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When you receive the baptismof the Holy Spirit, there is a release in your spirit, and that spirit man begins to be active.
The first thing that spirit man begins to do is talk. On the day of Pentecost, the believers began to speak in other languages, which was the release of their spirits.
Think about meeting God face to face and never having had the privilege of your spirit man talking to Himbefore. Whenever we talk by the Holy Spirit, we are talking beyond the ability of our mind to comprehend. “For he who speaks in a
tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries….
For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful” (1 Corinthians 14:2, 14).
That is the release of your spirit!
You should let yourself talk to God every day by your spirit energized by the Holy Spirit.“But the hour is coming, and
now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.
God is Spirit, and those who worship Himmust worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:23–24).
God the Father is seeking His children to worship Him in spirit and in truth. By worshiping Himin the Spirit, He is
referring to speaking to Himin a spiritual language.
You may wonder if you have to speak in tongues when you receive the baptismof the Holy Spirit.
Look at this way:
you get to speak in another language! It is a sign that you have received the fullness of the Holy Spirit. When you begin to speak in other tongues, your spirit man is released.
The joy of praying to the Father, of bypassing your mind and going directly to the throne of God, speaking in a spiritual language, is wonderful. No one should be denied their right to be released in their spirit. When you are released in your spirit, God puts you into a spiritual dimension beyond anything you have ever known.
Through the Holy Spirit, you touch a realm you never before touched, even in your deepest dedication. It is a dimension
where the gifts of the Holy Spirit operate. It is the realmof the supernatural!
You begin to live in the same Holy Spirit-charged atmosphere as those in the book of Acts.
The release of the spirit enables you to walk in the realm of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Amplified Bible states that
the supernatural gifts are “the special endowments of supernatural energy” (1 Corinthians 12:1). According to 1
Corinthians 12:4–10, there is…
the gift of miracles,
the gift of faith,
the gift of healing,
the gift of tongues,
the gift of interpretation of
the gift of prophecy,
the gift of the word of wisdom,
the gift of the word of knowledge,
and the gift of discerning of spirits Thank God, these are the weapons of our spiritual warfare, given to us by the Holy Spirit.
Oh, I wish I could fully tell you the joy and blessings of the mighty baptismof the Holy Spirit!
Let me urge you to seek the Lord Jesus for this outpouring of power!
That longing inside of you is for this power of God. Your spirit is yearning to be released—to communicate with your
heavenly Father in the deepest fashion. God loves you so much! He sees your desire for freedomand power. He knows
you belong to Him. You need to do more than swing in your religious swing and eat your religious birdseed.
The door is wide open!
Come forth and join multitudes of your other brothers and sisters in the family of God who are enjoying the abundant
blessings of our heavenly Father.
Your spirit needs this release to talk and to live in the realmof the supernatural. So much can happen when your spirit is set free. When your spirit is liberated, you receive the ability to act like a spirit person and live as a spirit person, and
not just as a soulish, physical person.