BIBLE TEXT(S): Lev 10:9, Num 6:3
Alcoholism can be referred as the act of addiction to alcoholic consumption. Taking alcohol is against the counsel of God. It is a sin for anyone to take in strong drink or wine.

1. Father thank you for your mercies that endures forever in Jesus name. Psa 136:1
2. Father, I confess and repent of every sin of alcoholism in my life, please show me your mercy in the name of Jesus 1Joh 1:9-10.
3. Father, I break and loose myself from every stronghold of in my life in the mighty name of Jesus. Mat 18:18
4. Father, deliver me from the spirit of alcoholism in Jesus name. Psa 18:50
5. Father, give me the grace to separate myself from all alcoholic friends in Jesus name. Amo 3:3
6. Father, as many that secretly take in alcohol in your church, arrest and save their souls in Jesus name. Pro 28:13
7. Father any spirit of shame and disgrace programmed against me and my family through alcohol be destroyed in Jesus name. Genesis 19:33-36.
8. Father, I refuse to be a slave to the spirit of alcohol in Jesus name. Pro25:29-35
9. I will not sell my children for drinks in Jesus name. Joe 3:3
10. Father, put your light into my life to put in order, every disorderliness caused by the spirit of alcoholism in Jesus name. Mat 24:48-49
11. My father, by your grace, I refuse to be deceived by strong drinks in Jesus name. Pro. 20:1
12. Father every spirit assigned to empty my life be bound and casted out in the name of Jesus. Nah 2:10.
13. Father, every curse attracted into my life as a result of alcoholism be broken by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. Rev 12:11, Exo 12:13.
14. Father, arise in your mercy and rescue my glory that have been shattered by alcoholic consumption in Jesus name. Col 1:27.
15. Father, every spirit of alcoholism assigned to expose me to ridicule be paralyzed in Jesus name. Gen 9:20-22