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Topic:From the darkness
He called the light “Day” and the darkness called “Night”. And it was the afternoon and the morning of the first day.
Genesis 1: 5

The current day of twenty-four hours, which occurs repetitively, is a symbolic microcosm of past ages. If that is the case, we do not find in Genesis 1 twenty-four-hour day, but rather an indefinite period of time much more descriptive than what is known as age or time period. But each of them must be characterized by the afternoon and the morning. Look at this order, since the afternoon is the first thing mentioned. We Westerners, with our tendency to make concessions, have divided the day so that it looks like a sandwich, beginning with a period of darkness, followed by a period of light in between and finally another period of darkness. We start our day at midnight. But in the eastern world, the day begins at sunset, in such a way that each day begins with the sunset and ends with a period of light. This coincides with this revelation about the way God works. It matters little whether it is a day of humanity on earth, an era of time or that it is a period of twenty-four hours, each of them begins with a period of darkness and then a period of light. As the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15: “But the spiritual is not first, but the animal; then the spiritual “(v. 46). That is the invariable order. each of them begins with a period of darkness and then a period of light. As the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15: “But the spiritual is not first, but the animal; then the spiritual “(v. 46). That is the invariable order. each of them begins with a period of darkness and then a period of light. As the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15: “But the spiritual is not first, but the animal; then the spiritual “(v. 46). That is the invariable order.
What does this mean for us as Christians? Can not we track this fulfillment in our own experience? Do not we all start our lives in darkness, in the power of death and darkness? Through the glorious redemption of the cross of Jesus Christ we have passed into a period of light that is “like the light of dawn, which increases until the day is perfect” (Proverbs 4:18); we have reached a period of growth and a light that is spreading more and more. You can see this order in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. There was the darkness of the crucifixion, which happened soon after to become the glorious morning of the resurrection, when He appeared in the glory of a new day and a new life. The Scriptures also make it perfectly clear that if we have never gone through the darkness with Him, we can not expect there to be a tomorrow. But we should not live constantly in darkness. The testimony of Scripture is that those who cling to darkness or darkness, who refuse to allow themselves to be brought to light at the end, become what Judas describes: “wandering stars, for whom the darkness of the ages is reserved for ever. darkness “(v. 13b).
Father of lights, I thank you that from the darkness you produce light and that you have brought this light to be part of my own experience through faith in Jesus Christ.
Application to life
There are so many who are still blind and in total darkness, even though they feel and sincerely think that they see clearly. Have we personally taken the hand of Jesus so that He leads us to His glorious life?