Table of Contents
BIBLE TEXT: Genesis 6 and 7
The earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence (Gen 6:11, NIV).
To help the child know why God destroyed the first world and saved only Noah and his family.
During and after the lesson, each child will show that he or she understands the lesson by:
1. Explaining why God destroyed the world and what He used to destroy the world.
2. Asking God to help him preach as Noah did.
1. Noah Finds Grace – Gen 6:1-13
2. Noah Builds an Ark – Gen 6:14-22
3. God Delivers Noah and His Family – Gen 7:1-24
As people began to multiply on the Earth, evil also began to grow. The way of life of Cain began to spread everywhere. People killed one another and did every kind of evil. This is the condition of the world today.
This is why Jesus said that His coming will be as in the days of Noah. God will not tolerate sin forever. One day, He will also judge this present world of sin by fire. Don’t be there!
1. Noah Finds Grace – Gen 6:1-13
God became sad when He saw all the evil the people on the Earth were doing, They refused to receive God Into their hearts. Everything that came out of their hearts was always evil. As God looked over the whole Earth, He saw only one good man. This man was Noah. He had no faults and he lived in constant fellowship with God. God decided to destroy the whole world and all that is in it by flood. He told Noah about His plans but promised Noah that He will protect him and his family from the flood. This was because of Noah’s love and obedience to God.
2.Noah Builds an Ark – Gen 6:14-22
God instructed Noah to build an Ark or a big boat. Noah and his family will be saved through this ark. God told Noah to follow, His instructions exactly. He was to make everything according to God’s plan. There were to be three decks or storeys inside the boat- a bottom, a middle, and an upper deck. There was to be a door in the side of the boat. God also told him the kind of wood he will use and exactly how big the boat will be. God further instructed Noah to take two of every kind of animal and bird into the ark. He was also preaching to his people while he was building the ark. Noah kept working because he wanted to obey God. He believed what God said even though he saw nothing to make him believe.
3. God Delivers Noah and His Family – Gen 7:1-24
At last the big ark was finished. God commanded Noah and his family to enter the ark with two of every kind of animal. They did so and God Himself shut the ‘door of the ark. Then It began to rain. Harder and harder the rain came down. The rivers began to rise. Soon the big ark began to float. Higher and higher the water rose as the rivers ran over.
Water was very high. It was higher than any storey building and mountain. All the people that refused to repent died in the flood. All animals and birds that were outside the ark also died. The ark that was carrying Noah and his family stood on top of the water.
The ark sailed around on top of the water and Noah knew that God’s Word is true. God promised to deliver Noah if he would obey Him. God always keeps His promises. Noah and his family were safe and happy because God protected them.
The Bible tells us that the grace of God has appeared unto all men as it came to Noah: We must receive the salvation that is in Christ Jesus and live righteous lives in this evil world. We must also take the good news that Jesus saves from sin to all men (our brothers, sisters, parents, friends and neighbours). Jesus makes It clear that this present world will be destroyed by fire like Noah’s world was destroyed by flood. God’s Word must come to pass.
Some children were out in the field playing one mid-morning. The weather was quite fine. The birds were flying around. There were many butterflies, grasshoppers and even the lizards.
All of a sudden, they heard a great roar and they did not know what It was all about, And they continued playing. The noise came again. It came closer and closer. The children became afraid. One of the children looked up and saw that a mighty wind was coming towards them. He shouted that all should run for safety. They all ran and ran. Fortunately, one child saw an old an packed in the bush for long: One door was open. All the children ran into the old van and banged the door.
Hardly had the door been shut when the mighty wind swept past, shaking the van so terribly and carrying with it all that stood in its way. Even some houses were destroyed by the wind. It could not carry the van because it was made of iron and had become fixed in the ground.
Thus the children were delivered because they ran into “the van for safety.”
1. According to this lesson, what made God to become sad over the people on the Earth?
(A) Nothing
(B) When He saw all the evil the people on the Earth were doing
(C) They refused to receive God into their hearts. Everything that came out of their hearts was always eevil
(D) Band C.
2. One of the instructions God gave Noah as, he enters the ark with his family was _______
(A) to take two of every kind of animal and bird into the ark
(B) to take three of every kind of animal and bird into the ark
(C) to take four of every kind of animal and bird into the ark
(D) to take one of every kind of animal and bird into the ark.
3.Who shut the door of the ark as Noah and his family entered the ark?
(A) Noah
(B) Seth
(C) nobody
(D)God himself.
4. Jesus makes it clear that this present world will be destroyed by _______ like Noah’s world was destroyed by flood
(A) water
(B) flood
(C) fire
(D) bomb.
Mon: Noah Obeys God – Genesis 6:22
Tue: The Lord Tells Noah to Enter the Ark – Genesis 7:1
Wed: Noah and His Family Enter the Ark – Genesis 7:7
Thu: Every Living Creature Enter the Ark – Genesis 7:14-16
Fri: God Destroys Every Living Thing – Genesis 7:23
Sat: Waters Flood the Earth – Genesis 7:24