Joel osteen’s daily sermon for today : IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU; IT IS ABOUT GOD

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God uses and exalts many men and women. Unfortunately, some believers get a touch of the blessing of God, and then
they become proud and haughty. That is a dangerous place to be in.

Oral Robert once said, “The most dangerous time in a man’s life is when he feels so sufficient that he does not need
faith in God.”

The most dangerous place is that secure place where you think you have it made. You have all the money you need. You
have no challenges. You have no need to trust God and His power.

I encourage you to forever extend yourself to the place where God must work for you.
Moses chose to humble himself, and God blessed him mightily, but soon criticismcame fromthe mouths of his own
brother and sister. “Then Miriamand Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whomhe had married;
for he had married an Ethiopian woman. So they said, ‘Has the LORD indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken
through us also?’ And the Lord heard it” (Numbers 12:1–2).

Over the years, I have had a few people take a similar attitude in our church. My responsibility is to keep order in the services. I try to operate in love and protect the congregation. I have had a few people stand up in the middle of a service and
give a revelation that is totally out of order.

When I asked them to sit down and wait, they got mad and stormed out, saying,
“Is he the only one who knows how to move in the Holy Spirit?” That is an ugly attitude, and it is not biblical.



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You will never grow in the Lord if you do not respect the leadership God sets over a congregation. Any revelation from
God can be held in your spirit until the right time to give it.

I have held a prophecy in my spirit for a day or two. You may think, God gave it to me, and I cannot control it. If you cannot
control it, it is not of God.
The Bible says that when Miriamand Aaron spoke against Moses, God heard it. We never have a right to criticize anyone. Every child of God has an important function in the body of Christ.

God sees His children differently than we see them. Notice what He said about Moses: “Not so with My servant Moses; he is faithful in all My house. I speak with him
face to face, even plainly, and not in dark sayings; and he sees the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid to speak
against My servant Moses?” (Numbers 12:7–8).

God had spoken to Moses face to face, and yet they were critical of him. Miriam and Aaron had also been chosen for
great tasks. Why should they be jealous of Moses? They should have been glad for the ministry that God had given
Miriamand Aaron’s critical and proud attitude provoked the anger of God, and Miriamwas struck with leprosy. Moses
interceded on her behalf, and God healed her, but the Israelites’ journey was delayed for seven days.

The whole move of God was stopped because two people had exaggerated opinions of their importance.
Miriamand Aaron’s attitude cut themoff from the abundance of God as well as their usefulness, until they repented. When God begins to use you in the gifts of the Holy
Spirit, when He begins to bless you and give you revelations, let it humble you more and more. It is not you; it is God.

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