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Let Us Pray!


Forever Oh Lord
Thy Word is Settled in Heaven
It is Settled

For you shall say thy Truth
And the Truth shall make you Free

Forever Oh Lord
Thy Word is Settled in Heaven
It is Settled


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King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the Ancient of Days, the Unchangeable Changer – We Worship You.

Thank You for another opportunity to remember the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Father, we are asking that today in the lives of everyone or us here Present or reading now on the Label of DMC; You will Please do something New.

Send Your Word Oh Lord and let that Word bring Healings to Your People.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

But you see, there is Somebody here today or reading here now  that it doesn’t matter what the Enemies may try, that Fellow is going to see the New Year – Amen!

This is a Season of Love, a Season of Joy, a Season of Peace – And so, I want you to shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell him/her: “I Love you whether you like it or not”.

Allow me to Salute all my fathers-in-the-Lord – All the Bishops, the Arch Bishops. Thank You very much for allowing an “Ordinary Pastor” to Preach here tonight.

I also want to Salute all the Traditional Rulers – We appreciate you because you are the “Original Rulers”. You have been ruling before the White Men came.

You are the Rulers not by Election but by Selection – And we give God all the Glory for your Life.

And we Pray that your Kingdom will continue to Prosper in Jesus Name – Amen!

As for all the other Protocols; I just want to stand on the one that has been established.

And those of us who has not been mentioned, I just want to say: God Bless You Brothers and Sisters – I think that should include everybody.

We will look at: John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life: no Man cometh unto the Father but by me.

Several years ago here in Abeokuta; I used this Particular Bible Text during one of the Carol Services.

And I made a Promise then because that time I spoke about: Jesus Christ being ‘The Way’.


– The Way out of Trouble.

– The Way into Joy.

– The Way Forward.

– The Way Upward

– The Way where People say there is “No Way”.

– And the Way to Heaven.

And I remembered that I Promised then that one day, I will come back and talk about: Jesus Christ, ‘The Truth’.

Years has Passed and I have not fulfilled that Promise – That is the reason Probably why I am here tonight.

I want to fulfill the Promise I made years ago to talk about: Jesus Christ, ‘The Truth’.

In John 8:32; the Bible says that you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free.

And I’m Praying in the Name that is above every other name that before this Night is over, every Bondages in your Life will be gone – Amen!



The first Truth that you need to know is that God Created you – You are Created by God!

According to John 1: 1-3; the Bible makes it clear that in the Beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God.

And in Verse 3, it says that it was by Him were all things made and there is Nothing that was made, that was not made by Him.

It doesn’t matter what the Scientists may say; you are not a Relation of Monkeys – God Created you!

I. And if He is the One who Created you, then it follows that He has the Ability to “Repair You”.

You go through the Scriptures – You read Mark 3: 1-5; the Bible talked about a Man with a Withered Hand.

When Jesus saw him, he repaired the Hand.

And I’m believing God that tonight or as you read now on the Label of DMC; anyone here with any form of Sickness or Disease requiring repairing, the Almighty God will come down and repair you in Jesus Name – Amen!

II. Not only can He repair, He can “Recreate You”.

If there is something in your Life that is missing, the Almighty God can put it there!

In John 9: 1-7; the Bible tells us that when He saw a Man who was born Blind – The Man who came to the world without eyes; He created “New Eyes” for him.

So, if you are here tonight  and you have something missing in your Body – Maybe from the Day you are born or through an Accident; I am Praying that in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ that He will recreate you – Amen!

III. Not only that, the Almighty God can make sure that for the rest of your Life, you don’t even know Sickness again.

It is written in Exodus 15:26; that if you will only obey Him, He will make sure that no Sickness will come near you at all because He will be the Lord who will be your Physician.

I’m Praying for Someone here tonight that you have not not came for “Just a Carol Service” but you have come to a New Beginning of Health. And that for the rest of your Life, you will never know Sickness again – Amen!

I remembered years ago that we had a Holy Ghost Service at the National Stadium in Surulere, Lagos State and the crowd was so massive – People were sitting far, far on the Gallery above.

And there was a Man there who has a very “Big Goitre”.

And as I was Preaching, God spoke to me that there is Someone here with a Growth around his neck. That the Growth is gone.

Now, normally if you have that kind of Problem, before People see your face, they will see the Growth.

There has been a girl sitting next to that Man that has been looking at the Growth as the Service was going on.

And when she heard that there is Someone here with a Growth round the neck and the Growth was gone; she turned of course to see and she discovered that the Growth was gone.

She was so shaken by that experience that after the Program, she trekked from Surulere to Palm Groove (NOTES: Both Cities in Lagos State Nigeria); before she remembered that she Parked her car at the Stadium.

There is Somebody here tonight or reading now God is about to give you a Miracle. A Miracle that will frightened your Neighbour – Amen!

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The Lord God Almighty owns the Earth and the Fullness thereof.

According to Psalms 24:1 – The Bible says the Earth is the Lord and the Fullness thereof.

In Haggai 2:8; the Bible says, Gold is Mine, Silver is Mine saith the Lord of Host.

In Psalms 50: 9-10; the Almighty God says that even the Cattle upon the thousand Hills are Mine.

Every money in the entire world belongs to Jesus – All the Wealth, all the Oil, all the Cattles anywhere in the world belongs to Him!

I remembered years ago, I was travelling and I was sitting in the First Class Cabin because Someone bought me Ticket.

There was a Man sitting next to me – And if you look at the way he was dressed, you will see that he is a “Sinkingly Rich” Man – If I was for sale, he Probably could have been able to buy me.

Now, I wanted to talk to him about Jesus Christ but I know that if I begin to talk about Jesus Christ, He will turn me off.

So, I just told him that I want to introduce him to my father.

He said, who is your father? I said my father is the richest Man in Nigeria.

He said what does he do? I said, well he is into Oil and Gas, he is also into Diamond and Gold and in addition to that, you never can count the number of cattles that he has.

He became keenly interested – He wanted to find out if he could become a Business Partner.

And then he asked, what is the name of your father? And I know that if I say Jesus Christ at that Stage, I will still loss him – And so I said that my father’s name is Chief Emmanuel.

… He is the One whose name is Emmanuel and He is the One who is the richest of all.

Now, because He is the Controller of everything called Wealth in this world, that is why He can decide to make Somebody rich in a Miraculous Way!

Oh, there are several ways of making Money but there is only one way you can become rich without Sorrow.

The Bible says that it is the Blessings of the Lord that maketh rich and added no Sorrow to it.

I have come here today or as you read now on the Label of DMC to announce to Someone that in the Coming Year (2024); God is going to do something for you that will cause your family to move far away from the Border of Poverty forever – Amen!


When my Father opens a Door, Nobody can shut it; and when He says Yes, Nobody can say No!

He tells us that I have “The Key of David” – And when I open a Door, no Man can shut it; if I shut a Door, there is no Man who can open it.

In Exodus 5: 1-2; Pharaoh said that I don’t know the Lord and I will not allow Israel to go – That is after God had said that my People must go so that they can go and serve me.

But by the time God finished with him (Pharaoh) in Exodus 12: 29-33; it was the same Pharaoh who was begging the children of Israel to go and serve the Lord.

I believed that the Almighty God wants me to come here tonight and tell Someone or making your Path of Destiny to cross with this Transcript from the Stable of DMC; that all those Forces that has been holding you Captive, in the New Year (2024), they will beg you to go – Amen!



It is the Lord Jesus Christ that Controls Life and Death!

In Deuteronomy 32:39; He said clearly: I am God, there is no one else. I am the One who kills, and I am the One who can make alive.

You know that is Good News for you because it means that if there is anybody who is Planning that you will not see the New Year (2024); the Almighty God will tell the Fellow he is lying.

You find several Examples in the Bible:

I. In Daniel 3: 1-end; it tells us the Story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

It tells you the Story of three (3) Hebrew Boys that were thrown into a Fiery Furnace – The Bible tells us that the Fire was so hot that those who threw them in, the heat of the Fire killed them.

But these People that they thought had already gone forever, came out only to be Promoted.

II. Also in Daniel Chapter 6, when they threw Daniel into the Den of Lions that they covered with a huge stone. They thought that he was finished.

But I have Good News for Somebody here or reading now on the Label of DMC; it doesn’t matter what the Doctors may say. The Doctors might have told you that there is no Hope for you or all your Enemies may have concluded all their Plans to make sure that you will not see the New Year (2024) – Well, I want you to know that Death and Life is in the Power of the Almighty God.

And I’m telling you that as the Lord lives, even by this Time Next Year (2024); you will still be alive to Celebrate – Amen!

I could remember the Story of a woman who came to the Holy Ghost Service – And somehow, the Word of God came and said that there is Someone here, your Appointment with Death has been Cancelled.

And of course, she said Amen like everybody there but she didn’t know that it was for her exactly.

Well, Saturday Morning came, she left the Redemption Camp, got home and those People who owed her a lot of Money decided that since they couldn’t Pay her back, the best thing to do is to finished their Creditor.



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So, they Kidnapped her, tied her, put her in the boot of a car and they are driving her to Badagry so that they could get to the bush somewhere there and finished her up.

But as they were driving, there was this Police Check Point.

And as they are getting closer to them, they already put some Money in their hands to settle the Police so that they can easily drive on.

But they got to the Check Point and the Police said No, we are not taking Money but want to see what is in your boot.

They thought maybe the Money was not enough, they added more to the Money but the Police still said No, we must see what is in your boot.

When they saw that the Police were determined, they jumped out of the car and began to run.

And the Police forced open the boot and they found the woman there bound.

And they set her Free.

I have Good News for Somebody here today or reading now

your Appointment with Death is Cancelled – Amen!


God is the One who Controls Times and Seasons.

In Revelation 1:8; He says that I am the Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the Ending; the One who was, the One who is and the One who is to come.

Yes, the Bible says that for everything in Life, there is a Season, there is a Time for every Purpose of God on Earth.

And Daniel 2:20, tells us that there is a God who Controls Times and Seasons.

As a matter of fact, the Bible tells us that He is the One who Controls the Rising and Setting of the Sun.

Psalms 113:3 says: From the rising of the Sun unto the going down of the same, the Lord’s Name is to be Praised.

It means that God decides your Future – He is the One who can say, alright what I had Planned for your Life, that I Planned to bring to Past in ten (10) years time, I can bring it to today!

He is also the One who will determine when you will finish here on Earth.

You might think that the Purpose of God for your Life, the Promises of God for your Life, your Dreams of Greatness now fading away, that it is “Too Late” for you to become Somebody in this world; I have Good News for you – There is Someone who Controls Times and Seasons and He is ready to help Somebody here tonight or reading now – Amen!

Several years ago, when I was about to turn 60 years old, my children were getting ready for Celebrations – Making all kinds of Preparations. But I was sad.

Why was I sad? I have a rough idea of why God sent me to the world, and I have a rough idea that The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) that He asked me to lead is yet to be known throughout the whole world – At that time, we were only in fifty six (56) Nations of the world.

And so I was saying to God, I was groaning: Lord: I’m going to be 60 years Old and if in Nigeria you are 60 years old and you live to be 90 years old, that’s a Miracle – There is still so much to be done Lord. What am I going to do?

And God spoke to me and said: Son, I’m the One who decides when the Sun will Set.

Thank God, 21 years had gone and the Sun is not Set yet.

And by the Grace of God, the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is now in one hundred and ninety five (195) Nations of the world.

I’m saying to Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, your Sun will not Set in the Afternoon – Amen!


The Last Truth is found in Revelation 3:20.

There the Almighty God said: Behold I Stand by the Door and I knock, if you hear my Voice and you opened the Door for me I will come in and then we begin to Fellowship together.

And of course, if God comes into your house, you know what that means:

I. He comes into your house, there will be no Failure in that house anymore.

II. He comes into your house, Sorrow will not be able to stay in that house again.

III. If He comes into your house, Forces of Darkness will not be able to stay there anymore.

He says that if you open the Door unto me, I will come in!

This has led to several People asking the Question – If God is the Almighty, if He is as Powerful as you claimed He is; why must He wait for me to open the Door? Can’t He just kick the Door open and come in?

Well, the answer I have always given to this is that He is not an Armed Robber – He is a Gentleman. He will knock on the Door.

When He knocks, if you like you open the Door, and if you like, you don’t open the Door.

If you don’t open the Door, He will go away.

And He will go away because He knows that sooner or later, you too will come and knock at His Door.

And if you don’t open your own Door to Him, when you knock at His Own Door too, He will not open His Own Door to you.

When I was a little boy, some of you knows a little bit about my dad – He was so Poor that Poor People call him Poor.

The “Little House” we lived in had no Windows – So even in the daytime, if you want to look for something in the room, you had to Light a Lamp.

And so, whenever I offend him, I will run into the room. Because it is dark, he can’t locate me in the room.

But my father never followed me into the room – He will just take a Stool and sit by the door because he knew sooner or later, something will bring me out.

If I stay there long enough, hunger will ask me to come out and he will be there waiting for me by the door.

In the same manner, God is sitting by His Door waiting for you because whether you know it or not, and whether you want to believe it or not; you should know that you will leave this world one day.

The Bible says clearly in Ecclesiastes 9:5 – It says that the Living knows that he will die.

The Truth is Settled:

– Whether you are Rich, you are going.

– Whether you are Poor, you are going.

The funny thing is that Death doesn’t even come by Age – You don’t have to be “Very Old” before you die. Death can come at any moment!

And when Death comes, then you will face your Maker and you will have to Settle with Him.

But David said something in Psalms Chaper 23 – He said that though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no Evil.

Why? Thou Art with me.

If you haven’t Surrendered your Life to Him, when Death come knocking because sooner or later we are going; then you will have to walk through the Valley of Death alone.

And then you will meet your Maker at the Door and there you will have to Settle either for Heaven or for Hell.

And Heaven is forever, just as Hell is forever!

But tonight or as you read now on the Label of DMC, you can make up your Mind that you will Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ so that when the time comes for you to go, He will be there to hold you by the hand and then you will be able to go with Him into Heaven!


So, I’m going to give you an Opportunity tonight to make a Choice – The Choice of whether to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ or to tell Him that I don’t need You, go away!

If you say that I don’t need You and He goes away, maybe this will be the Last Sermon that you will ever hear, and then you come face-to-face with Him, He will show you a Video of tonight that His Servant offered you an Opportunity to Surrender your Life to Him and you refused.

But if you Surrender your Life to Him today, not only can He Changed everything from your very Beginning till now; He will give you a New Beginning.

And whenever the time comes for you to go, He will come to hold you by the Right Hand and lead you into Glory.

So, the Choice is yours!

So, I’m going to ask now that you will Please bow your Head and take a very Strong Decision:

If you really want to say: Yes Lord, I will Surrender my Life to You so that from now on, You will be my Saviour, You will be my Guide, You will be the One Controlling everything I do in my Life; then all I ask you to do is to raise up your hands now that all Heads are bowed and all eyes are closed,

Raise your hands and say: Pastor, Pray for me. I want to Surrender my Life to Jesus Christ.

You see, everything you can need in Life belongs to Him.

I will just count from one (1) to seven (7):

Now, those of you that have already come, talk to Jesus Christ for a Minute:

Ask Him to have Mercy on you, ask Him to save your Soul, ask Him to take over the rest of your Life, ask Him to forgive whatever you have done in the Past and continue to shape your Future,

And the rest of us, let us Stretch our hands towards our New Brothers and Sisters and Intercede for them – That the God who had saved our Souls will save their own Souls also.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I just want to say Thank You for Your Words and I want to say Thank You for these People who has come forward to Surrender their lives to You.

Father, I Pray that You will receive them, You will forgive them, Your Blood will wash away their sins.

I Pray Lord God Almighty that from now on, everything will become New for them; that anytime they cry to You, You will answer them by Fire.

I’m Praying that from today onwards, everything they can ever Need, You will Provide for them.

Let their Future be alright and Please keep Death away from them.

Let them serve You till the End.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

I want you to stay where you are as I want to Pray for everybody and then you will be Praying for yourself.

If you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will Perform Wonder for you so that you can enter the New Year singing a New Song – Will you kindly stand on your feet and shout Hallelujah (Hallelujah).

I will Pray first for you and then you will go ahead to ask God for a Christmas Gift and that you want it before the Christmas Day!


My Father and my God, I’m committing all the People who are here or reading now into Your Hands – I know that with You, all things are Possible.

And I’m asking that this very Night, in the lives of everybody here Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, You will do something New.

That everyone who has come out tonight to this Program as well as those following on , will not leave this Place tonight without a Testimony.

I Pray Lord God Almighty that every Appointments with Death concerning any of these People will be Cancelled right now.

I’m Praying that in Your Own Miraculous Way, in the New Year, You will so Perform a Miracle in the lives of these Your Children that they will never know anything that is called Poverty again.

I Pray that Barrenness will become a Stranger to them.

And I Pray that their Joy will be Full.

Father, in a moment; they are going to be asking You for a Christmas Present, Lord even as they Pray, grant their Requests.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Now, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


Just for two (2) Minutes, I want you to forget everybody – Forget People on your Right and Left: And ask God for a Christmas Present.

Tell Him exactly what you want Him to do for you.

Go ahead everybody and ask Him!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


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