Fountain – Judikay (Lyrics and Video)

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Fountain – Judikay (Lyrics and Video)

Video Lyrics: Fountain By Judikay


Fountain Lyrics by Judikay

Oh oh oh oh oh…

There’s a fire
Ablaze in my heart
This world would hear
That You’re the only way, the truth and life

There’s a sound
Coming from my depth
This world would sing
That only You truly satisfies

There’s a fire
Ablaze in my heart
This world would hear
That You’re the only way, the truth and life

There’s a sound
Coming from my depth
This world would sing
That only You truly satisfies

[Chorus]Rivers of living water
You are the fountain that won’t run dry
Rivers of living water
You are the fountain that won’t run dry
Oh oh oh, Oh oh oh…

Fountain that won’t run dry
Fountain that won’t run dry
Fountain that won’t run dry
You are the Fountain that won’t run dry

Life giving river
Cup of satisfaction
I have drank
And would never thirst again



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You flow through me
As a spring of water
Welling up to eternal life

I have drank
And would never thirst again, again, again

Fountain that won’t run dry
Fountain that won’t run dry
My Jesus! Fountain that won’t run dry
You are the Fountain that won’t run dry

[Bridge]Out of my belly now flows
Rivers of living water
Out of my belly now flows
Rivers of living water
Out of my belly now flows
Rivers of living water
I am the Fountain that won’t run dry

Out of my belly now flows
Rivers of living water
Out of my belly now flows
Rivers of living water

Out of my belly now flows
Rivers of living water
I am a Fountain I can never ever run dry


I will drink till I’m drunk
Come O Ye that thirsts
There is a fountain
This fountain never runs dry
Jesus will fill You up
He will fill You up with His fire

He will fill You up with His life
Come, Come, Come
Come and drink

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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