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Power Utterances MFM PMCH December 2018 Pursue Overtake And Recover 2
Power Utterances. Mountain Of Fire & Miracles Ministries December 2018 Power Must Change Hands. Pursue, Overtake And Recover 2
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Beloved brethren, I thank the Lord for bringing us to the last day of the month of November. I decree that today our miracles will locate us in Jesus name.
MFM LIVE With Dr Daniel Kolawole Olukoya
1. Ancestral chains of darkness, used to tie down the glory of my family, for my sake, the
sword of fire shall cut you off today and my glory shall be released by fire, in the name
of Jesus.
2. Every agenda of the wicked to suck my oil of favour, I use the power in the blood of
Jesus to cancel you today, in the name of Jesus.
3. My glory, my glory, my glory, hear the word of the Lord; by the power that brought
Lazarus from the grave, you shall get out of the cage of darkness today, in the name
of Jesus.
4. Powers, assigned to harm me in the dream, before I leave this place today, thunder of
God shall strike you to death, in the name of Jesus.
5. Today, Father, let the stronghold of the enemy over my life break by fire, in the name
of Jesus.

6. Powers, wasting my good opportunities, hear the word of the Lord, this place is your
burial ground, die, in the name of Jesus.
7. O God, my Father, arise in Your infinite mercy and let my glory be renewed today, in
the name of Jesus.