Joel Osteen Daily Devotional Aug 28 2018

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Joel Osteen Daily Devotional Aug 28 2018

Topic- Good Things in Store -Joel Osteen Devotional – Joel Osteen Daily Devotional


“…time and chance happen to them all.”
Ecclesiastes 9:11, NIV



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Joel Osteen Devotional
Joel Osteen Daily Devotional

TODAY’S WORD: Joel Osteen Daily

The scripture talks about how time and chance will come together for every person. In other words, there are moments of favor that God has already released into your future. If you’ll let that sink down into your heart today, it will change your whole outlook on your future.

So many people miss out on the good things because they allow fear to distract them and hold them back. They say, “What if I fail?” “What if they don’t like me?” “What if I make a mistake?” However, “What if you do succeed?” “What if they do like you?” “What if you do it better than anyone else?” That’s expecting God’s goodness and favor. And when you go out each day with an attitude of faith and expectancy, you’ll see those good things He has in store. You’ll walk into divine moments of favor, moments of blessing, moments of increase and embrace all the good things He has in store for you!

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Joel Osteen Daily

“Father, thank You for the good things You have in store for my future. Thank You for Your peace and joy that surrounds my every step. I choose to keep my heart focused on the blessings in my future in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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