Joel Osteen Daily Devotional Aug 17 2018 Written on Your Heart

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Joel Osteen Daily Devotional

TOPIC- Written on Your Heart Friday Joel Osteen Daily Devotional


“They demonstrate that God’s law is written in their hearts…”
Romans 2:15, NLT


Joel OsteenTODAY’S WORD: Joel Osteen Daily Devotional

In the Old Testament, God’s commands were written on stone tablets and kept in the tabernacle. Today, when we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, we become His temple. He lives in us and engraves His promises and commands on our hearts.



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How do we know? This verse goes on to say that it’s because your conscience, or inner man, has a more powerful knowing of what is right and what is wrong. It becomes more clear what you should and shouldn’t do. Because you are drawn to follow the Word of God, you know that the Spirit of God is on the inside of you guiding and directing you. Every time you follow His leading, your ability to hear and know Him is strengthened. However, if you choose to bypass that prompting on the inside, your heart can become hardened which will affect your ability to hear Him in the future. Joel Osteen Daily Devotional

Make the decision today to follow that inner leading of the Spirit. He always has your best interest at heart. He wants you to stay close to Him. He wants you to follow Him which is why His promises are written on your heart!


“Father, thank You for making Your home in me. I acknowledge that I am Your temple! Help me to clearly follow Your leading all the days of my life that I may honor You in all I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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