Joel osteen’s daily sermon for today :FEED YOUR SPIRIT WITH SPIRITUAL FOOD

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Jesus said, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are
life” (John 6:63). A physical man must have physical food. A spirit man must have spiritual food.

Jesus said His words are life: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds fromthe mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

As you are released in the spirit to talk in
a heavenly language and walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, you must realize that you are released to go to the table of God
and feed on spiritual food. You need to read and feed upon the Word of God!

Many believers feed their bodies three good meals a day and their spirit one cold snack a week! Then they wonder why
they are not growing spiritually! If you will feed your spirit as much as you feed your body, you will be a healthy Christian.



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You have victory in the realmwhere you feed! Do not continue to feed your carnal nature on the things of this world.
Some people know every football player, every fishing lure and reel, every hunting gun and shells, and everything they need
to know to indulge and feed their soul (mind, will, and emotions), yet they hardly know an apostle froman epistle!

Start feeding that spirit man on spiritual food. Talk as a spirit man in the spirit language. Walk in the realmof the gifts
of the Holy Spirit. Feed your spirit on the Word of God, while starving your carnal nature.
You will be a strong spiritual person. You will be victorious in every battle and over every stronghold!
Release your spirit to flow in the fullness of God! You will be used of God as you flow in the freedomof the Spirit!

About Today Bible Verse

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