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Sunday, December 24, 2023
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Happy Christmas
*Finding Yourself In Christmas*
*Text: Matt 1:18-25; 2:1-8, 11, 16; Luke 2:7-19, 25-32, 36-40*
*Key Verse: John1:10, 12*
_He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him…. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God._ (NIV)
For Christians, Christmas is a time to reflect on God’s greatest gift. It’s more than a celebration of the season; it is a celebration of a life and an opportunity to honour Jesus.
But much of the world views it as little more than a season of indulgence, rushing to and from the market or from one social event to the next.
While most of these people may have good intentions, Christ is sadly absent from their celebrations.
How we individually respond to Jesus explains why each of us sees Christmas the way he or she does.
Since Jesus first came to earth, people’s responses have ranged from contempt to contentment – from cynicism to celebration. And your students are faced with the dilemma of not only responding to Christ themselves, but responding to others’ attitudes toward Him.
This study will help students recognize positive ways to respond to Jesus. It will also help them understand responses that differ from their own.
The hope is that they’ll grow in their ability to relate to others who love Christ as well as those who are yet to receive Him.
*The Basic Message:* Explain to students…
_We must choose our responses to the message of Jesus._
_How you respond to Jesus will determine the relationship you’ll have with Him, and the role He will play in your life._
_Respond positively to Jesus, respect differences in how other Christians respond to Him, and help unbelievers receive Jesus, too._
*Study Overview:* Explain that today’s study considers…
° The variety of attitudes and actions people display in response to Jesus.
° The positive ways we can respond to Jesus and His message.
° Why it’s important to understand and appreciate the different ways people worship Jesus.
*Inform and Discuss*
_a. Attitudes_
People exhibited a variety of attitudes at the news of Jesus’ birth. These attitudes are still reflected in the ways people view Jesus today.
° Some respond with anticipation: Read or have volunteers read Luke 2:25-32.
1. How did Simeon’s attitude about the promise of Jesus’ coming impact his life? [Hint: Having received a promise from God, Simeon anticipated seeing the Messiah before he died. This hope caused him to trust God and remain sensitive to God’s direction. At the right moment, God led Simeon into the temple and he experienced Jesus’ presence firsthand
2. How could an attitude of greater anticipation toward Christ change your life? [Hint: It could cause you to become more focused on doing the things that lead you into His presence, like talking to Him, trusting Him, reading His Word, and living by His plan for your life.]
*° Some respond with acceptance: Read or have volunteers read Matt 1:18-25.*
3. How did Joseph’s attitude change when the angel appeared to Him?
[Hint: On hearing about Mary’s pregnancy, Joseph must have felt confused, hurt, or even betrayed. But once he learned God’s plan, he accepted Mary; and did exactly what the angel told him to do – even if it meant public disgrace.
Guide:* It’s quite risky accepting the reality of Someone who isn’t physically seen or heard, and making Him the Leader of our lives. It really takes faith to accept and live for Jesus.
*° Some respond with antagonism: Read or have volunteers read Matt 2:1-8, 16.*
4. Why would some people view Jesus as a threat? Guide: Like Hero, people today believe what they hear about Jesus but reject Him anyway. Perhaps accepting Him would l affect their status, or reputatIon. Some get so offensive about Christ that they do they do everything they can to oppose the gospel.]
_b. Actions_
*° Some are unreceptive:* Read or have a volunteer read Luke 2:7
1. What are some things that overcrowd people’s lives or keep them from making room for Jesus? [Guide: Consider people, piaces, and things, as well as attitudes. Many of these things can even seem “spiritual.” Many people are so busy with so many issues, even church issues, that they don’t recognize how and when they turn Jesus away.]
2. Why do you think some people refuse to take Christ serious, even though they believe He is Lord? [Hint: People get so caught up in their own lives and concerns, making excuses for not being faithful to God. Some put off serving Him with the intention of making deeper commitment later.]
*° Some will proclaim:* Read or have volunteers read Luke 2:8-18.
3. How do you usually act toward someone who wants to talk about his or her relationship with God constantly? Why? [Guide: Explain that, like those shepherds went about telling everyone their experience, some people are very vocal about their faith. We probably need to let them talk. It’s important we respect everyone’s way of responding to Jesus, even if it isn’t how we would respond.]
*° Some ponder quietly:* Read or have a volunteer read Luke 2:19.
4. Do you think it’s more or less spiritual to respond to God either with loud praise or quiet contemplation? Why?
Guide:* Explain that neither loud praise nor quiet contemplation is a yardstick for determining our spirituality; the depth of our intimacy with God is what does. So, instead of focusing on-conforming to cetain outward mannerism, we should rather work on our inner man – ensure it conforms perfectly to the image of Christ and completely yielded to His will. And let all our expressions, be they quiet contemplations or loud praise, flow from the depth of that in timacy with God.
*° Some will encourage:*
Read or have volunteers read Luke 2:36-40.
5. How should our relationship with God affect our attitude toward other Christians? [Hint: Like Ann, we should make a point of encouraging each other. After all, we’ve experienced the greatest news possible: Our Saviour has come to change our lives.
*Guide:* Explain that we should not allow things like gossip or bitterness to fill our conversations and actions; for the message of Jesus will be drowned by such negative words and actions. But love will confirm Christ’s message to others (John 13:35; 17:23).
*° All should present:* Read or have volunteers read Matt 2:11.
Guide:* Explain that, in appreciation for God’s greatest gift to the world, even the gift of His Son, believers should serve God joyfully, even with their resources.
*Involve Them:* WHY YOU DO WHAT YOU DO
By a show of hands, ask students which of these three categories fits their
response style best when it comes to their faith:
° Proclaiming (more expressive);
° Pondering (more reserved); or
° Encouraging.
Ask volunteers from each category to tell why they tend to respond that way.
*Inspire Them:* Remind students “The Basic Message” of this study (pg 115), explain WHAT the Big ldea behind the study is: WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in the study.
*Invitation Option:* GOD’S FORGIVENESS
Read or have a volunteer read John 1:10, 12. Emnphasize that we all have to make a decision to either receive or reject Jesus as the Son of God and Saviour of the world. Pray with a any students who would like t to receive Jesus as the Forgiver of their sins and Leader of their lives.
Teacher Hint:*
Ask Yourself…
1. Do students understand the impotance of responding positively to Jesus -both in their attitudes and actions?
2. Do they realize the dangers of overcrowded lifestyle or being apathetic toward God?
3. Do they realize that they should respond positively to other Christians, and serve God wholeheartedly for the gift of the Messiah?