Kenneth Copeland Devotional — February 13 2024

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You Can Open That Door

Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Matthew 7:7

How long has it been since you were backed into a corner, hemmed in by a seemingly insurmountable problem? If you’re anything like most folks, it hasn’t been very long. Some of us spend years trying to work our way out of financial binds only to end up more bound by debt than ever. Others work fanatically on marriages that, despite their best efforts, deteriorate from year to year. Still others fight battles against fear or depression, drug addiction or disease.

Deep within our hearts, each of us knows there must be an answer to the problem we face. But often it seems to be out of reach, hidden behind a door that’s locked tightly against us.

What I want you to know today, however, is this: we can open that door! Jesus Himself has given us the keys.



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Right now you may be facing a situation that looks utterly hopeless, but God has a key ring full of keys that will unlock any situation. He has the keys that open the doors for you spiritually and physically, financially and emotionally. No matter how hard the devil tries to trap you, if you’ll get hold of the right key, you can find your way out.

God’s Word is full of keys of kingdom principles—keys to bind the devil’s operations and keys to loose yourself from his snares. God has a key that will unravel any knot that the devil can tie. He also has a key that will lock up the devil’s operation so tightly that he won’t be able to move.

Remember this: There’s no situation so dark and so cleverly designed by the forces of darkness that there is not a kingdom key that will unlock it with kingdom power.

There is an answer to your situation. So keep digging for it. If you’ve been digging in the Word of God in one spot and haven’t found your answer, then look at another chapter, a different verse. Keep digging until you find the key. Keep knocking at every door until you find the one that opens.

Scripture Reading:Psalm 63

About Devotional 2023

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