Table of Contents
The sower sows the Word.
The ones along the path are those who have the Word sown [in their hearts], but when they hear, Satan comes at once and [by force] takes away the message which is sown in them.
A believer who knows the truth is a major defeat to Satan. The devil’s work in the life of the Christian is based upon deception. Deception is a result of lies that are believed. As long as I believed the wrong thing, I was deceived. When I learned truth, the deception was uncovered, and I was set free. Satan hates and fears the Word.
He will do anything possible to prevent
us from learning God’s Word.
If we do hear or study the Word, the devil will attempt immediately to steal it from us. He does not want the Word to take root in our hearts and begin to produce good fruit in our lives.
Beloved, we must be informed about how the enemy hates and fears the Word of God. This knowledge will cause us to become more determined than ever to make the Word of God a priority in our lives.
If Satan works so hard to keep us from the Word, then there must be a good reason why. The reason is simple: he knows that the Word of God is a powerful weapon against him. It assures his defeat! That’s why it is imperative that we learn to wield the spiritual sword.