Billy Graham Devotioanls -Worship- By Billy Graham July 7, 2018

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Topics: Worship
Our Many Blessings
By Billy Graham • July 7

Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase.
—Psalm 85:12

The great economic and material prosperity we are enjoying in the United States today is a gift of God’s hand. The Bible tells us that the very goodness of God should lead us to repentance. All of these material blessings are gifts from God, given in order that we might humble ourselves, fall upon our knees before Him, and call upon His name. We should thank God, too, for the spiritual blessings that are beyond the power of the human tongue to describe.



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Here in North America we still have freedom of worship. In many parts of the world believers cannot assemble together; they cannot speak of their religious convictions because of totalitarian power. Here in North America we have Bibles everywhere. We have the opportunity to preach. God has blessed us with a thousand and one spiritual blessings. In days of uncertainty and confusion, such as we are now passing through, these are gifts that go beyond our power to understand; and yet they are gifts of God that become ours when we receive His Son as our Savior and Lord.

Prayer for the day
Almighty God, I thank You for all the blessings You shower upon this land—and I would thank You especially for my freedom to worship You and read my Bible, without fear of persecution.

About Olorunsola Emmanuel

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