Our Daily Bread Devotional — The Bible’s Cherished Words, 22 March 2025.

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The Bible’s Cherished Words

You have the words of eternal life. John 6:68

Today’s Scripture

John 6:60-69

Today’s Insights

In John 6, Jesus’ teaching that His disciples would have “no life in [them]” if they didn’t “eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood” (v. 53) was a difficult one for them to understand (v. 60). After Christ responded to their “grumbling” (v. 61) by saying “no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them” (v. 65), “many . . . no longer followed him” (v. 66).

But despite the difficulty of the message, Jesus’ words were also filled with the hope of resurrection, a theme that can be seen in the word life. This passage describes Christ’s death as offering up His body “for the life of the world” (v. 51). Whoever accepts by faith this sacrifice for sin receives God’s grace and “has eternal life, and [He] will raise them up at the last day” (v. 54). Peter seemed to have partly understood, confessing, “You have the words of eternal life” (v. 68).

Today’s Devotional

My dad carried his beloved Bible for more than thirty years before the worn binding finally split in two. When we took it to a book binder for professional restoration, the craftsman was curious about what made the book so special. It wasn’t an expensive antique, and its pages were full of handwritten notes. His questions about the Bible created an opportunity for my family to share the gospel and pray with him.



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Yes, the Bible is more than just a family heirloom or a nice decoration. Inside its pages are the “words of eternal life” (John 6:68) as God reveals Himself to us through His Son. The opening chapter of the gospel of John says that Jesus is the “Word [who] was with God, and . . . was God” (1:1). He’s described as making “his dwelling [home] among us” (v. 14). The Bible contains not only the account of the life of Christ but also all of God’s activity throughout the ages, from creation to its eventual redemption.

During His time on earth, Jesus spoke words that were “full of the Spirit and life” (6:63). When He gave a difficult teaching and the crowds grumbled and many “turned back and no longer followed him” (v. 66), His disciples chose to stay. They realized that no other words could satisfy. My dad felt the same way about his Bible. Through many mountains and valleys in his life, God provided hope, direction, comfort, and truth through the words of Scripture.

Reflect & Pray


Whose words have you allowed to shape your life? What words from Scripture are inspiring you today?

Dear God, as I read Your Scripture today, please open my ears to hear Your voice.


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