the Cannanites, the Jebusites, the Hithithes, and everybody that has been trying to block your Progress.

God says, “I’ve got the Power to Overthrow them and to get you into your Destiny – Amen!

I wish you could tell somebody: I am on my way!

Your Adversaries and your Adversities are really the things that God uses to show you how Powerful He is.

I say He uses your Adversaries and all other Adversities just to Prove to you how Powerful He really, really is.

He said in Exodus 9:16, But indeed for this Purpose, I have raised you up, that I may show My Power in you, and that My Name may be declared in all the Earth.

In other words, He is saying to you: Your Adversities and your Adversaries are just there so God can show you how ‘bad’ He is.

I will never forget – It was about four (4) years ago, that our Daddy (GO) was Teaching; and he was Teaching on “Mountains.”

And he was trying to get us see that we have to Change our Perspectives on our Mountain – Stop seeing your Mountain, your Goliath (as it were) as something that is coming to try and tear you down.

Daddy (GO) gave us a Deeper Revelation on it – He said, “If it had not been for Goliath, we would have never seen David as a Warrior.”

But all Goliath did was advertise that David was not just a Shepherd; he was not just a Psalmist; but he was also a Warrior.

And I’ve come to tell someone listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC that:

– The current Adversary that is attacking you;

– The current Adversity that is trying to stab you;

It is just God’s way of advertising you so that People will look at you and you would be able to say, “If it had not been been for the Lord that was on my side, I would have been swallowed up.” (Psalms 124:1-2)

I want you to know that this current Trial; this current Adversity is just God’s way of showing you how Powerful He is.

Our God is the God who not only has Power and He is Power.

But if He has it and uses it; when He speaks, His words are Powerful.

The Bible says in Hebrews 1:3 – Who being the Brightness of His Glory, and the express Image of His Person, and Upholding all things (how?) by the Word of His Power!

That’s why He can send His Word and Heal your disease (Psalms 107:20).

Because when He Who is Omniscient (He has All-Knowledge) and Medicine and Science hear words of His Power.

That means He’s sending Medicine and Healing in your direction.

So when He talks, whatever He is going to give to you comes to you.

Somebody say: His Word is coming to me tonight!

– When He speaks His Word has Power.

– When He is Present, He is Present to release Power.

And someone needs to know: He is here right now!

And I don’t care how weak you are or how you came in here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; He is releasing Power – Amen!

The Bible says in Isaiah 40:29, He gives Power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases Strength.

… He is here to release Power to you – Amen.

And once He is here to release Power, His Power and His Presence is here to Heal you – Amen.

For the Bible says in Luke 5:17, Now it happened on a certain day, as He was teaching, that there were Pharisees and Teachers of the Law sitting by, who had come out of every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem.

… And the Power of the Lord was present to heal them.

Luke 6:19 says, And the whole Multitude sought to touch Him, for Power went out from Him and healed them all.

So tonight Beloved, I want you to release your Faith, because God’s Power is Locating you;

He has a Place where He is going to keep you.

And He’s got the Power to do it.

Stand to your feet and let’s Pray this Last Prayer, Please!

The Bible says in Luke 1:37, that when the Angel was talking to Mary , when she said, “how can these things be? How am I going to have a child? I have no flesh to help me.

And the Word that came to her in Luke 1:37 was; “For with God Nothing will be impossible.”

I want you to lift your voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, every impossibility in my Life; by Your Power tonight, make it Possible.

Go ahead, Pray – Every impossibility: Physical, Spiritual, Financial, Marital, Fruitless effort.

Every impossibility in my Life, by Your Great Power, make it Possible tonight.

Thank You Lord!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

So shall it be for you, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

If you received this, come on, open your mouth, throw your head back and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


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