BIBLE TEXT: Luke 4:16-30; Matthew 12:22-30
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 (NIV).
To help the child know that Jesus kept doing God’s work faithfully even though some people did not like what He was doing.
During and after the lesson, each child will show that he or she understands the lesson by:
1. Participating in a Memory Verse sharing activity.
2. Discussing the results of either giving up or persevering in what one is doing.
1. Preaching in the Synagogue – Luke 4:16-22
2 Rejected by His Own People – Luke 4:23-30
3. Opposed by Religious Leaders – Matthew 12:22-30
What happens when you meet with difficulties or opposition in what you are doing? Do you give up or keep at it? Do you have the bad tendency to do a halfway job when given a task to perform? Today we shall see what Jesus did with the work He came to do.
The reason He came to the world was to do the will of God. He used the great power of God that He had to work in different loving ways in the lives of people. He encountered so many difficulties and discouragement in His work, yet He did not give up. He persevered because He was determined to serve God.
This week, we shall see how people from His own village, Nazareth, rejected Him, those He might have expected to support Him. Later, He was opposed in Jerusalem by the teachers of the law.
They said that He did His work through the devil. But in spite of all this, Jesus kept on at the work He was doing. He did not give up.
At the time of Jesus, God’s Word was written in the scrolls – roll or parchment for writing. In the synagogue (church), a leader would ask several men to stand and read parts of God’s Word after which someone would explain the words that were read.
After His baptism and temptation, Jesus went back to Galilee and began His ministry. Later, He went to Nazareth where He was brought up. On the Sabbath day, He went to the synagogue according to the custom of the Jews. This was the very synagogue He attended as a child when He was growing up. He stood up to read. They gave Him the Book of Isaiah the prophet and He read from it. He read the portion that says that the Spirit of the Lord is upon Him because He was sent to preach the good news to the poor. After reading, He closed the Book and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. All eyes were on Him and He started to preach. He said that the Scripture He read was being fulfilled before them that day. People were surprised at the gracious words He spoke. And they wondered whether it was not the Joseph’s son they used to know.
Jesus knew their thoughts and said He knew they would want Him to do right there what He did in other places. He told them that no prophet was accepted in his own town. Continuing, Jesus said that even though there were many widows in Israel during the time of Elijah, it was to a foreign woman that Elijah was sent to. And many lepers were in Israel at the time of Elijah, none of them was healed but Naaman the Syrian.
At this, the whole people in the synagogue became very angry with Jesus. They rose and put Him out in the city. They led Him to the brow of the hill on which the city was built and wanted to throw Him down headlong. But the time for Him to die had not come yet. So He simply passed through them and walked away.
Jesus kept on doing God’s work without being discouraged. A blind and dumb man who was possessed by demons was brought to Him and He healed him. All the people were amazed and wondered whether He was the Son of David. When the Pharisees heard it they said that it was through Beelzebub the prince of demons that Jesus cast out evil spirits.
But Jesus pointed out to them that any kingdom or city or house that was divided against itself was sure to fail. And if Satan casts out Satan, then he is divided against himself, how then would his kingdom stand. And if He Jesus cast out demons by Beelzebub, then by whom do the Jews who cast out evil spirits do so? But if it is by God’s Spirit that He works, then the kingdom of God has come to them. Jesus concluded by telling them that anyone who was not for Him was against Him and anyone that does not gather with Him scatters.
The Jews belittled Jesus and did not believe in Him just because they knew where He came from. Let us not be like them. We should believe the Word of God and accept Jesus as the Son of God and as our Saviour. Sometimes the Lord will not answer our
prayers or solve our problems immediately. That should not discourage us. We should keep on instead of giving up. God expects us to do our best in all situations because He can help us persevere, as we should do.
Let us keep busy for God, doing His work faithfully and He will bless us at His own time.
1. What honour did the people of Nazareth politely offer Jesus when He went to the synagogue on Sabbath day?
(A) They asked Him to pray
(B) They asked Him to interpret the message for them
(C) They asked Him to sing for them
(D) They asked Him to read the Scriptures and preach in the synagogue.
2. What portion of the Scripture did Jesus read from the scroll at the synagogue?
(A) The portion that talks about the trial of Job.
(B) The portion that talks about the birth of Jesus.
(C) He read the portion that says that the Spirit of the Lord is upon Him because He was sent to preach the good news to the poor.
(D) The portion that talks about Adam and Eve.
3. According to Jesus, many lepers were in Israel at the time of Elisha, none of them was healed but
(A) Naaman the Egyptian
(B) Naaman the Jebusite
(C) Naaman the Canaanite
(D) Naaman the Syrian.
4. Through whom did the Pharisees accuse Jesus of casting out demons with?
(A) Through His disciples.
(B) Through the spirit of man.
(C) Through Beelzebub the prince of demons.
(D) Through the Spirit of God.
Monday: The Works of the Lord Are Great – Psalm 111:2,3
Tuesday: Every Divided House Cannot Stand – Matt 12:25-28
Wednesday: Whoever Is Not with God ls Against Him – Matt 12:30
Thursday: God’s Spirit ls upon Me – Luke 4:18, 19
Friday: A Prophet lsn’t Accepted in His Hometown Luke 4:24-27
Saturday: Fire Will Determine Man’s Work for God – 1 Cor. 3:13