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Topics: Christian Living
Commitment and Purpose
By Billy Graham
May 19
. . . serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope . . .
—Romans 12:11,12

Each generation becomes more addicted to the sedatives of life, to dull the pain of living. Oppressed by a sense of triviality and thwarted purpose, men find no great goal or commitment to draw them, and no inner stimulation to give meaning to their existence. Christ can save you from the bane of boredom. He waits to give you a fresh sense of direction and to take dissatisfaction out of your life. I talked recently with a man in my own community who was converted to faith in Christ. “I hadn’t known what to do with my leisure time,” he told me, “but now I have a sense of commitment and purpose that I never knew before.”
Prayer for the day
Even the smallest job I do today is part of my service to You, Lord. Help my heart to be so filled with Your Spirit I will rejoice whatever task is set before me.