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The person who lives a life of humility is the person who will walk in the supernatural power of God.
Stephen said he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of
God, yet we are told repeatedly in Scripture that Jesus is seated
at the right hand of the Father. I believe that Jesus thought, In
I will stand for a man who was faithful to serve tables. I will stand for a man who will give his life for the sake of the Gospel.God honors men and women who will do humble tasks for Him.
Philip was another disciple who waited on the tables. He began to preach in Samaria, and the whole city was stirred by miracles, signs, and wonders (Acts 8:6–8). An angel of God appeared to Philip and sent himto the desert to lead an Ethiopian man to the Lord.
After baptizing this man, Philip was
supernaturally translated to the city of Azotus, where he began preaching.
This is what happens to the person who will walk humbly before the Lord. The person who lives a life of humility is the
person who will walk in the supernatural power of God.Let there be no fighting over the high positions.
Give unqualified courtesy and respect to every person. Serve one another in love. Walk humbly before God, and you will be
blessed with riches, honor, and life. We reign in life as kings and walk in the abundance of God through the power of humility.
We reign in life as kings by One, Christ Jesus, who “humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death on the cross” (Philippians 2:8). Let us follow His example.