From Faith to Faith—Daily Devotionals March 17, 2020 – Start Planting – Gloria Copeland The Father’s Heart

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Topic:Start Planting
Kenneth Copeland

Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
1 Peter 1:23

Kenneth Copland devote
Kenneth Copland

You won’t really get excited about the Word of God until you realize that it’s more than just a collection of divinely-inspired promises. It’s a living force that literally carries within it the power to make those promises become a reality in your life.

Is it tough for you to believe such a thing is possible?

It shouldn’t be. You see it happen in the natural world all the time.

If I were to put a tomato seed in your hand and tell you that within that tiny, dry seed lies the power to produce a stalk thousands of times bigger than the seed, to produce leaves and roots and round, red tomatoes, you wouldn’t have any trouble believing that, would you? You know from experience that even though that scrawny seed doesn’t look like a tomato factory, somehow, given the right environment, it will become one.

Jesus says the Word of God works by that same principle. There’s miraculous power within it. It is a seed that, once planted by faith in a human heart, will produce more blessings than you can imagine.



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Once you grasp that, you’ll get extremely excited about the Word of God. That’s what happened to me.

Over 45 years ago, I caught a glimpse of what that Word could do. I caught a glimpse of the power within it. Before long, I had a Bible in every room of my house, a Bible in my car, and a tape player going nearly all the time.

I spent every possible moment in the Word of God because I wanted the power of that Word inside me more than I wanted anything else in the world. I knew it would blow the limits off my life, limits that had held me back and kept me down for years. I knew that when I read it, I wasn’t just reading, I was planting seeds. Seeds of prosperity, seeds of health, seeds of protection and seeds of victory for every area of my life.

Don’t treat the Word of God like a book. It’s not! It’s spiritual seed that has the supernatural power within it to produce the harvest of a lifetime. Get excited about it and start planting today!

Scripture Reading:
Mark 4:23-32

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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