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JULY 30, 2023
TEXT: EXODUS11:1-10, 12:12-36
CENTRAL TRUTH: God is mighty to deliver from all bondage.
The event of the Great Passover night is a familiar story that finally prompt the release of God’s people from bondage of slavery from the hands of Pharaoh in Egypt. After a series of miracles in the form of nine plagues against Israel’s captors as recorded in Exodus chapter 7-10; chapter 11 ushered us into an event that was made for our own salvation. In one evening, the Supernatural elements which the Israelis obeyed brings about the blood of sacrifice that spared them from the grief of death and served to deliver them from bondage. And for us to appropriate the relevance of the Supernatural elements of the Passover story in our Christianity today, the lesson presents the following outlines for a better understanding;
1. Supernatural Plague Announced
2. Instructions For Observing Passover
3. Manifestation of God’s Power.
Also read; april-9-joseph-princes-devotional-jesus-our-true-passover-lamb
👉God told His servant Moses that “A Plague of judgement will come, and that God’s people will escape the judgement.
📌Lessons Derived: After God had released nine plagues on Egypt to see if Pharaoh will repent and let His people go, Pharaoh refused. And God pronounced one more Plague of judgement, also telling the children of Israel to be ready by getting jewels of silver and gold from their neighbours( ie, the Egyptian). The people of God witnessed God’s action against Pharaoh and his people for nine good times, still Pharaoh won’t let go, and God in that instance still required the children of Israel never to give up, but to get their things (gold and silver) set for their freedom. This is the first Supernatural elements found in the Passover story: believing God in any situation. In bondage they were required to ask for the best or most valuables(gold & silver) from their captors and God gave them favour to get what they demanded. Faith in God to do the unthinkable or unimaginable is not a fable( or mere religious story); but our breath or life in the realm of the Supernatural. Now, when Pharaoh was informed of the tenth Plague of how God will destroy their first-borns (man & beast), Pharaoh refused to believe, & his unbelief landed him in trouble – God harden his heart – which would eventually kill him. So while faith in God brings blessings to the Israelis; faithlessness brings a death sentence upon Pharaoh and his cohorts. As believers, it’s so very important for us to build up our faith in God – Jude1:20.
👉After they carefully followed the instructions for observing Passover, the Blood delivers them from judgement. And they were further required to celebrate ( ie, keep the practice as a memorial) this Divine deliverance.
📌Lessons Derived: The next Supernatural element seen in the Passover story is: obeying the simple instruction of; slay a lamb or goat without defect, sprinkle the blood on your doorposts and then stay indoors on the night. God’s commandments for ages has always been simple. Scripture says, “…his commandments are not grievous – 1John5:3”. The children of Israel obeyed their own instructions and experienced the salvation of the Lord, we today have no excuse not to obey the commands of God. Now, the Passover scene foreshadows the ultimate deliverance from bondage – the sin sacrifice of Christ on the cross for our salvation. The Israelis were also instructed to keep celebrating their Passover Divine deliverance for their future generations to know the mighty act of God in their midst. In other words, God’s mightiness in the midst of His people was to be passed on to all generations. Same with us to keep celebrating by passing on to generations to come the strange power of God through the blameless Blood of Jesus shed on the cross for the redemption of mankind. That is why communion, Easter retreat, & other redemptive ordinances is not just symbolic to this celebration but a medium to be enlisted in the life of the Supernatural.
Also read; mfm-devotional-27-july-2023-defile-not-your-body-i
👉Through the manifestation of God’s Power, death visits the Egyptians while the Israelis received God’s deliverance and blessing.
📌Lessons Derived: After a series of warnings, God’s judgement came upon a reprobate Pharaoh and those Egyptians who refused to repent. In one night death toll swept all their first-borns – man & beast from every home save that of the children of Israel. So the Supernatural Power of God that brought judgement (punishment) and liberation upon the people in the land of Egypt serves as a graphic picture of God’s coming judgement upon the whole world. And so;
* as Pharaoh and his cohorts were judged and brought down from their stubbornness; so the devil(Satan) and all the doers of evil(sin) will be brought down on the the last day.
* as God’s people(Israelis) were delivered and blessed with gold and silver; so the saints today will be raptured to walk in the streets made of gold and live in the mansions prepared for us in Heaven.
In conclusion, the Passover events had non-Israeli people joined the children of Israel in following their God and were saved from the judgement. Everybody from all human race have equal right to escape God’s judgement and be save. We should not rebel against God in our attitude or lifestyle. We should submit to His commands as the children of Israel did and we will experience His complete salvation.
Thanks for studying our lesson this week. Share your understanding of the Passover event.