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When I first received the baptismof the Holy Spirit, I wanted everything that God would give me. I was so thrilled to find out the truth about the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
As I began my ministry, I would pray for the gifts of the Spirit. I wanted all nine of themto operate in my life. Somehow, in all my sincerity but also in all my ignorance, I expected a little angel to come down and touch me. From then on, I would have these gifts.
Sparks would fly as the angel touched me, and I would be endowed with these wonderful gifts from God!
I didn’t know any better.
As I sought God, He told me to go out and stand before sighing, crying, dying humanity and preach the Word, and He
would be there with me. He would confirmthe Word with signs following in a flow of the supernatural.
So I decided to have a meeting and rented an auditorium. I.I.w so excited as hundreds of people came. I told them my
background and what God had done in my life by His Spirit. I told them that Jesus was the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
I told them that God has given us the
power to cast out demons, to lay hands on the sick and see.them healed (Mark 16:17–18). I told them that they would see
miracles in Jesus’ Name.
People began to line up for prayer. I was astonished!
People had believed the Word of God that I preached!
I quieted my spirit before the people. The first person who marched across the stage was a mute man. He had never spoken a word in all his life! I thought to myself, Oh, God, couldn’t I start with someone with a stomachache? Of course, this was only a natural thought.
The same power that could heal a stomachache could heal this man.
Thank God for the anointing of the Holy Spirit! As I stood there with butterflies in my stomach, I was reminded of the
great promises of God.
I did not feel like it, but I acted like God had told me the truth in His Word. Jesus had promised me, “Behold, I give you
the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means
hurt you” (Luke 10:19).
I prayed for that man in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He could hear, but he could not talk. So I put the microphone by his mouth, and I told himto say, “Thank you, Jesus!” He did, and the meeting was on!
In that meeting, we saw such miracles of God, such mighty demonstrations of salvation, divine healing, and deliverance. It
was a marvelous thing to behold as Jesus met the needs of the people!