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Hallelujah! Thank You Father.
Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I have Good News for you – Daddy wants me to tell you that He enjoyed your Praise last night. And so, I wish that we spend another five (5) Minutes Praising Him.
Let’s go ahead and Praise Him. Sing your own Song to Him; Dance before Him; Clap to Him; just Praise Him your own way.
He says He enjoyed the way you Praised Him last night. So, let’s do it again, let’s Praise Him:
Give Him all the Glory, give Him all Adoration. Tell Him Daddy: You are the Highest, You are the Greatest, You are the Oldest, You are the Wisest, You are the Richest.
Oh, I know You are the Alpha, I know You are the Omega, I know You are Coming Again!
I Love You Daddy! There is no one like You Lord. You are Higher than the highest, You are Greater than the greatest, You are Older than the oldest.
You are Wiser than the wisest Oh Lord; You are Richer than the richest. There is no one like You. There is no one at all.
Oh yes, You are the Beginning of all beginnings, You are the Ending of all endings. I worship You Lord!
And I know You are the Unchanging Changer. I know all Power belong to You – I give You Glory, I give You Honour, I give You Adoration.
And I know You are Returning soon. I know You are Coming Back for me. Oh, Blessed be Your Holy Name!
That’s why I am singing Hallelujah to You my Father. Because there is no other god like You – Glorious, Marvellous, Wonderful, Powerful, Mighty, Majestic.
Oh my Father and my God, I bless Your Holy Name. I know You are wearing Light as a Garment. I know my Father, You dwell in Light that no one can approach unto.
Blessed, Blessed, Blessed be Your Holy Name.
Thank You my Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name Lord. Thank You, Thank You Lord!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!
DADDY TOOK ALL THE VERSES YESTERDAY’S SPECIAL SONG – You can get to see all the Stanzas on all the Social Media Handles of DMC!
Let somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!
I have a Father,
Almighty Father:
He is King of Kings,
And Lord of lords,
I have a Father (Hallelujah)!
Ancient of days we Worship You!
The One Who said, “Let there be Light and there eas Light” we bow before You.
Thank You for Yesterday – Thank You for accepting our Praises. We know that when Praises go up, Blessings would surely come down.
Tonight, My Father and my God: visit Your Children, Change every sorrow to Joy!
Wipe away all tears from our eyes; Give us a Brand New Beginning and let Your Name be Glorified!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!
Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) and say: Welcome to DOUBLE PORTION!
Tomorrow (Day 3, Wednesday 7th December 2022); by the Grace of God, if the Lord has not returned, we will be talking about: “HEALING VIRTUES”.
Tomorrow is going to be a Special Night set aside for HEALING.
And so after the Preaching tomorrow, every one of us will receive an Anointing: to Heal those who are sick and to make sure that those of us who are not sick will remain Completely Whole.
It will go beyond that! But let’s leave that till tomorrow.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, everyday it will get better – Amen!
Tonight I’ll be speaking to you for a few minutes (as the Holy Spirit Permits) on: “THE OIL OF GLADNESS.
The Bible Text is – Hebrews 1:9:
And while you are opening your Bibles, it will be a Good Idea if you’ll put your hands together for the First Speaker for tonight; for doing such a Great job.
And I also want us to Specially appreciate the Choir from South Africa – That was also very Good!
Vinesong, we have missed you the few years that you have been away. So, we say, you are welcome!
Now, Hebrews 1:9 – Thou hast loved Righteousness, and hated Iniquity; therefore God (not Man), even thy God, hath Anointed thee with the Oil of Gladness above thy fellows.
If you believe, that Passage is written for me and it is written for you also, say Amen – Amen!
The Purpose of this Congress – DOUBLE PORTION, is to move you from “RECEIVING” to “BECOMING”.
God wants to move Someone from receiving to Becoming – Amen!
… You say, “what do you mean by that Sir?
He wants to move you from “Receiving” the Solution to your Problems to “Becoming” a Problem Solver – Amen.
1. So, the First Portion is to take care of Your Own Problems.
2. The Second Portion is for others. It is to Empower you to Solve the Problems of others.
So, tonight in the Mighty Name of Jesus, your own Problems would be rolled away – Amen!
And the Particular Person that God had in Mind (I don’t know him or her) fom tonight onwards, would be empowered to Change the sorrows of others to Joy – Amen!
If you are sure you are the one, let your Amen be loud – AMEN!!!
The Bible Text that we read says: Therefore, God, even thy God, hath Anointed thee with the Oil of Gladness …
There is an Oil called “THE OIL OF GLADNESS” (we would talk about that briefly).
What is the Purpose of the Oil apart from food? Because we use Oil for Cooking.
1. Oil is also used for Healing.
Oh, Thank You Father!
The Lord says there’s Someone, there is a Boil in your armpit: and the Doctors say, they are very suspicious of it.
Well, before you go out from here, the Boil will no longer be there – Amen!
If you read Luke 10:30-37, the Bible tells us the Story of the Good Samaritan. When he came across the man who had been attacked by Highway Robbers – Very Interesting Story.
Because it shows that Highway Robbers have been around for a long, long time!
You will never become their Victim – Amen!
That he (the Good Samaritan) Poured Oil on the man’s wounds – Oil is for Healing!
In James 5:14, the Bible says, “Is any sick among you? Let him call for the Elders and let them anoint him with oil. Oil for Healing!
… Well, we will talk more about that tomorrow.
2. Oil is also used for setting People or something Aside for God’s Use.
In 1 Samuel 10:1-11, when God was going to set apart King Saul as the first King of Israel, he was Anointed with Oil.
3. Oil can be used to Accelerate Promotion of Somebody.
Like in 1 Samuel 16:11-13, they brought David from the bush, he was a Shepherd boy. But the moment they Poured Oil on him, he became a King.
May I Decree that even before this Congress is over, your Promotion will be accelerated – Amen!
In the Story of David, it is interesting to note that, unless the Head is right, the Oil will not flow.
The kind of Oil that will accelerate Promotion flows on the Head of the one whose Head is right for it.
4. Oil can be used for Protection.
Psalms 105:15 that says “Touch not mine Anointed” means much more than, ‘don’t attack my Anointed.’
That Decree from the Most High God is not only to humans: it is also to Witches, to Wizards, to Viruses, to Bacteria.
That is why People like me, during the Coronavirus, was confident that I can Pray for all the sick and that nothing would happen to me.
… Because there is that Decree to everybody, every Forces, whatever – “Touch not mine Anointed.”
And from now on in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, you have a Major Protection from every enemy – Amen!
5. Oil (as I am sure you know) is intricately involved with Anointing.
And the Bible says in Isaiah 10:27 – The Anointing destroys yoke!
6. Oil is also useful in keeping your Lamp Burning.
You know in Leviticus 6:12, the Bible says: “The fire upon the Altar (that Altar here is talking about the Altar of your heart) must never go out.
And I Pray for everyone of you here (Child of God) or those reading now on the Label of DMC – The Fire of God upon your Life will never go out (Amen)!
The Oil must be there to keep your Lamp burning, so that you don’t miss the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
You know the Story of the Ten (10) Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 – When Ten (10) Virgins went to meet the Bridegroom and some took Extra Oil, some didn’t take Extra.
And by the time the Bridegroom was approaching, the five (5) Foolish ones discovered that the Oil was gone in their Lamps. While they went to buy the Bridegroom arrived, has taken the five (5) Wise ones in.
By the time the Foolish ones came knocking on the door, He told them, “I don’t even know you!”
I Pray that the Fire of God in your Life will never go out – Amen!
Oil is essential so that your Lamp won’t go out; so that you don’t go into Darkness.
Because if you go into Darkness, you will discovered that your eyes can’t see!
On one occasion, the Electricity Light was taken off suddenly. Every one of us stood still until the Light came back. Because you suddenly discovered that you don’t even know your way around.
If there is no Oil in the Lamp and the Lamp goes out, there will be no Vision.
Proverbs 29:18 says, Where there is no Vision, the People Perish: but he that keepeth the Law, happy is he.
So you can see (and I can go on and on) that Oil is very, very important.
7. But there is a Particular kind of Oil called – “The OIL OF GLADNESS; The OIL OF JOY.
Thank You Father!
The Lord ask me to tell Someone (A woman); He says: Stop weeping my daughter, your Sorrow will end tonight – Amen.
In Isaiah 61:1-3, the Bible made it clear that – The OIL of Joy is to eradicate Mourning, to eradicate Sorrow.
And the Almighty God is talking to us tonight about: “THE OIL OF GLADNESS.
Now, the Oil of Gladness is available tonight! How do I know? My Daddy told me.
Whether you know it or not, I don’t choose a Theme for the Holy Ghost Congress – My Father chooses the Theme.
And then after He has Chosen the Theme, He dictates the Talks one by one.
So, if He says, “OIL OF GLADNESS” for tonight, somebody should shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!
1. The Oil of Gladness is available, but you have to “REACH OUT” to get a bit of it for your own use.
In Mark 5:25-34: the Story of the woman with the Issue of Blood – She reached out to touch the helm of the Garment of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And that helm of His Garment was dripping with Oil – Not something you can see with Physical eyes, but it was there. She reached out!
You see, the Bible says in Matthew 11:12 – And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth Violence, and the Violent take it by Force.
There are certain things you have to reach out to get. When the time comes tonight, I hope you will know how to reach out.
2. The Oil of Gladness that can Change Sorrow to Joy is available, but you may need to CRY FOR IT.
In Mark 10:46-52, when Blind Bartimeaus heard that Jesus was Passing by, something told him – “Your Day has come!” AMEN!!!
I am happy Somebody got that one; because for Somebody, your Day has come – AMEN!!!!
And when he (Blind Bartimeaus) started crying, some People were trying to Silence him but he ignored them.
I like the Testimony of one of my Sisters; she was somewhere in the Auditorium and some People were Sleeping, and she started crying. She cried so loud, she woke them up. “You People don’t know what you came for, I know what I came for: you want to sleep, go ahead and sleep, let me cry.”
God is going to answer the Cry of Somebody tonight – Amen.
3. The Oil of Gladness is available, but you Practically need to GO AND GET IT.
Different People come to a Gathering like this for different reasons:
– Some of us come just to enjoy the Presence of the Almighty God.
– Some of us have certain “Deep Rooted Problems” causing us Sorrow and we have come knowing fully well that in the Presence of God, there is Fullness of Joy.
I have Good News for Somebody – What you have come for you will get – Amen!
I’m sure you remembered the Story of the Lady that the baby in her womb died and the Doctors said they have to evacuate. She said to them, but the Congress is next week: let me go to the Congress, if nothing happens, then you can come and evacuate.’
The Doctor said, “the baby in your womb is already dead – By now it is almost decomposing. By the time you return from this your Congress you will Probably be dead because the Poison in your womb would have spread all over the Place.” She said, it is my Life now – and she came!
I have never forgotten that day: because the first day nothing happened; second day, nothing happened. But on that Wednesday (some of the Older ones here would remembered).
… The Power of God came down so heavily on me I had to ask for a Chair to sit.
As I was about to sit down the Word of God came; I said “There is a woman here, the baby in your womb has been dead for days, but the baby is jumping back to Life.”
She got what she came for!
In the Name that is above every other names; in the Name of the One Who Organized this Congress, you will get what you have come for – Amen!
In Mark 5:21-24, 35-43, Jairus came to Jesus Christ because the daughter was sick. He was a Ruler in the Synagogue.
And in those days the Rulers looked down on Jesus Christ. They called him an Upstart, “where do you come from? Who taught you what you are teaching? Which Bible College did you go to?” But he needed help.
He humbled himself, came to Jesus – “Come and help me, have Mercy.” (You know the rest of the Story). While they were on the way Somebody (the woman with the Issue of Blood) stole a Miracle.
By the time they arrived, the child was dead and People were weeping. But the Lord told him, “you have come and you will get what you came for!”
I Decree to Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – For the rest of your Life, they won’t gather to mourn in your house – Amen!
So, there is the Oil of Gladness flowing freely here tonight: you may need to Reach for it, you may need to Cry for it, you may need to Go for it Violently;
4. But there’s something better than just rolling away all your Sorrows tonight – Mentioning them one by one: Problem over your Health, Problem over your Finance, Problem over your Business, Problem over your children, et cetera.
And that is for you yourself now, to become a CARRIER of “The Oil of Gladness”.
That is the idea of the DOUBLE PORTION – That wherever you go from now on, Joy will break out – Amen!
In Acts 8;l:5-8, the Bible says Philip went to Samaria, and within days, there was Joy in a Whole City.
Oh, we all know that things are difficult – Particularly in our Nation (Nigeria) at this moment. Unless we want to deceive ourselves, there is a lot of pain, a lot of agony and quite a big measure of sorrow.
I mean the other day, we heard of Somebody (a Student) who fell sick and the Colleagues carried him to the Hospital. When they got to the Hospital, the Hospital asked them to come and deposit something before they can attend to their Colleague.
They are Students – Students are not supposed to be rich. They couldn’t find the money; and their Colleague died.
… It is going to be quite a while before those Students will ever forget their Sorrow.
But I am decreeing to you today – In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, wherever you go from tonight; wherever there is Sorrow it will Change to Joy – Amen!
… It is better for you to become a Carrier of Joy.
I mean, you heard the Testimony last Month of an Assistant Pastor (or so).
They called him to come immediately: one girl was going to get married and the mother was dying on the Wedding Day.
The Pastor drove there. By the time he arrived, the mother had died and People were weeping. He said “God what do I do? Do I join those who are weeping? Or do I quickly run to my car and run away?”
Then he heard from God – God said, No! Dance round the dead body.” He started dancing. The others joined him in dancing (instead of weeping). Almost one (2) hour, Mama came back to Life – Hallelujah!
In that Name that’s above every other names, Somebody here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC, will become a Carrier of the Oil of Joy – Amen!
But then, when you now go back to our Bible Text (Hebrews 1:9) it says: Thou hast loved Righteousness, and hated Iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath Anointed thee with the Oil of Gladness above thy fellows.
The Word “ABOVE THY FELLOWS” is what I want to talk about for the next few Minutes: and then it will time to Pray.
“Above thy Fellows” means God can Place you above all your Peers; that among equals you can still be Number One!
You see, when we were reading about Philip just now, remember in Acts 6:1-6, there were seven (7) of them that were appointed to be Deacons – The Original Deacons.
And look at the Qualifications of everyone of the Seven (7) – Men of Good Report.
That means that they Love Righteousness, they hate Iniquity. Full of the Holy Spirit and Power – All Seven (7) of them!
… But only Philip excelled in being the Carrier of Joy.
There are many of us who are here tonight or reading on the Label of DMC; we are already Children of God. Praise God!
Some of us, by the Grace of God, since we got Born Again, had stayed away from sin.
One day one of my daughters was giving a Testimony not too long ago, she said, “from the day I gave my Life to Jesus Christ, the Almighty God has kept me Pure!” And I rejoice to hear that kind of Testimony.
There are many of us like that – We hate sin, we don’t want to have anything to do with it.
Oh yes, we hear all manners of Stories – We hear of Pastors doing all kinds of things (I am not saying they are our Pastors oooo). I mean Pastors and Bishops generally.
And when anybody wants to Point accusing fingers at the Church as a whole, I will always tell them, “you cannot find a Counterfeit unless there is an Original.”
There is no Counterfeit Two Thousand (2,000) Naira Note – Uou can never find one. Why? Because there is no Original.
So, the fact that there are some Counterfeits, is Prove that there are some Originals.
Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
But of the Seven (7) Deacons Chosen – Full of the Holy Spirit, of Good Report, et cetera; st cetera. Apart from Stephen who went to Heaven, a Place of Glory;! only Philip was referred to as the one who carried Joy to a Whole City.
You see, when we talk about “DOUBLE PORTION,” almost invariably your Mind goes to the Story of Elijah and Elisha, in 2 Kings 2:1-15.
On the day that Elisha got a Double Portion of the Spirit, there were several Sons of the Prophet.
They were called Sons of the Prophets because they were “Baby Prophets”; on the way to becoming “Full-Fleshed Prophets”. And they all had a double of the first Portion.
They all knew that Elijah was going to be taken away that day – They all knew!
They told Elisha, “Friend, maybe you don’t know oooo; but your Master is going to be taken away today.” He said, I know, keep shut!
They all knew, but only one (1) fellow got the Double Portion – The only one who said “Whatever it is going to cost; Oga wherever you go I am going with you until you are no longer here!”
You know, at the end of the day those who were telling him “Do you know your Oga is going today?” They came and bowed down before him.
Tonight I am going to advise you as a father to a son – I know some of you may be older than I (we are not many; and even if we are many you are my Spiritual children).
Whatever it is going to cost you, I want you to make sure you Pray tonight like you have never Prayed before.
I know many of us are looking forward to Friday. Do you have to wait till Friday before you get your Miracle? – No!!!
… Answer me very well: NO!!!!
Do you want to be sad for another couple of days? – NO!
When do you want your Miracle? NOW!!!
In Daniel 6:1- end, the Bible tells us how the King had selected three (3) Presidents to look over all the Provinces, et cetera. And yet one of the Three (3) – Daniel had an Excellent Spirit and stood out amongst his Peers.
Do you know one of the things that distinguished him from all of them? – He was a Number One Champion Prayer Warrior!
In 1985 we went to South Korea for a Ministers’ Conference in Seoul by David Yonggi Cho.
At that time, he was the Pastor of the biggest Church in the whole world. He will hold Services (I think about) seven (7) times on Sunday, and the Auditorium was huge; it could sit Fifty Thousand (50,000) People and they will still have seven (7) Services on Sunday.
It was the first time in my Life that I heard the Pastor say, “those of you who have come to Church this Sunday Please remember, don’t come next Sunday.”
Why? Because those who could not come in this Sunday will then be able to come in.
When a Pastor is begging his Members – You know what I mean by ‘Big’.
At that time, The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) was struggling. I have Fasted, Prayed, done everything.
When I heard about this man I said I will go and find out. I got there and he told me he has a Prayer Mountain – People came from all over the world.
They took us to the Prayer Mountain on a Particular day and in the Mountain they dug little, little holes. You have to climb into it to Pray. The mountain will be vibrating because there are holes all round the Mountain.
… For your information that was the Origin of Mount Carmel (RCCG Prayer Mountain).
When I saw that Mountain I said, ‘Alright, there is no Mountain in Ifewara (A Village in Osun State, Nigeria), I will go and get one.”
We were asked to go and Pray – So I entered into the hole and I was Praying. I travelled all the way from Nigeria to South Korea. I knew why I came – Of course I forgot time.
I was Praying for about three (3) hours before it occurred to me we came in a bus as a Group; maybe I should go and find out where the others are. By the time I came out, all other buses were gone except my own and the others would have gone!
But I was the only Black Man in the Group, so that helped them to notice Somebody is missing.
They were furious with me: “you kept us here for hours!” I said, Haa! I am sorry. I thought we came here to Pray. They said, “are you going to Pray everything in one day?”
All the way from the Mountain back to Town, Nobody spoke to me; which was very Good, because my Spirit was still Roaring. I knew what I wanted and why I went.
In those days, you can’t see Papa Yonggi Cho – How are you going to get close?
Few years ago (some of you know the Story) I went to visit our Church in Seoul and I had an opportunity now to meet Papa Yonggi Cho.
When they ushered me into his office, they introduced me.
He said, “I have heard about you. Will you Please Pray for me?”
As we shook two (2) hands, my eyes were filled with tears because to me, that is the Greatest Proof that, “I got what I wanted when I came the last time!”
When you return Next Year, in the Name that is above every other names, you will come and Testify – AMEN.
We will be Praying in a moment, but I need to give opportunities to those who are still living in sin.
The Bible Text (Hebrews 1:9) says: you Love Righteousness, you hate Iniquity, that is when God, even your God can Anoint you with the Oil of Gladness above your fellows.
So, if you are here or reading now on the Label of DMC, and you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ, your sins have not yet been washed away;
Before we go to our Session of Prayer, you better surrender to Jesus Christ now!
If you are here or reading now on the Label of DMC, and you claim to be a Child of God, and you are still enjoying sin. You don’t hate it; you are enjoying it. You better give your Life to Jesus Christ now.
Tonight is not a Night for joking – Your Destiny is about to be turned round now.
So, if you are a Backslider: it doesn’t matter the Position you have already reached in Life or in the Church of any Denomination. If you know that you are still enjoying sin; that you don’t hate sin with a Passion, cry to the Almighty God for Restoration.
… Your Prayers tonight is going to be in Two (2) Sessions:
Everything that is causing you sorrow, you are going to cry to the Almighty God and say: Lord; with the Oil of Gladness that is here Present, put an end to this Sorrow.
Take them one by one. You shouldn’t hurry. Name them one by one.
Say: My Father and my God: the following things are still causing me Sorrow, and I want them gone tonight!
You will now come face to face with the Most High God and say: LORD: I want to become a Carrier of Your Oil of Gladness.
Before I stop Praying tonight, let it be Settled in Heaven that – I am a Carrier of Your Oil of Gladness.
… Nobody is going to Stop you tonight.
If you like, Pray for five (5) Minutes and go. If you like, settle your case with God tonight.
The Altar will be open; you are free to come and you are free to leave when you want to leave. It’s up to you!
But it takes some Violent Prayers to excel.
I will see you tomorrow: the Altar is open now, come if you want to!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.