Our Daily Bread Devotional — Being Still Before God, 23 March 2025.

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Being Still Before God

Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Today’s Scripture

Psalm 46

Today’s Insights

Psalm 46 considers two primary sources of human fear: natural disasters (vv. 2-3) and the chaos of war (v. 6). In contrast to the seas that “roar and foam” (natural disasters) is the “river whose streams make glad the city of God” (vv. 3-4). This city is Jerusalem. Theologian Kevin R. Warstler tells us the river is likely a metaphor for “God’s presence and blessings that fill Jerusalem and flow to other nations” (CSB Study Bible). And though the nations may be “in uproar” (the second source of fear), God “lifts his voice, the earth melts” (v. 6). He also “makes wars cease” (v. 9). In each case, God’s presence means safety. “The God of Jacob is our fortress” (vv. 7, 11).

Today’s Devotional

I love the idea of stillness. Of quiet. Of resting in the refuge of God’s care (Psalm 46:1). And an often-quoted passage from Psalm 46 teaches us that quieting our hearts, our minds, and our souls is integral to knowing God: “Be still, and know that I am God” (v. 10).

But being still isn’t easy, is it? Being quiet—and especially trying to still our hearts before God—can sometimes seem almost impossible. Why is that?

One of the most basic laws of physics tells us that “objects in motion tend to stay in motion.” So shifting from constant motion, activity, and obligation isn’t easy because it involves letting the momentum of our activity come to rest. We might think of it like a boat’s wake: even as a boat tries to stop, the momentum of its wake—the waves it caused that are now catching up to the still boat—still roll beneath, pushing it along.

If you recognize the value of stillness but struggle to get there, that’s one reason why. Our activities and overall pace are like that “object in motion.” So give yourself plenty of space and grace as you sit before God and rest in Him. It may take some time for the waves of your spiritual “wake” to wash past you, to settle into being quiet before Him.



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What keeps you from being quiet before God? How will you make time to intentionally be still?  



Father, we live in a noisy world, full of activity. Please help me to learn to be quiet before You, to wait out the waves of my soul and trust that You’re present. 


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