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Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

And I’m talking of a Living Soul who has experienced the Presence of the Lord in a very Unique manner and in an Unprecedented way in this “Beyond Expectations Convention”.

If you are one of such Person, arise on your feet and shout a Glorious Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


Also see; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-6-evening-session-holy-communion-and-anointing-service



Let’s wave our hands to the God of Heaven and bless His Holy Name for all that He has done for us, for what He is doing right now and for what He will yet do.

Give Him all the Glory and exalt the Name of the One that lives forever and ever.

The Processor of the ends of the Earth, the Owner of our Life, our Shepherd, our Lover, the One who has sustained us until this Particular moment, the One who has exceeded our Expectations.

Give Him Glory, let the Lord hear your Voice – The Lord who has shown up Mightily and Powerfully for us.

Be Appreciative for all He has done in the Past Days – Our God has been so Good, He has visited us beyond Expectations.

Give Him Glory, Honour and Adoration – He is Worthy of all Praises, Worship and Adoration. There is no one like Him, bless His Holy Name.

Thank You Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!


Also see; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-3-evening-session-healing-service-beyond-expectations-byy-pastor-e-a-adeboye


Amen, Amen, Blessings and Glory
Wisdom, Thanksgiving and
Power and Might be unto our God
For ever and ever, Amen!


Eternal God, we bless Your Name today.

The One that remains the same forever – The same Yesterday, the same Today, the same Everlasting.

We appreciate You for all that You have done for us and we are not taking You for granted.

We Thank You for our Morning, Afternoon and Evening; we Thank You for every Single Day of this “Exceptional Convention”.

Accept our Thanks and Praises in the Name of Jesus.

Heavenly Father, even as we look into Your Words this Particular Morning, Minister to us again, and Glorify Your Name alone.

Thank You Daddy!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Please, I will like you to shake hands with those around you and tell them – I am here to receive “The Best of the Best”.

That is the Topic of our Message this Morning – “Best of The Best”.

And there is Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; who will receive “The Best of the Best” – Amen!

I want to give Glory to God on behalf of our daddy and mummy for such an “Exceptional Convention” – A Convention that we don’t have words to describe!

After we had experienced “Perfect Jubilee” (NOTES: This is the Theme for The RCCG Annual Convention 2022); several of us had thought that will be the Best for quite some time.

But this Year (2023); we know that without any doubt that we didn’t see anything Last Year (2022).

This Year (2023) has revealed to us that the Best is yet to come!

The Best is yet to come for daddy; the Best is yet to come for mummy.

We Congratulate God on your behalf and we want to Thank God for keeping you and sustaining you.

We Pray that your Strength will never reduced – Amen; and you will continue to go from Strength to Strength – Amen!

I believed without any doubt that everyone of us who has been here since the beginning of this Convention, we have received something from God beyond all Expectations.

We have gone through Beyond Salvation and all the way, we have reached this Particular Level that we are today.

God without any doubt has loaded us with Blessings beyond Expectations – Amen.

We Pray that your Blessings will abide forever in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

Somebody ought to ask – After all that we have received, after all that has been said and done; what again do we have that could be “The Best of Best”?

Revelation 19:7-8:

7. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the Marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready.

8. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the Righteousness of Saints.

A Day comes when we are going to give Glory to God, when we are going to have a Mighty Thanksgiving Service like we are having today for this Beyond Expectations Convention.

The Day is coming when we are going to rejoice and be glad in Heaven – When everyone who has made it at Last, will be able to give Honour to the One who sits upon the Throne of the Universe forever and ever.

That Day is coming and that Particular Day, you will not be found wanting in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

The “Best of The Best” is the Marriage of the Lamb, of which you are going to be a Bride, of which Ii will be a Bride.

And without any doubt, all of us we shall be there on that Day in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ – Amen!

And as the Lord Jesus Christ was rounding up His Assignment here on Earth, He told His Disciples in John 14: 1-3 – He revealed to them and said: Let not your Heart be troubled, you believed in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s House are many Mansions.

And then He revealed to them that He is going to Prepare that Place for them Himself.

In the world here, when you really see a house that goes beyond your description, you call it a Mansion.

But in Heaven, when we have put together all the Mansions, we call the Place a House – In my Father’s House are many Mansions.

Because His House is so expensive that the Bible says that the Heavens of Heaven cannot contain them.

I believed without any doubt – Anyone who is a Believer will like to visit such a Place, will like to see such a House that could house Mansions upon Mansions.

That will be what will be our Expectations when we make Heaven at Last, when we enjoy that Particular “Best of The Best”.

When we experienced it and it becomes a Reality in our Life, we will be able to say: It is Time to be glad and to rejoice and to give Honour to Him.

That will be our experience in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

Also see; opening-prayer-during-the-holy-ghost-service-night-of-the-rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023


Do you know that many People used to think that Heaven will be a very boring Place?

Most especially whenever we hear that it is going to be for Eternity.

Many People will say what are we going to do for Eternity? Because even here in the world, after you have lived for some decades:

– You begin to decay.

– You will begin to wish that you should get out of this Particular Place.

But over there, Eternity will be Fun, Eternity will be Full of Enjoyment.

I. In Heaven, we are going to have lots of Good Music; we are going to have Worship and Praises.

II. In Heaven, we are going to have a lot of Noise.

III. In Heaven, we are going to have a lot of Shouting.

All because no boring moments in Heaven!

The Bible tells me in Revelation 4:5 – And out of the Throne Proceeded Lightnings and Thunderings and Voices: and there were seven Lamps of Fire burning before the Throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

… In Heaven, you will hear Lightnings, Thunderings and Voices.

And anyone who doesn’t like Noise; Please don’t attempt to go there.

For those of us who enjoys Noisemaking, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Every Believers should be excited about Heaven!

Our father-in-the-Lord told us years ago – He said that one day in Heaven and you will forget all the sufferings you have ever had in the world.

On the other hand, one day in Hell, you won’t remember that you ever enjoy in the world.

None of us will go to Hell in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen!

That is why Jesus Christ told some “Frightening Stories” so that it will Prepare the Heart of Men/Women for this Heaven.

He spoke so Glowly about Heaven and He is a Preacher who Preach more about Hell because as the Creator of the Heaven and Earth and Hell and everything; He knows exactly what was there.

The Bible says from Luke 16:23 – Jesus Christ told us the Story of a Rich Man who lifted up his eyes in Hell, who was in torment and he saw Abraham and Lazarus there with him.

And he told Abraham – Father Abraham, have Mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue (DMC NOTES: Luke 16: 23-24)

… He was asking for Mercy when it was “Too Late”.

May I tell Somebody here this Morning or reading now on the Label of DMC – The Rich Man did not go to Hell because he was rich and Lazarus didn’t go to Heaven because he was Poor!

I will show you a Secret today – The reason why the Rich Man went to Hell and why Lazarus went to Heaven!

Luke 12:16 – 19 – Is the Story of yet another Man.

Just like the other one that Jesus Christ told us about – Here is a Man the Ground brought unto Plentifully.

He was rich and had a Mighty Harvest – He has something to rejoice about.

He had what we will called “Beyond Expectations Harvest”.

And then, he began to think within himself – What am I going to do with all these Mighty Harvest that I had?

Oh mine! I will Pull down my barn, I will build a Greater one. I will Store up all that I had, I will reserve something for the Future.

And the Bible reveals to us in Verse 20 that God said unto him – Thou Fool.

He was a Rich Man, He was a Wealthy Man but when God was about to describe him; God said that he is a Fool!

One could be Rich and Foolish!

Also see; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-2-evening-session-welcome-service-8th-august-2023

And God said – This Night, thy Soul shall be required of thee; then whose shall those things be, which thou hast Provided. So is he that layeth up Treasure for himself and is not Rich towards God (NOTES: Luke 12:20-21).

A Question comes to you at this Point in Time – Are you Rich towards God?



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That is the reason why I want us to learn some certain Principles from these two (2) Personalities that we have just read about.

Why is it that the Rich Man went to Hell and Lazarus went to Heaven?

1. It is a Question of Priority.

He Prioritise enjoyment and Pleasure while the other Fellow Prioritise Banking Up all his Resources in Heaven so that at the end of the day; everybody will be able to say: Oh, here comes the Richest Man; here comes the Wealthiest Fellow.

That is what he Prioritise – He has no time to think about God.

The Bible tells me in 1 Corinthians 15:19 – If in this Life only we have Hope in Christ, we are of all men most Miserable.

I Pray that will not be the Pictture of your Life in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

That is why the Bible says: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you (DMC NOTES: Matthew 6:33).

You must Prioritise Heaven if you are going to make Heaven!

“The Best of the Best” is reserved for us in Heaven – That is a Place that you can say Categorically that I have “The Best of The Best”!

Because over there, the Streets in Heaven are Paved with Gold (NOTES: Revelation 21:21)

One of the most Wealthiest and Precious Minerals in the world is Gold – And that is what they used to Paved the Streets in Heaven.

Over here (On Earth); whatever you reserves here will decay!

Whatever God has given to you here in the world is to Prepare you for that Best of the Best!

Are you Wealthy here in the world? – It is to ensure that you will have a Place in Heaven!

Because here on Earth:

I. Even the Money you reserved in the Bank, will loose its Value.

II. The house you have built and you thought that your children will inherit.

Your children will tear it apart, they will sell it and forget about it.

III. The Clothes that you have gathered together, by the time you died, they will be Useless.

IV. Your Wristwatches? Nobody will be interested in them because they will be Obsolete.

What is that thing that you have that you have Prioritised above Heaven?

You will regret that you ever put your Heart on them!

The Best of The Best is to make Heaven.

2. Preparation

Are you Preparing yourself for Heaven?

Jesus Christ made us to understand that if the Good Man of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not have suffered his house to be broken through (NOTES: Luke 12:39).

Therefore, be Ready!

The Question comes to you today – Are you ready for Death or Rapture?

3. Puurity

1 John 3: 2-3 says:

2. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as Je is.

3. And every man that hath this Hope in him Purifieth himself, even as He is Pure.

Are you Purifying yourself everyday?

Remember that the Bible says: Be ye Holy as I am Holy (DMC NOTES: 1 Peter 1: 15-16).

That is the Demand of God on those that will make Heaven!

It is the thing that you must do on Daily basis – You watch your Life to ensure that you are Prepared!

You might think that you will go with Rapture but Death may come knocking and then what will you do?

And He is not going to listen to any Appeal – By that time, it will be “Too Late” to Prepare!

4. Passion

Are you Passionate about the things of God?

Jesus Christ said about Himself – The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up (Psalms 69:9).

I. He was so Passionate about the things of God – That was why He was doing the work of the Kingdom Day and Night (NOTES: John 9:4):

II. He was so Passionate that when He entered into the boat, He slept in the midst of the Storm (NOTES: Matthew 8: 23-25).

III. He was so Passionate that He forgot about food and He was Preaching the Gospel (NOTES: John 4:34).

You must Preach the Gospel while you still have your Breadth.

You must do your best to save Souls.

Also see; rccg-71st-annual-convention-2023-day-2-evening-session-welcome-service-8th-august-2023

There are Lost Souls around us:

– Our Colleagues

– Our Friends

– People working with us at our Place of work.

– The Members of our families all over the Place.

You have the Social Media to Preach the Gospel!

Today, don’t waste any Precious moments of your Life on things that will not add Value to you in Eternity – Be Passionate about the things of God!

Daniel 12:3 says: And they that be Wise shall Shine as the Brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to Righteousness as the Stars for ever and ever.

5. Purposeful Living

Are you Living a Life of Purpose?

Are you Living for the reason Gid sent you to the world?

Have you discovered the reason why you are here?

Jesus Christ said in John 12:27 – Now is my Soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.

He (Jesus Christ) knew the reason why He was in the world!

Even though, He is going to confront Suffering and Humiliation and Shame and Death; He said thar is the reason why I came into this world and I must fulfil Destiny.

Those who will experience “Best of The Best” – They must live with a Purpose every moments of their lives!

Are you Living with a Purpose? Or are you Living for a Post?

That is why some Questiins are Crucial – And you must always ask yourself these three (3) Questiions as a Guide!

Because the End comes at any Single moment – And these Questions will help you to stay focus:

QUESTION NO 1: Why am I here?

QUESTION NO 2: Where am I Headed?

QUESTION NO 3: What am I Living For?

Shall we rise on our feet as we Pray?



I know that there is Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – You have heard this Message and suddenly it occurred to you:

It is Possible that I have received several things but I’m not Prepared for “The Best of The Best” .

May I tell you – That is the reason, the very reason why God has told our father-in-the-Lord to bring forth this Topic.

For you to be Prepared for this “Best of The Best”.

You must however Surrender to the Only One who can take your Hand and take you into Heaven – His Name is Jesus Christ!

Wherever you are – You want to Surrender to the Only One who will ensured that you enjoy this “Best of The Best” on the Last Day.

Wherever you are, I will like you to come forward and Surrender to Him at this Time.

… He is the Only one who can make you enjoy the “Best of The Best” and Nothing stands on your way.

As you come forward, cry to the Lord Jesus Christ and say: Save my Soul, Prepare me for the “Best of The Best” don’t let me miss Heaven.

If it is this Life alone that we have Hope, we are of all Men the most Miserable!

Call Upon Him – Ask Him to do something New in your Life.

Thank You Heavenly Father; Blessed be Your Name!


Precious Father, we Thank You for Your Beloved Children – Those who are here already, those who are coming on the way and those reading now on the Label of DMC.

We ask Oh God of Heaven that as they have come to You today; You will do a New Thing in their lives in the Name of Jesus.

Heavenly Father, we Pray that You will save their Souls and Lord, You will Prepare them to make Heaven at Last in the Name of Jesus.

None of us will miss Heaven in the Name of Jesus.

Precious Father, I Pray Oh Lord that as they have Surrendered to You today; everything that will Militate against their Progress, that will Militate against their making Heaven; let it Surrender Permanently in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Thank You Heavenly Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray – Amen!

Now, everyone of us will Pray at this Time.

So rise on your feet as we Pray:

Cry to the Almighty God and say: Heavenly Father, I need “Best of The Best” – Don’t let the world take away what is “More Important” for me.

You must Prioritise Heaven today!

Open your mouth and cry to the Lord!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


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