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Topic: Make It Manifest [DCLM Daily Manna 26 June 2019 Daily Devotional by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi]
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Text: Matthew 10:1-15 (KJV)
Key Verse: “And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give”(Matthew 10:7,8).
In genetic science, a person’s DNA contains all the information needed to build his or her body. The DNA determines things such as eye colour, hair colour, height, and even the size of one’s nose! The DNA in the cells is responsible for physical attribute as well as many other traits. At birth, every human comes in 23 pairs of packages called chromosomes. These chromosomes are large bundles of tightly packed DNA. Both parents donate 23 chromosomes each, which pair up to give their child the full set of 23 chromosomes. So a child can either look like any of the parents or share the traits and attributes of both!
Having called and saved His disciples from the religious multitudes, Jesus transferred a measure of His supernatural power and anointing to them. He conferred the power to cast out devils, to heal all manner of sickness and diseases, they even had the power to raise the dead. Though these powers were as it were, latent, they were to become manifest as the disciples went out to preach the gospel. Thus, Peter, James, John and the rest of the apostles could do all that Jesus did, but they could not do it in the comfort of the Mount of Olives! They would have to go out to the lost sheep of the house of Israel to activate that conferred anointing.
As was with the early disciples, so it is true of us today. The moment we are saved from sin and cleansed, we receive the Spirit’s baptism, if we had sincerely desired and prayed for it after the second work of grace, sanctification. When the Holy Ghost comes during the initial baptism, He remains with us as we abide in Christ. Having now the DNA of God as it were, we begin to develop and exhibit those spiritual traits and gifts to do exploits for God. But just as nothing grows in the comfort zone, there is no way we can manifest those latent gifts and power of the Spirit, until we go to the lost sheep in our community.
Thought For The Day: A Spirit-filled person is like naked wire with high tension current.
The Bible In One Year: 1 Kings 13–14
DCLM Daily Manna was written by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi; is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church situated at KM 42 on the busy Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria.