Table of Contents
Thank You Father – Hallelujah!
Well, let’s lift our hands to the Almighty God and Bless His Holy Name.
Worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Bless Him, give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration.
Bless His Holy Name! Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him. Bless the King of kings and the Lord of lords; Worship Him.
Thank You Father! Thank You Almighty God. Thank You Lord – Hallelujah.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Worship – Amen.
I am confident that there is someone here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC who would never weep again – Amen.
Now if you are that one, for the next few Minutes Praise God in such a manner that He will Notice you that you are the one.
… Go ahead, Praise the Almighty God.
Thank You Lord! Thank You Father – Hallelujah.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.
Praise Him, Praise Him
King of Glory Praise Him;
Praise Jehovah,
Hallelujah Amen.
I will Praise Him
King of Glory Praise Him;
Praise Jehovah,
Hallelujah Amen.
Let us Praise Him
King of Glory Praise Him;
Praise Jehovah,
Hallelujah Amen.
Father we Worship You – King of Glory we Adore You, the Lord of Joy we bless Your Holy Name.
Accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.
Thank You for what You did Yesterday, Thank You for what You are about to do now.
Please, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.
In Your Own Miraculous way my Father and my God, in all our lives banish sorrow Completely!
From today onwards, let us know Nothing but Joy.
And then in Your Own Miraculous way, with Your Everlasting Arms rescue those who are in the Miry Clay.
Put everyone of us inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC on the Rock to stay.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell them: God will do something New in my Life today – Amen.
God Bless You (Amen). You may Please be seated.
Tomorrow (Day 3, Wednesday) by the Special Grace of God is a Day for Healing – And God is going to be curing the Incurable tomorrow – Amen.
Tonight we are going to be sharing from Psalms 40:1-3.
1 I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.
2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.
3 And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.
God is going to hear the cry of Someone here Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – Amen.
Tonight we are talking on: “FROM MIRY CLAY TO THE ROCK TO STAY.”
Tonight would be different from any Night you’ve ever seen before – Amen.
Our Sermon is going to be broken into Two (2) small Pieces:
– In Part 1 we will be talking to those who are in the Miry Clay; and then give them an opportunity to come to the Rock.
So, half way through the Sermon, there will be an Altar Call so that those who are in the Miry Clay and want to be Transpositioned to the Rock, we give them an opportunity to give their lives to Jesus.
– After we’ve done that, we will have a Second little Sermon to talk to those who are already on the Rock.
You see, when you get married; when you make a Vow of Marriage, there are Two (2) Significant Sections in that vow.
When you say, “I take this woman to be my Lawfully wedded wife,” you make a Promise that is two-fold: “TO HAVE” AND “TO HOLD”.
Tonight our Topic is two-fold – One is to be Repositioned from the Miry Clay unto the Rock; while the Second Section is to Stay.
And to Stay is more crucial than to be Repositioned to the Rock.
So, Section 1 would be an Outreach to those who are in the Miry Clay.
Section 2 is going to be a Bible Study; where we will be digging Deep a little.
… And after that, we would be allowed to Pray.
Tonight when it is time to Pray, I would Pray for you first; like I did yesterday. And then you would be asked to go and Pray.
Nobody would stop you when you get to that Second Section – You would be allowed to Pray for as long as you want.
ALSO SEE; .com/rccg-holy-ghost-congress-2023-4th-december-2023-bishop-wale-okes-message
I think you need to Stretch your hands towards me and say: Father, help Your Son (Pastor E.A Adeboye).
… Please, Pray that Prayer loud and clear.
From the very beginning of the world, there have been two (2) Major Forces in Operation – Darkness and Light.
In Genesis 1:1-4, the Bible made it clear – In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. And the Earth was without form, and void; and Darkness was upon the face of the Deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be Light: and there was Light. And God saw the Light, that it was Good: and God divided the Light from the Darkness.
And today, in the Name that’s above every other name, God is going to Reposition Someone from Darkness to Light – Amen.
Now, living in Darkness is compared to living in a Miry Clay.
*Miry Clay in modern Language, we call it, “Quick Sand.”
You know, certain Parts of the world they have what they call “Quick Sand”.
If somebody finds himself in “Quick Sand”, the harder he tries to get out, the deeper he goes.
Miry Clay – The Passage we read (Psalms 40:1-3) calls it “Terrible Pit”.
Now, how do we know whether or not we are living in a Miry Clay?
I will explain so that you can make up your Mind to know whether you’re living in a Miry Clay or not.
1. One of the Greatest evidence of living in a Miry Clay is Travailing – Working Hard, Struggling Hard without Progress.
In fact, instead of Progress, like in a “Quick Sand”, the more you Struggle, the deeper you go.
In Ecclesiastes 2:26, the Bible describes it for us:
It talks of People who keep on Struggling, only to give these things to People who Please God. They Struggle and they have Nothing to show for it.
On the surface they are doing well. But deep within they know something is wrong.
I remember when I was living in the Miry Clay – I was already a Lecturer in the University. I had a car, but since I was afraid of driving in Lagos (Nigeria) I had a driver.
I would pay him his Salary at the beginning of the Month, by the Middle of the Month I would be borrowing Money from my driver to buy fuel.
If you go to the University of Lagos (and if they still keep those files at the Health Centre) my file was piled big. If I got sick and I got healed, then tomorrow it will be either my wife or one of the children.
… I was in the Miry Clay, and everybody thought I was doing Great.
Struggling with nothing to show for it is Evidence number one (1) that you are in the Miry Clay.
Even if you are “rich” in the Miry Clay, the Bible says with all your Wealth you won’t be able to Sleep.
According to Ecclesiastes 5:12, when you are in the Miry Clay, you may have money, but you won’t be able to sleep.
The Bible tells us that if you are in the Miry Clay, the reason you have this Problem is because according to Psalms 7:11, you are living under the constant anger of God
Psalms 7:11 says, God judgeth the Righteous, and God is angry with the Wicked every day. And you can imagine a Life where God is angry with you everyday.
2. If you are living in the Miry Clay, as far as God is concerned, you are referred to as a Dog.
In Matthew 15:21-28, the Bible made it clear, there are two (2) kinds of Creatures of God on Earth – Dogs and Children.
3. If you are living in the Miry Clay according to Revelation 22:15, you’re an Outcast.
God regards you as Somebody to be kept Outside.
4. And hen there is something that is common to all those who are living in the Miry Clay – They suffer from Fear:
Regularly they are tormented by fear.
In 1 John 4:18, the Bible tells us, fear has a torment.
That is why you find a lot of so called ‘Big People’ who surround themselves with all manners of charms. Because they are afraid that somebody sooner or later would want to attack.
But there is the other side: those who live on the Rock.
1. The Bible says in Proverbs 10:22 that God blesses them and adds no sorrow – God will just bless them without sweat.
2. The Bible tells us in Psalms 127:1-2, God gives His Beloved Sleep. They sleep fine.
3. The Bible tells us that those who are on the Rock, God does not call them dogs, He calls them children.
4. In John 1:11-12 and Romans 8:15, the Bible tells us that these People, they know no fear, because they are the children of the Most High God.
They know God would take care of His Own.
Now those in the Miry Clay (like I said earlier on); they cannot get out without Divine Help.
Because if you find yourself in “Quick Sand”, unless somebody from Outside comes to rescue you, you would just be there – Sinking deeper and deeper!
If you take time to read Proverbs 23:29-35, it tells you, for example that the drunkard drinks to drown his sorrow.
… He’s not happy, so he wants to drown the sorrow.
So he goes and gets drunk, and then as he is getting a little sober he says, “Hey, don’t worry, I will drink again.”
… The Drunkard keeps getting drunk.
Oh! You find that the one in the Miry Clay, from time to time he will realise, “my Life is not what it should be, things are not okay.”
Then the New Year will come and he will make what they call, “New Year Resolutions,” and within one week, they break all the Resolutions.
It’s not their fault, they couldn’t help themselves.
The Bible says in 2 Peter 2:22, But it is happened unto them according to the true Proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
But there is Someone who can pull them out; Someone who can pull you out of the Miry Clay and put you on the Rock.
According to Deuteronomy 33:27 the Bible tells us that His Arms are Everlasting.
He can sit down on His Throne in Heaven and reach down that Mighty Hand, grab you and bring you out!
And He is going to do so tonight – Amen.
That is what he did to me – Among Academicians; those of us who thought that we were brilliant.
We talked all kinds of rubbish – After a bottle or two (2) of beer; after we have discussed Politics and Economy, the next thing we discuss is Jesus.
We continue to blaspheme Him.
We say, “That Man Jesus is a very Clever Man: He says you must not look at a woman – Don’t look at any beautiful woman.
But when a harlot came and began to wash His feet with tears and wipe it with the hair of her head, and somebody said, hey, why are you doing this to Him? He said, Mind your own business.”
I was in the Miry Clay but it Pleased the Almighty God, one day He Stretched out His Everlasting Arms and grabbed me among all those noisy blasphemers and said, “you? You’re coming to the Rock.”
There is Somebody here tonight inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, that same Everlasting Arm will reach out to you and Pluck you out of the Miry Clay – Amen.
He has the ability to Pluck you out of that rubbish and wash you clean.
1 John 1:7 tells me that His Blood Cleanses from all sins.
.Because we still have Part 2, I don’t have time to begin to tell you all the rubbish I have ever done.
But I was in the Miry Clay:
– When we lie, we say it with glee – “I sat him down (Mo gbe j’oko).” We took Pride in lying.
– When we got drunk over the Weekend and we want to boast about it on Monday we say, “Ha! Yesterday was terrible.”
But today, I am on the Rock! And there are some People in the Miry Clay that my God would want to Reposition – And the invitation is Open.
You see, there is Nobody that God has condemned into being in the Miry Clay.
Occasionally you hear some People say, “I am living this Lifestyle because God made me so.”
No! God never made anything evil. Everything He made was Good. In fact, when He made you, He said, very Good.
But then He says, “Come unto me all ye that Labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.
He gives you a Choice!
In Revelation 3:20, He says, Behold, I Stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
You have a Choice – You can continue to live in the Miry Clay, continue to travail, continue to be afraid, continue to live in Sorrow; Or receive His Invitation and He will Reposition you.
It took me quite a while! When I had a Problem and the Problem brought me finally to the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).
I looked at the Church, I looked at the name – The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).
I said, Ha! Big name – Big name kills the small dog.”
I got there, they Preached and they were telling me, “forsake your sin” I said, what do they know about sin? Just habits!
But one day, my day came and I realised that these People I was calling illiterates (I was the most Educated among them then); When you look at their faces you can see the Peace of God.
There was a Storm raging in my own heart. I saw the difference was clear!
Something said to me, “they are not asking you to Surrender to their Church, they are asking you to Surrender to your Maker. With all your degrees how far have you gone?”
That day I heard His voice; that day I Surrendered; that day everything Changed.
And tonight before I go to the Second Part; any one of you – You know you are in the Miry Clay; you are travailing, you are in sorrow, in fear you, you think you are enjoying. But you yourself say, “yesterday was bad!”
If it is you that God is talking to then know very well He says in His Word, today is the Day of Salvation, now is the Accepted Time.
So if you really want to cross over from the Miry Clay to the Rock come now and I will Pray for your Salvation: and the One who saved my Soul is here waiting to save your own Soul today.
As you are coming, cry unto Him: Lord Please, save my Soul. Reposition me from the Miry Clay. I want to be on the Rock.
I want to be Your Child, I want to become one of Yours. Lord I don’t want to remain a dog. Father save my Soul.
Ask Jesus to be Merciful unto you and save your Soul today. Ask Him to Reposition you from the Miry Clay and put your feet on the Rock.
Cry to the Almighty God – Please Lord, save my Soul. I want you to Reposition me. I want to be on the Rock. Call on Him now!
And the rest of us Please, Stretch your hands to these People and intercede for them.
Pray that the Almighty God would have Mercy on them and save their Souls.
Pray that today will mark a New Beginning even as they are moved from the Miry Clay onto a Life on the Rock.
Stretch your hands to them and Pray for them Brethren.
Thank You Father – Hallelujah!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Saviour, I just want to say Thank You!
Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for today, being a Great Day of Salvation for many People;
Particularly for those who are here tonight and for those who are watching all over the world inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC.
Please, save their Souls Lord and Reposition them from the Miry Clay. Lord put them on the Rock right now.
And Lord God Almighty, let them stay with you forever.
When they cry to You now Father, Please answer them.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.
I rejoice with those of you who have Genuinely Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ today.
From now on by the Grace of God I will be Praying for you. So I need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
God Bless You!
By the Grace of God you are on the Rock now – Congratulations!
Choir, help us with Soft Music Please.
Thank You Father!
Now all those who believe they are now on the Rock let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
Incidentally, they just brought me the Maternity Report.
Since the Congress started yesterday till 7p.m this Evening, seven (8) children have been born – Six (6) Boys and One (1) Girl.
So let the Boys shout Praise the Lord!
And the Girls shout Hallelujah!
… Now we’ve come to Part 2. I want you to fasten your Seatbelt.
There is Nothing as bad as being called ex-rich, ex-successful, ex-powerful – It is better never to have been on the Rock than to go back to the Miry Clay.
So I Pray for everyone of you in the Name that’s above every other name, you will never go back – Amen.
Let me remind you of the Advantages of being on the Rock, because He wants to Reposition us out of the Miry Clay unto the Rock to stay.
When you are Staying on the Rock, your Future is Secured.
Matthew says, 7:24-7 says, Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a Wise Man, which built his house upon a Rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a Rock.
In the Name that’s above every other name, everything you have achieved in Life will Last – Amen.
It is one thing to be successful now, and it is another thing to succeed forever because you are brought on the Rock to stay.
Luke 20:17-18 says, And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to Powder.
But you see, the devil who is the king of the Miry Clay is a very mischievous fellow – The moment you escape, he will do everything he can to bring you back.
But he would fail, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
There are many People all over the world now telling you that, once you are saved, you are saved forever.
Of course you can be saved forever – Provided you take heed.
1 Corinthians 10:12 tells us, Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
The Almighty God Who has kept me Standing till now will keep you Standing forever – Amen
There are so many Preachers now all over the world telling you that since you are saved by Grace (which is true), that you can now do whatever you like. And that you would still make it to Heaven.
They say that People like me (who tells you to take heed); they say we have not Studied Paul.
So I want to talk to you tonight – “Serious Talk”, father to children; because, whether the devil likes it or not, because of what you are going to hear tonight and what you are going to do tonight, I will see you in Heaven – Amen.
They said People like me, we didn’t Study Paul.
Ha! I studied Paul.
Because when I became Born Again, I Studied certain Characters in the Bible – People I want to be like.
I Studied Elijah, because I wanted Power. Hey! That man could Pray and fire would fall.
I Studied Elijah for three (3) solid years – Private Study.
I studied Elisha.
And one of the People I Studied was PAUL – Why?
Paul was an Academician – You know I am coming from the Academic World.
He has a PhD in Law.
There is a lot of Relationship between Law and Mathematics – We deal in Logic.
The Bible says in Acts 19:11-12, And God wrought Special Miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick Handkerchiefs or Aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.
I said I am going to be like Paul – I was determined when I was a very a Young Christian that by the time I leave this world, it would be recorded:
“God Performed Special Miracles by the hands of Adeboye so that from his body Handkerchiefs and Aprons were taken to the sick and they were all healed.”
I thank God by now, only God knows how many Testimonies on that already.
So I Studied Paul more than these People who begin to tell us that if I had Studied Paul I would have known that he is an Apostle of Grace and therefore I won’t be talking what I am talking.
I Studied Paul – And I am going to talk to you from what Paul; the one they claimed as their Source said – I won’t even touch any other Apostles.
1. Apostle Paul had tasted both sides – The Miry Clay and the Rock.
In 1 Timothy 1:12-15 He calls himself the Chief of Sinners.
I could relate to that – When I was Studying him I said, “God, I Thank You, I have been a very naughty boy but I wasn’t as bad as Saul of Tarsus (now Paul). If you could use Saul of Tarsus, then you can use me.”
2. Then when he got on the Rock, he moved so fast on the Rock that in 2 Corinthians 11:5 he could boldly say, “I am a Chief among the Apostles.”
Please listen to me my children; this is a very Special Night, I am not here to boast but by the Special Grace of God, anywhere in the world today when they are mentioning People they call “Apostles” I think they will mention my name.
I Studied Paul because I wanted to become like him.
3. He is one who said in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, you want to stay on the Rock? Keep your body under Subjection.
You can’t claimed that you are Born Again and then continue to do whatever your flesh wants to do – No way!
Oh! they tell me, “Jesus Paid it all.” I agree.
But the same Apostle Paul said in Romans 12:1-2, you’re to Present your bodies a Living Sacrifice.
You are now on the Rock, no more Rottenness.
4. The same Apostle Paul warned us in Ephesians 4:14-31, That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of Doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
All manner of Doctrines are now going round to deceive, to recapture for the devil, those whom God had already saved.
Can you ever believe that a Preacher can Stand up on the Pulpit and tell the Congregation that the Greatest Problems in the Bible are Moses and Elijah?
Moses and Elijah? They were Problematic?
Oh! They were the only two (2) People who came to talk to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. And you call those People Problematic?
5. It is Paul who said in Romans 6:1-2, shall we continue in sin that Grace may abound?
… What was the answer? No!
Don’t let anybody deceive you: Anybody who tells you that “once you are Born Again you can continue to lie, that it doesn’t matter; you can continue to cheat, that it doesn’t matter; you can continue to fornicate that it doesn’t matter”; is an Agent of the devil – Quote me.
In Heaven, no Unclean Thing will be allowed in.
The God we serve, my God, is a Holy God.
The Angels are always crying, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
That same God says, be ye Holy for I am Holy.
6. The same Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:22-25, he advises (Particularly) Youths – “flee Youthful Lusts.”
You know the meaning of flee? Run as a terror – As if the devil is pursuing you.
The devil has sent Preachers into the world to see how many Youths they can be gathered back into the Kingdom of hell.
As the Lord lives Who sent me, they won’t get any of my children – Amen!
No they won’t because I would tell you the Truth; the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.
The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:19, if you name the Name of Jesus, you must depart from Iniquity.
You think: “Oh! I am a Christian, I am Born Again, I speaking in Tongues” – and then you can go ahead and begin to do ‘Yahoo Yahoo’ – You will go to hell.
You want to make it to Heaven? You want to stay on the Rock? Paul said in Philippians 3:3-15, if you will stay on the Rock, you must Press on. Don’t relax.
According to Colossians 3:1-17, there are certain things you must never allow to come near you again.
When you go through Scriptures to the Last Book of the Bible, in the Book of Revelation you would discovered that each time – How many times? Each time! The Bible keeps on saying, “he that overcometh…”
In Revelation 2, 3, 21 – you will find them there – Overcomers.
God says, if you Overcome, I will do this – That means you have a fight on your hand;
But in the Name that’s above every name, you are going to win – Amen.
You know what? The Bible says the moment you cross over to the Rock, there is a Crown waiting for you in Heaven.
Oh! Paul said so in 2 Timothy 4:6-8 that, I have fought a Good fight, I have finished my Course, I have kept the Faith:
But the Bible now says in Revelation 3:11 that you must hold on to your Crown.
When I see you in Heaven, I will see you wearing your Crown – Amen.
Let me Close with this;
You say, why am I saying all these?
Well, I am not only talking to those of you who are here, the whole world is hearing, inclusive those reading on the Label of DMC.
The world has gotten so rotten you can’t believe it – Those of you who are on the Rock you will need to hold fast.
I heard from a Source that things have gotten so bad that there is a Nation now about to make a Law that makes it Legal for a man to have sex with an animal – That is how bad it is.
But whether the devil likes it or not, there would be a Remnant – Amen.
There would be those of us who would not be Contaminated – Amen.
There are those of us who would not Backslide – Amen
… If you are one of us say Amen loud and clear – AMEN!
The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24, Pray without ceasing!
There is one thing I want you to note there and that is that, the same Paul said that you are to Pray without ceasing.
Keep Praying, don’t let the enemy drag you back to the Miry Clay – Keep Praying.
Remember, I have told you earlier on, if you think you stand, take heed so you don’t fall – Keep Praying!
So your Prayer Points tonight (if you want to write them down):
1. You are going to Thank God and say: Thank You for bringing me from the Miry Clay to the Rock.
Thank You for the Salvation of my Soul.
… That would be your first Prayer Point.
2. You will say Father God Almighty; help me to stay on the Rock.
You brought me out of the Miry Clay to the Rock, now help me to stay on the Rock.
3. Lord God Almighty, don’t let anyone take my Crown.
4. Finally, you will say Lord; help me to end well.
The Bible says it is he who endures to the end that shall be saved: Let me end well.
It is time to Pray!
The Altar will be open after I have Prayed for you – Come and seek the Lord tonight.
Let’s bombard Heaven with our Requests so that, not only are we going to be Repositioned from Miry Clay to the Rock; but we would be on the Rock to stay and to stay for ever – Amen!
Shall we please Stand?
Ha! Glory to God. Raise your hands to Heaven.
Let the Almighty God first of all hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
My Father and my God I Thank You for giving me the Grace to deliver this Message to Your Children.
Thank you because it shows that you really, really Love them.
Father accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.
Now, my Father and my God, I am committing these Your Children into Your hands.
You have brought us from the Miry Clay, and You have Planted our feet now on the Rock; help us to stay!
There might be some of us who are Proud; who think that Nothing can shake us – My Father and my God help us to stay.
Almighty God help us to stay!
We have been kept by the Power of God up to this moment. Father, keep us till the End.
Let Nobody take our Crown.
I Pray that all Your Children here today including those reading now on the Label of DMC, will end very well.
I decree in the Name that’s above every other name, from this moment onwards, anytime the Tempter comes; the Grace to say NO to the devil receive it, in Jesus’ Name.
Anytime at all, wheher in your Place of work or even in your Church. If anything at all is about to turn you back to Hell; the Grace to say NO to the devil receive it, in Jesus’ Name!
The Bible says the Last shall be First and the First may be Last:
I Pray in the Name that’s above every other name, those of you who are already First, you would never be Last.
I am Praying that today, the Grace to really, really cry to the Almighty God tonight; so that your Position on the Rock will be Permanent; so that God might put a New Song in your mouth; receive it now,, in Jesus’ Name!
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name I have Prayed – Amen.
The Choice is yours now – If you like you can Pray for five (5) Minutes and run away.
God knows His Own.
But if you love yourself, after what you have heard tonight come and seek the face of the Lord.
Pray Vigorously!
Pray that you would never never, never backslide again.
Pray that you would never fall.
Go ahead, begin to call on the Almighty God.
See you tomorrow (Day 3, Wednesday), in Jesus’ Name – Amen!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.