From Faith to Faith—Dyaily Devotionals September 2, 2019 – Go for Revelation Knowledge – Gloria Copeland The Father’s Heart

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Topic:Go for Revelation Knowledge
Kenneth Copeland

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.
2 Peter 1:2

Kenneth Copland devotion
Kenneth Copland

If you were to look up the Greek word that’s translated “knowledge” in that scripture, you’d find out that it means more than just a mental understanding of something, more than the kind of knowledge that can be gained through your senses. It means exact knowledge. Knowledge that’s been revealed directly to your heart by the Spirit of God. I call it revelation knowledge.

The lack of that kind of knowledge has caused more faith failures than anything else I know. That’s because most Christians believe the Word with their minds, but they haven’t meditated on it enough for it to “light up” in their hearts. If they had, that Word would absolutely revolutionize their lives. Nothing in heaven or earth would be able to shake them loose from it.

I know a widow who got hold of that kind of revelation one afternoon. She’d been meditating in the scriptures that say if you’re a widow, God Almighty has taken His place as your provider and leader of your household.

She’d been feeling a little sorry for herself up until then. But when she received the revelation that God was actually head of her household now, she started talking to Him like she would a husband.



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“I’m telling You, Lord, the plumbing in this house is pitiful. Will You please get it fixed?” she said. From that moment on, she never had any more trouble with her plumbing.

If you need something from God, determine right now that you’re going to do what that widow did. Determine that you’re going to meditate the Word until you get a revelation like that. Keep that Word before you until you receive a revelation of Jesus as your healer or your deliverer or your financier—whatever you need Him to be. Don’t settle for a shallow mental understanding of Him. Get a deep revelation and His grace will be multiplied to you!

Scripture Reading:
Psalm 1

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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