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Shall we lift our hands and give God a Shout of Praise!

If you are excited to see the First RCCG Holy Ghost Service Night of the Year 2022 – You are not dead, you are alive; can you give God a shout of Praise.

Can you Please rise up on your feet and give God all the Praises that we are here today.

If it should be by the Plan of the enemies; we should be on Lockdown but you are here. We are not Lockdown, but we are in God’s Presence, we are Lockup because that is where we are seated.

We are seated with Christ in Heavenly Places – Far above Principalities and Power.

Can you give God a shout of Praise; a hand of Praise, a wave of Praise.

Give God all the Glory!

I want us to sing a Song tonight to Show God that we are alive – No matter the things that are happening in the world, the Lord has Preserved us.

He is Faithful – Not because we are Righteous, not by our Merit but by His Mercy!

Mapariwo f’Eledumare (I will Shout to the Almighty God)
Mapariwo f’Eledumare (I will Shout to the Almighty God)
Ma mopewa f’Eledumare (I will bring Thanks to the Almighty God)
Ma mopewa f’Eledumare (I will bring Thanks to the Almighty God)
Mamu jowa f’Eledumare (I will bring dance to the Almighty God)
Mamu jowa f’Eledumare (I will bring dance to the Almighty God)

Gba gbogbo Ogo (6ce) (Take all the Glory)
Ese ooooooooooo! (Thank You ooooo)
Gba gbogbo Ogo (6ce) (Take all the Glory)
Ese ooooooooooo! (Thank You ooooo)


Father, we Thank You, Father we give You Praise. We Thank You for Your Mercy that endures forever.

Our God, we give You all the Glory – Thank You for Your Mercy over The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); Thank You for Your Mercy over our lives; Thank You for the Last Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Holy Ghost Congress; Thank You for our father and mother in the Lord – Daddy GO and Mummy GO; Thank You for our fathers and mothers Labouring with them; Thank You for every Members of this Church.

We give You Glory that we are alive to see the First RCCG Holy Ghost Service of the Year 2022 – Thank You Jesus!

Lord tonight, I appreciate You for this Privilege – I am not the Most Qualified, neither am I the Most Anointed but Your Mercy is a Qualifier.

Please tonight, Qualify Yourself here. Sweet Holy Spirit Qualify Jesus Christ in this Meeting – Heal the Sick, deliver the Oppressed, set our hearts on Fire.

And I Promised never to take the Glory in the Name of Jesus.

In Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen.

If you are excited to be here; give the Lord a shout of Praise – Hallelujah!

Can we be seated as Kings and Queens in God’s Presence.

I want to appreciate my father and mother in the Lord – Daddy and Mummy GO for this Privilege given to me to be here tonight.

I appreciate all our Daddies and Mummies Labouring with them – The Lord Bless and Increase your Anointing more in the Name of Jesus (Amen).

Are you ready tonight?

Jesus Christ is ready for you!

I am going to take a Scripture and we read: John 20:22

And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:

That is – When He has said this; He released “Fresh Air” upon them and said: Receive the Holy Ghost.

When I began to Pray for this Meeting tonight; I began to ask God – What is “Fresh Air”?

Anytime that you think of “Fresh”, it means:

I. Something that is Original in Quality.

II. Something that the Quality is unimpaired; that is not Stale, that is not sour or decayed.

III. Something that is not Altered.

What is “Fresh Air”

Now, by the Grace of God, my father in the Lord (That is Daddy GO) is a Mathematician but I am a Scientist.

If you check the components of the “Air” in Science, you will discovered that this “Air” contains: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Argon, Water Vapour and some traces of other gases

DMC NOTES: Kindly find the Percentage Composition of Air – Air composed of approximately 78 Percent Nitrogen, 21 Percent Oxygen, 0.93 Percent Argon, 0.04 Percent carbon dioxide as well as trace amounts of Neon, Helium, Methane, Krypton, Ozone and Hydrogen, as well as Water Vapour.

I. If God is saying “Fresh Air”; He won’t say “Fresh Nitrogen”.

II. If God says to us that He is giving us “Fresh Air”; He won’t say “Fresh Carbon dioxide”.

How does a Market Woman knows what is carbon dioxide?

Explain to me how Somebody who didn’t go to School will understand what is called Argon?

That is why anytime Jesus Christ is teaching; He teaches in the Language that People can understand!

So, if God is saying to us in the Month of January 2022; after the Siege was Over in December 2021; that there will be “Fresh Air” – He is not talking of “Fresh Nitrogen”.

There is something Peculiar about this Air.

And I can say to you from the Scriptures that we read – When He breathed “Fresh Air” upon them, He gave them the Holy Ghost!

“Fresh Air” is the Holy Ghost!

When He breath on them, He said: Receive the Holy Ghost.

… The Holy Ghost is ever Fresh and it is not Stale.

God does not need to be Updated, He is Up-To-Date.

Now, if we check the Scriptures – In Genesis 2:7:

And the LORD God formed Man of the dust of the Ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and Man became a Living Soul.

What is that “Air” that can make a “Dead Clay” becomes a “Living Man”?

It is the Holy Ghost

Ezekiel 37: 1-9 – When Ezekiel was taken to the Valley of dry bones; the Lord asked him a question: Can these dry bones live?

He said only you knows and God said Prophesy.

And he called the Wind and he Prophesied as commanded and a “Valley of Dry Bones” become a “Valley of Mighty Men”.

What is it that can enter a “Dead Dry Life” and make it a “Mighty Life”?

It is beyond the Oxygen – It must be the Holy Ghost!

When Jesus Christ encountered the Disciples after His Resurrection in John 20:22 – He breathe on them (He didn’t give them Oxygen or Carbon dioxide) but He said receive ye the Holy Ghost!

John 20:22 – And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:

Acts 2: 1-4 says:

1. And when the Day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one Place.

2. And suddenly there came a Sound from Heaven as of a rushing Mighty Wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

3. And there appeared unto them Cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

4. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

When “Fresh Air” came from Heaven, the Holy Ghost landed upon Men!

Have you observed from all the Scriptures that we read that anytime the Holy Ghost come to Town; anything dead come back to Life!

When this “Fresh Air” entered the Valley of dry bones, everything came back to Life.

I don’t care what is dead in your Life – Is it your Business, Finance, Health, Academics, your Brain; anything that is dead is coming back to Life tonight (Amen).

I Perceived in my Spirit that there is Someone here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC with a “Dead Body Parts” – That is a Part of your body is dead.

Hear me: Check it now; that Part is coming back alive – Amen.

What happened when there was “Fresh Air” in the Bible.

1. Take Acts 2: 1:4 as Case Study!

The First thing is that the People has Utterance and they began to Pray in tongues.

The Days of “Fresh Air” is the Days of Revival!

Enough is enough of a Church that cannot Pray!

A Church that cannot Pray is a Church that is Playing!

The Days of “Fresh Air” is the Days of Prayers!

They had Utterance, they were not gisting – Their Language changed!

They began to speak in a Language that they don’t understand and they were able to address Problems they could not understand.

Do you believe that “Fresh Air” is here tonight or as you read now on the Label of DMC?

Now, in case you are not Baptised in the Holy Ghost – As you are hearing my Voice or reading the Transcript now on the Label of DMC: Begin to speak in tongues!

Acts 10:44 – The Bible says that when Peter was speaking; the Holy Ghost fell upon them that heard him.

Now, everybody under the Sound of my Voice or reading the Transcript now on the Label of DMC: The Day of “Fresh Air” is the Day of New Utterance!

I. Instead you go back to Church and be on Fire for God:

II. You see your friends and when you want to greet them, you begin to speak in tongues.

III. You enter a bus, the first thing that comes out is tongue.

… Because there is “Fresh Air” and there is Utterance.

He that speaketh in tongues, speaketh not unto Men but unto God howbeit he speak Mysteries.

Hear me: Why did they stop the Prayers of Daniel?

It was because the Prince of Persia understood it!

2. When “Fresh Air” came in Acts 2: 5-12; they became a Wonder to their Generation.

The People said: Who are these Men? Are they drunk?



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Hear me: After this Holy Ghost Night or your reading of the Full Text on the Label of DMC: Everyone who looks down upon you, will look up to you – Amen!

Because why? – Anytime there is “Fresh Air”; “Normal People” becomes “Extraordinary People” or “Normal People” becomes “Abnormal People”.

… Abnormal means “Above Normal”.

They look at you and say:

I. Is it not the guy that cannot do well in School.

Now, your children will return to School after this Holy Ghost Night and they will begin to lead in their Classes – Amen!

II. Now you are the one losing in Business.

Suddenly, you return and they are shock.

What happened to him – “Fresh Air”.

III. You are the one that has been Single – Nobody is seeing you.

But you will return and the brother will say: Hello sis; babe. Where have you been?

… “Fresh Air” has just landed!

When “Fresh Air” landed; what is not attracted before becomes Attractive!

IV. Maybe your Helpers has been Passing you – They looked at you but they don’t recognise you.

It is because you are carrying “Stale Air” but things will Change when “Fresh Air” landed on you.

3. Acts 2: 14-37 – Evangelism becomes easy and Souls are won in their Multitudes.

Peter Preached a Message; three thousand (3,000) joined the Church.

… What did he say?

It is not about Greeks and Hebrews or Grammar – But Power!

The People you have been trying to convert and they are not obeying; it is because you lacked something – Power!

In the Days of “Fresh Air”; little Message, Mighty Results!

Peter Preached a Second Message, five thousand (5,000) Souls were won; Third Message, they couldn’t even count the Number.

What was he saying?

The Bible says that their hearts were Pricked.

Why? – He was Preaching under “Fresh Air”.

Enough of “Stale Air” in our Churches

You go to Church, Church look like Museum. There is no difference between Church and Club.

In case we do Service in the Mosque, there will be Power there because we are the one carrying the Power everywhere – Anywhere we enter, Power enters!

You enter a Market, you shut down a Store – Why? “Fresh Air” came.

Have you noticed that when a Man or a Lady uses a Nice Fragrance, when he/she enters somewhere everybody turns because of the kind of Fragrance.

When you carry “Fresh Air”; Souls turn to you – They look at you and turn.

Why? – Fragrance!

That is why when my father in the Lord makes an Altar Call tonight, watch and see.

4. Anytime there is “Fresh Air”; Supernatural becomes Normal – Acts 2:43.

Mighty Signs were done by the Apostles in the Days of “Fresh Air”.

Now hear me: Everyone that is sick under the Sound of my Voice or reading now on the Label of DMC: You are Healed – Amen!

Miracle is a “Biscuit” for God’s Children!

5. In the Days of “Fresh Air”, there is No Lack – Acts 2:45.

In the Referenced Bible Text, they lacked Nothing as everybody had.

Now hear me: Prosperity has Nothing to do about Church.

You have been broke too long – It is Over!

In the Days of “Fresh Air”; there is Abundance – The least of us is a Millionaire – Amen!

Please rise up now:

There is Someone having “Serious Debt” – God said that I should tell you that between now (7th January 2022) and 22nd February 2022, it is Cleared – Amen

6. What happens in the Days of “Fresh Air” – There is Love and Unity in the House.

I. How come a Fellow Christian cannot put food down and you will eat it?

You are afraid that they will Poison you.

That is “Bad Breathe” and not “Fresh Air”.

Christians are the one destroying themselves.

In the days of the Apostles, they were eating together.

Ask yourself: When last do you eat with Somebody in the Church? Do you even trust them? – We are all suspecting ourselves!

Pastors cannot even trust themselves!

How did we get here?

… In the days of the Apostles, they were eating together!

II. When last do you hold Love Feast in the Church?

You are afraid of the food and you bless it and bless it.

This is a food a Fellow Brethren Prepared o.

Why? – Because the heart of Men are desperately wicked.

III. You can’t trust your child with Somebody in the Church!

They can kidnapped the child and tell you that they don’t know where the child went.

IV. A Fellow Brother cannot come and sleep in your house.

He will close one eyes and open the Second eyes!

V. Even today, People are killing Pastors in the Church.

How do we get here?

In the days of “Fresh Air”; there is Love, there is Unity and No Competition among Brethrens!

Today, you want to Outshine your Fellow Pastor; you want to Outshine your Fellow Choirmaster.

If your Choir friend leads Song today, you want to come tomorrow and lead your own to be better.

Error! – How do we get here? Who did us like this?

In the days of the Apostles, they were going from House to House, loving one another. But today, everybody is a Suspect!

… Enough is Enough!

Hear me: When there is “Fresh Air” and I see a Redeem Sticker on you and you are trekking and I’m driving; I will Park and carry you!

You are coming from the Old Arena to the New Arena in your car alone and People are trekking – Error!

I agreed that there are “Bad People” among the “Good People” but if you are doing Good, God will keep you!

He says that: When the ways of a Man Pleases God, He maketh his enemies to be at Peace with him.

Too many wrong Stories – But the People of the other Religion love each other.

We are the Originator of Love because God is Love!

Are we going to Love ourselves?

Look at your Neighbour and say: I Love You!

Are you a Redeemer? – All Redeemers are supposed to love each other.

Please Stand – Hold your Neighbour to your Left and Right Hands as we sing this Song:

We are Redeemer
United in Love
Jesus is for us
We shall Conquer

We are together
United in Love
Jesus is for us
We shall Conquer

We are Victorious
United in Love
Jesus is for us
We shall Conquer

Covenant Children
United in Love
Jesus is for us
We shall Conquer

If there is Love, there is Revival – The First Evidence of Revival is not speaking in tongues but in showing Love

E je ki a feran ara wa (Let us Love each other).

… That is “Fresh Air”.

Are you ready:

Chorus of the Song

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Shout Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah


Father, we Thank You Lord – We give You Praise for this “Fresh Air”; we Thank You for The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), a Covenant Church.

… Thank You for the “Fresh Air”.

Lord, we Pray that this Revival will not die; the Holy Ghost will move all over our Churches, there will be Power, Miracles, Revival, Salvation of Souls and Love among Brethrens.

In Jesus Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Come on, give the Lord a Shout of Praise – HALLELUJAH!!!

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