Live Stream Believer’s Voice of Victory Network BVOVN

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Live Stream Believer’s Voice of Victory Network

Southwest Believers Convention 2018, Free Event

We encourage everyone tuning in now to listen to the Word from the Lord being preached. Receive it by faith and open your heart to receive what the Lord wants to speak to you through Brother Copeland!

We’re LIVE for Saturday morning Healing School at #SWBC18! Do you need a touch from God? Reach out with the faith you’ve fostered all week long and receive your needs met! We’re also LIVE all week
Live Stream Believer’s Voice of Victory Network

We want to welcome everyone tuning in now, we’re glad you’re here!! We encourage you to listen to the Word of God being preached and receive what you need!

More Ways to Watch (& Listen) to BVOVN

As more and more ways to “watch TV” have become available, many viewers are choosing to cancel their paid television subscriptions and trade those monthly bills for lower-cost and even free ways to watch their favorite programs. This is especially true for viewers who are already paying for an Internet subscription, since many programs are now available online or through streaming media devices, like Roku, Apple TV (4th Generation) and Amazon Fire TV, at no extra cost. Kenneth Copeland Ministries and Believer’s Voice of Victory Network (BVOVN), are committed to ensuring that anyone, anywhere can watch our network, without having to pay top dollar for cable/satellite subscriptions.

Full Show Schedule BVOVN Any Program Title to Start Watching Now

Eagle Mountain International Church
George Pearsons
Rebroadcast of Sunday morning service with Pastors George and Terri Pearsons.

9:30 Am – Jerry Savelle Ministries

Jerry Savelle
Teaching Bible principles for becoming the winner in life that God has called you to be.

10:00am – WAT Living the Good Life
Butch Bruton
Abundance of Grace, the gift of Righteousness

10:30am WAT

Rhema Praise – Kenneth W. Hagin

Kenneth W. Hagin
Featuring the all-encompassing ministry of God’s Word through the preaching and teaching of Rhema Bible Church’s Senior Pastor, Kenneth W. Hagin.

South West Believers Convention Kenneth Copeland


11:00am – WAT

Kenneth Copeland-Victorious Living – Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland teaches Bible principles that lead to victory.

12:00pm – WAT

Rick Renner
Rick Renner
Is it really God’s will for EVERY BELIEVER to operate in spiritual gifts? Tune in to this week to find out as Rick Renner opens this subject to us.


Kenneth Copeland

Kenneth Copeland
Jesus has compassion for you, and He’s provided everything you need. Receive from Him today. Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory, as he shares how the power of God is present to heal and deliver you.


Winner’s Way with Mac Hammond

Mac Hammond
Spiritual hunger is a process. God wants His children to have a heart on fire for Him for that fire changes us to be ready to fulfill His will!


FLC – Keith Moore
Keith Moore
Sunday morning services with Keith Moore present praise, worship and teaching.


On the Road to Freedom Mylon and Christi Le Fevre

An in-depth look at Mylon’s life & how God delivered him from a destructive lifestyle into the good life!


Southwest Believers’ Convention

Kenneth Copeland and guests minister live from Fort Worth, TX.

We are LIVE for Day 5 of our night session! Listen in as Kenneth Copeland


KCM South West convention 2018 Kenneth Copeland


What’s the difference between people who receive from God and those who don’t? Those who receive from God touch God. They touch Jesus. Yes, people constantly throng God, but many never touch Him. Watch this video from #SWBC18 speaker Jesse Duplantis as he explains the difference between thronging and touching God. Then, join us on Twitter via Periscope at 3 p.m. CT (@copelandnetwork) where we’ll be live with Jesse from #SWBC18. #swbc18 #thebigone



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7:00pm WAT
Mark Hankins
Mark Hankins
Mark and Trina Hankins minister the spirit of faith, the message of who the believer is in Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit.

7:30pm WAT

Jerry Savelle Ministries

Jerry Savelle
Teaching Bible principles for becoming the winner in life that God has called you to be.


Winner’s Way with Mac Hammond

Mac Hammond
Spiritual hunger is a process. God wants His children to have a heart on fire for Him for that fire changes us to be ready to fulfill His will!

8:30pm WAT

Live Your Faith

Keith Butler

Bishop Keith A. Butler is committed to teaching the Word of God without compromise and helping believers live their faith.

9:00pm WAT

Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland
Jesus has compassion for you, and He’s provided everything you need. Receive from Him today. Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory, as he shares how the power of God is present to heal and deliver you.

9:30pm WAT

Legacy Television with Jeremy and Sarah Pearsons

Jeremy & Sarah Pearsons
Teaching a generation how to live by faith in the day of grace.

10:00pm WAT
Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland
Believer’s Voice of Victory messages from the current week.

12:00am WAT

Southwest Believers’ Convention

Kenneth Copeland and guests minister live from Fort Worth, TX.

4:00am WAT

Jerry Savelle Ministries
Jerry Savelle
Teaching Bible principles for becoming the winner in life that God has called you to be.

4:30am WAT with David & Nicole Crank

David & Nicole Crank
The mission and the call of Faith Church is to change lives and set the captives free! With Pastors David and Nicole Crank.

5:00am WAT

Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Jesse Duplantis
Life lessons and biblical truths with guidance by evangelist Jesse Duplantis.

5:30am WAT

Live Your Faith
Keith Butler
Bishop Keith A. Butler is committed to teaching the Word of God without compromise and helping believers live their faith.


Everywhere you look, faith is under attack. Flip on your TV and you’ll see Christian values de-valued on just about every show.

Like you, we’ve had enough. And we’re doing something about it.

BVOVN is a new kind of network. Unlike 99.9 percent of the TV out there, this is a network built on faith. We don’t bend to focus groups or the latest Nielsen ratings. We’re here to be a voice that breaks through the noise.

But it’s not just about being counterculture. It’s about making a real difference…helping you find a voice of victory for your family—with positive, 24/7 programming on healing, finances, relationships, finding peace and more. No matter when you tune in, you’ll hear the Word of God taught—uncompromised—by a hand-selected group of today’s most-trusted Bible teachers.

But we can’t do it alone.

Here’s another way we’re flipping the societal norm on its head: BVOVN is not supported by advertising or any other means. Instead, we rely solely on the generous offerings of viewers like you.

If you believe it’s time to share the truth of God’s Word without apology, will you join us? Take a stand and break through the noise of today’s TV experience!

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