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UNIT 1: Redemption

LESSON 3: January 21, 2024.


Memory Verse: Galatians 3:13,14 – Christ hath redeemed us from thr curse of the law, … that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith (KJV).
Lesson Text: John 8:31-36; Romans 6:16-18,22; Ephesians 1:3-7; Colossians 1:10-14.
People like to see results from their efforts. Those starting an exercise programme or a diet like to step on the scales in a week and see significant weight loss. Many investors just starting out hope their initial outlay quickly produces profits.
Results are a good way to measure the effectiveness of a plan or programme. However, Results sometimes can be misleading or downright discouraging. However, results some people who try intense exercise of diet changes may see little or no weight loss at first. Many give up at that point, feeling their efforts were wasted. Long-term changes must be put into perspective.
When people come to Christ, they may experience immediate, dynamic changes. Some changes, however, will likely come at a slower pace. As Christians, we can be certain Christ is at work in our lives to bring to completion the results of redemption.
In this lesson, we will identify some of the benefits of the redemption we have in Christ and learn how to appreciate those benefits. All the blessings of salvation come through our redemption by Christ.
A. Freed By The Son – John 8:31-36
B. Freed For Service – Romans 6:16-18.
A. Chosen For Adoption – Ephesians 1:3-5
B. Accepted By God – Ephesians 1:5-7.
A. Live As God’s Servant – Romans 6:22
B. Live To Please God – Colossians 1:10-14.
John 8:31-36; Romans 6:16-18
✅️ After Jesus gave some very hard teaching directed at the hostile Jewish crowd in John 8:21-29, we see a wonderful result in John 8:30. From this hard teaching many of these Jews had come to believe in Jesus. After they believed in Him, Jesus turns to address them, saying in John 8:31-32, “If you abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Abiding in Christ’s Word is more than just going to church, it’s a daily and constant walk with Him. As believers, when we stick to His Words we will come to know the truth and the truth will set us free.
The truth that has the matchless power to set us free is revealed by God through His Word – the Bible. We become His true disciples when we obey His Word on a daily basis. The powerful message here is that “the Truth” (Jesus is the Truth) shall set us free. Note that freedom is the state of being free, of not being imprisoned or enslaved. We have been set free from sin through His blood. The way to freedom from the bondage of sin is not by being your own master and living life on your terms. The way to experience freedom from the bondage of sin is by placing yourself under the authority of Christ and His Word and living life on His terms.
✅️ The Jews quickly protested that they are free after they heard the implication of Jesus’ Word about freedom. Many today are like these Jews by thinking just because they are from a Christian home, they are already believers and are free from any form of bondage. “Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.” Sin is a slave-master, and it is possible even for people who think of themselves as free to be enslaved in sin. Being set free from sin is not as a result of just being a member of AG. Freedom from sin is the total change of one’s life from inside-out. The old lifestyle of sin will no longer be in operation in our lives when we experience the freedom of Christ.
Note that anyone one who claims to be “a believer” and still lives in sin is a slave to Satan. Only Jesus has the power to break the bondage of sin, to set the slave free, to rip apart the thickest chains, and more so when He does this the former slave is not only free, the former slave is free indeed! Praise be to Him who suffered in our place, bore our burden, endured our curse, defeated sin and freed us from sin fully and finally. Glory!
✅️ From Romans 6:16-18, we can see how Paul has made it clear that our responsibility as Christians is to use our freedom from the power of sin to stop sinning. Christ has rescued us from slavery to sin. It’s not our master any longer. Now, though, Paul shows that we become slaves of whomever we continue to obey. Sin leads to death. Obedience leads to righteousness. We choose which one to obey and become the slave of that one. Paul seems to be showing that we are in an ongoing battle to serve the right master.
No matter what we do we are serving someone. Every choice we make is either a choice to serve the Lord or to serve the way of sin. We are either walking toward Hell or toward Heaven; we are either walking with the Lord or walking with the Devil. There are no other options. We ought to choose wisely. Our choices matter because we are either contributing to death or to righteousness. Through Christ we have died to the old way of living (being controlled by our sinful nature) and have been raised with Christ to a brand new life of righteousness. As believers, we are called to be slaves to righteousness, meaning that we only have one Master – God.
Ephesians 1:3-7
✅️ Adoption is the practice of providing a loving home for children who do not have parents or caretakers. Most often, the adopted child takes on the full legal status of any children born naturally to the family. This gives that child access to the resources of the home. An adopted child is loved like the other children of the family, and given the same rights and responsibilities. One of the tremendous blessings we have in Christ Jesus is that through Christ, by the pre-determined decision and purpose of God, we have been adopted as children of God.
As powerful as an illustration adoption in our modern-day is of what God has done for us, Paul’s use of the Roman concept of adoption gives a greater depth and clarity to the robust demonstration of God’s adoption of us as His children. Having adopted us into His family, all the spiritual blessings of redemption, the fruit of the Spirit, and eternal life become ours. God the Father’s blessing upon us is given to us in Christ. It is through Jesus that we gain these immense treasures. As believers, living Holy for Him alone become our lifestyles as adopted children of God.
✅️ The results of an adoption bring one into a place of love and family. The results of adoption into God’s family are greater by far. God’s desire for us is that we be adopted as His children through the redemption made available by Christ. Because of His great kindness, we have been “accepted in the beloved”and given the blessings of His grace.
Grace is unlearned approval. It is the characteristic of God that most denotes His love and favour for His people. We do not deserve His love, but He is love incarnate and extends His grace to us. Just as an adopted child has super right and access to the resources of his or her family, same way the children of God have the right to enjoy all the benefits of being a believer in Christ. We receive the forgiveness of sins through the redemptive power of Christ. God provides this forgiveness freely through the richness of His grace. Because of our adoption into God’s household, we exist for His praise and glory. Our lives now can be lived in holiness, and in Christ we find our ultimate joy.
Romans 6:22; Colossians 1:10-14
✅️ It should be unthinkable to the Christian to return to their old life. Christians can truly discuss the true difference between their past and present. That is because a Christian has been set free from sin. God regenerates and creates the Christian anew. A Christian has the power to resist the devil while a non-Christian does not.
Sin becomes just a nuisance in the daily life, not a master. Once a Christian grasps that they are now enslaved to God and righteousness, they realize that they truly have no right to continue on sinning. The Christian has undergone a profound change. There is a contrast between “then” and “now”.
The change is complete and absolute. There is nothing in common between the non-Christian and the Christian. So, as believers, being freed from sin means we are no longer under its reign, rule, or tyranny. We are outside its territory and jurisdiction. We are now for Christ and become His servants unto righteousness. Now that we are in Christ, our daily lifestyle must be clearly different from what we used to be as unbelievers. More importantly, the first result of the change is fruit unto holiness and end result is everlasting life.
✅️ In Paul’s letter, he encouraged the church in Colosse to live to please God. He stated Christians are to live their lives worthy of their holy calling in order to please God. This could involve producing fruit through good works, growing in the knowledge of God, and finding strength in God to endure life’s struggles with patience and joy. By God’s grace, we can share in the inheritance of the saints. We are now in the kingdom of God’s Son, no longer under the rule of darkness we once experienced. This gives Christians a reason to be thankful. As we walk worthy of the Lord, His strength is there to help us meet all of life’s challenges, and to endure and overcome problems we might encounter. The ability to live to please God has being given to us through Christ’s presence that is at work in us.
Lesson Action Word
The results of redemption reveal what an amazing change God makes in the lives of those who put their faith in Christ. The first result of the change is fruit unto holiness and end result is everlasting life.
Lesson Prayer Point
Father, as we believe in You, let the results of redemption be evident in our lives in Jesus Name. Amen!
Remain blessed as you join us in our Sunday school both online and at any Assemblies Of God Church close to you as we study together under the Feet of the Master.
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