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Let’s lift up our hands as we begin to bless the Name of the Lord – This is your Night of Divine Repositioning. Glorify and Praise Him.
Great are You Lord
Great are You Lord
Great are You Lord
Great are You Lord
God of Divine Repositioning, what we are saying tonight is “Great are You”.
“Great are You” to do what no Man can do – To You be Praise, Honour, Majesty and Glory in the Precious Name of Jesus.
As we listen to Your Word, show forth Grace afresh, Divine Reposition us.
Lord Jesus, at the end, let Your Name be Praised.
Spirit of the Living God, take over from the hands of Man this Evening and Glorify Jesus in this Place beyond Expectations and everywhere we are listening or reading now on the Label of DMC.
In Jesus Name we Pray – Amen!
Put your hands together for Jesus – Hallelujah!
As you Please get seated!
I want to appreciate our Parents-in-the-Lord – Daddy and Mummy Adeboye for this awesome opportunity to take the First Talk this Second Day of the 26th Holy Ghost Congress 2023 of Divine Repositioning.
I have been given the Topic to speak on the Topic; which is: “FROM SHAME TO GLORY”.
And I will be taking the Bible Text from Genesis 50: 18-20:
18. And his Brethren also went and fell down before his face; and they said, Behold, we be thy Servants.
19. And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the Place of God?
20. But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto Good, to bring to Pass, as it is this day, to save much People alive.
The opposite of Shame is Glory!
Shame can be terrible to say the least; so terrible such that if care is not taking, it can lead to Suicidal thoughts in some Individuals or an attempt to take one’s Life.
This is the reason the Psalmist in Psalms 69:20 says: Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none.
I make this Declaration on this Exalted Altar tonight – That as the Lord lives; every Reproach or Shame in your Life ends tonight – Amen!
Glory however is a delightful thing – It makes the face to Shine, it makes the face to Radiate, it puts on you Honour and makes glad the Heart.
As we are told in Psalms 34:5 – They looked unto him, and were Lightened: and their faces were not ashamed
I declare that as we come tonight to look unto God; He will turn every Shame to Glory; every Reproach to Honour and our faces shall be Lightened in the Name of Jesue – Amen!
Shame is what the devil Specialises in Organising or Orchestrating; whereas Glory is contacted when God steps into one’s affairs.
The Story leading to our Bible Text this Evening will reveal what we have just said.
So, that takes us to look at four (4) Points from the Story of Joseph within the time we have:
ALSO SEE; rccg-holy-ghost-congress-2023-5th-december-2023-message-by-pastor-e-a-adeboye
Joseph was a Good and Upright Young Man unlike the rest of his brothers according to Genesis 37:2; until when being Good and Upright turned out to be a Big Problem for Joseph – He got so hated by his brothers.
As we are told in Genesis 37:23 – And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his Brethren, that they Stripped Joseph out of his Coat, his Coat of many Colours that was on him;
Joseph lost his Coat of many Colours – What made him look different, distinct and distinguished was forcefully removed by his brothers due to envy and hatred.
Suddenly this Young Man, for him; Shame replaced Honour.
He found himself such as the Psalmist in Psalms 38:20 (NLT) says – They repay me evil for Good and oppose me for Pursuing Good.
Maybe you have also found yourself exposed to every forms of Shame and Indignity all because on your insistence on being Upright and doing what was Good?
You are like Joseph being Stripped of your Coat of many Colours.
That which seems to distinguish you in the midst of People who are in business as usual – Wait and see what God is about to do tonight!
We were told of Joseph in Genesis 37:24 – And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.
Being in the Pit can appear as the Lowest that one can go or that things can be.
But for Joseph, he soon realised that it was the beginning of his ordeal or trouble.
Just as it was written in Psalms 38:6 (NLT) – I was bent over and racked with Pain. All day long, I walk around filled with grieve
Have you also had a “Pit Experience”? – Maybe in your family, on the job, in the Ministry or in your Life?
I mean when you are at your “Very Lowest”.
And as you are still trying to ask – How can I fund myself here? Something more serious came hitting you and you are still focused to say: I thought I was at my Lowest already but I didn’t realised that my trouble(s) was just starting.
I have Good News for you – God is Stepping into your case tonight as He did for Joseph and you shall be Divinely Repositioned – Amen!
Genesis 37:28 – Then there passed by Midianites Merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty Pieces of Silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.
A Young Man of “Great Worth” sold into Slavery for twenty (20) Pieces of Silver.
From a Person of Worth, Joseph suddenly found himself brought to the Level of Worthlessness – All due to Bad Blood.
That is Uncommon envy and hatred coming from his Siblings – And to them, it was Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish; as they sold their brother off.
I can imagine Joseph first Night in Slavery – It may have looked as we found in Psalms 69:20 – Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none.
Now the Question will be this:
I. Why will all these be happening in the Life of Someone like Joseph who Loved and Feared God?
II. Could it be that the devil had a Glimpse that the Deliverer of Millions of People and of Nations is linked to the Destiny of this Young Man called Joseph?
III. And not necessarily that this Fellow has committed any Particular sin?
As we later found out; Joseph said to his brothers in our Bible Text of today – Genesis 50:20 – But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto Good, to bring to Pass, as it is this day, to save much People alive.
The devil being very Strategic in Operations; decided that instead of wasting Efforts Pursuing after Millions of People. If we can only get this one Fellow, the Deliverance of Millions and of Nations would have been aborted or halted.
Many of us are aware that the 3-Folds Ministry of Mr Satan is to Steal, to Kill and to Destroy (John 10:10).
Joseph was not an Ordinary boy or fellow; he was born a Deliverer.
Have you as a Person of Worth found yourself overnight reduced to Someone of “No Worth” by so many attacks that had hit your Life?
Some of these from those who just decided to hate you for not joining them to do evil?
There are those who by the Letters of their Destiny; they are meant to be Deliverers.
And if the attacks on you has been so fierced my brothers/sisters; maybe you are one of them born to be a Deliverer.
Satan knows that if you are allowed to fulfill what your “Prophetic Destiny” says; so many lives in their Millions and so many Nations will be Liberated, Mightily Impacted and saved.
So, Hell decided out of Strategy to mark you for a Demolition!
The Day finally came as we read in our Bible Text in Genesis 50: 18-20; when those who Stripped Joseph of his Cloth of many Colours, to their dismay and bewilderment found on Joseph; Garment one thousand times better than what they took from him.
The Day finally came: When the Young Man they sent into the Pit and as if that is not enough; they went ahead and sold him for Nothing.
Relegated him to a Person of “No Consequence and Worth”; the same boy suddenly turned to Someone they all fell on their faces for.
And they said in Genesis 50:18 – Behold we be thy Servants,
… From Shame to Glory!
I mean that the day arrived when all those Distractors and Sworn Enemies of Joseph who says Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish to him; that without Joseph both they, their wives and their children will die of hunger.
I have been sent to tell Someone tonight wherever you are listening or reading now on the Label of DMC – Everything of Dishonour, of Reproach, of Shame you have been through because of your Stance on Uprightness, it has an Expiring Date!
And when is that Expiring Date? Now!!!
I have been sent to tell Someone tonight or reading now – That your Coat of many Colours; that which made you “Stood Tall” and Distinguished, which was Forcefully taking away from you; it is about to be replaced by Garments of Honour and Dignity thousands better than what you have lost – Amen
That those who sent you into the Pits, who dehumanised you, who turned you to an Object of Ridicule and Shame; who says Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish to you – The Day has finally come when they are going to be your Servant by Compulsion – Amen!
Because as the Lord lives, tonight the Lord will Divinely Reposition you from Shame to Glory – Amen!
Yours may be as a result of a Sickness or an Affliction that the devil has put in you by which Shame has covered you Top/Down; all because he has caught a glimpse that you are a Deliverer and so want to have you Strucked at all cost.
Remember the Story of a Young Sister so many years back – Over 12 years now, wheh we were up North serving in Yola Adamawa State.
This Young Lady had an Affliction – Strange Affliction. When she is Pressed, she cannot hold herself. And so she find herself doing it on herself.
There are Places she cannot afford to go, there are Trips she cannot afford to undertake until her Night comes – Just as for Someone. This is your Night (Amen).
We are having a Program called “The Hour of Liberation” and so she Prayed that Night and the Fire of God picked her up and threw her to the floor.
The Meeting ended and she went back home, slept, woke up in the Morning, she felt Pressed and she rushed to the Bathroom thinking that things are still the same.
This time, she has to forced the urine to come out.
… Affliction finally terminated and the Source of her Shame roasted by Fire.
I have been asked to tell you tonight: Someone wherever you are listening or reading now on the Label of DMC:
– Every Afflictions of the devil that has brought you so much Shame and Reproach; the Fire of God will fall and it will roast them all tonight – Amen.
– Glory will replace Shame in your Life tonight – Amen.
If the Lord is speaking to you tonight, Please rise on your feet and let us Pray!
1. Father, tonight Please Change my Story from Shame to Glory and Divinely Reposition me.
Go ahead and Pray!
2. Father, send down your Fire. Let every Sickness, Afflictions, Diseases bringing Shame into my Life; let it catch Fire.
Go ahead and Pray in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You Father.
For we have Pray in the Name of Jesus – Amen!
Wherever you are, Stretch your hands to this Exalted Altar. Even those Viewing from anywhere, Stretch your hands to the Screen as I Pray!
Father in the Name of Jesus; You have told Your son, our father-in-the-Lord that this Week You are Divinely Repositioning Men.
And Lord, we have just listened to Your Word that it is Time for us to be Divinely Repositioned from Shame to Glory.
I call on You on behalf of everyone whose hands are Stretched towards the Altar tonight.
Lord, let the Story of these lives Change tonight from Shame to Glory in the Name of Jezus.
I call upon the God of Heaven, the God we serve, the One who called this Year’s Holy Ghost Congress – Every Sickness, Afflictions and Diseases, Delays, Stagnation bringing Shame in Life; I decree to catch Fire now in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You Father! It is done!
In Jesus Name we Pray – Amen!
Put your hands together for Jesus!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.