Table of Contents
UNIT 5: The Gospel By Luke
UNIT 5: DECEMBER 10, 2023.
Memory Verse: Luke 14:23 – The lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled (KJV).
Lesson Bible Text:
Luke 14:1-24.
Lesson Central Truth:
Believers should follow Jesus’ example of engaging with sinners.
Today’s lesson describes Jesus highlighting attitudes of compassion, humility, and a proper response to God. He teaches the importance of compassion as He heals a man even when others thought the timing was not right. He then shares how humility brings out different results on pride, and how believers must wholeheartedly embrace what God has for them. In all of this, we will find that both our attitudes and our actions play key roles in how we determine to walk with God and obey Christ.
A. Responding To Need – Luke 14:1-4
B. A Question Of Compassion – Luke 14:5-6.
A. Humility Rewarded – Luke 14:7-11
B. Helping The Helpless – Luke 14:12-14.
A. Room At The Table – Luke 14:15-20
B. Compel Them To Come – Luke 14:21-24.
Luke 14:6
Luke 14 begins with a Sabbath day meal Jesus attended at the home of a leading Pharisee. (This particular man was one who carried authority, either as a member of the Jewish ruling council or over other Pharisees). There, the people were watching Jesus closely because there was a man suffering of “drospy” – this is a disease produced by accumulation of fluid in the arms and legs, resulting in swollen–a disease then regarded as incurable.
Jesus knowing their thoughts asked them is it permitted in the law to heal people on the Sabbath day, or not? They held their peace with no answer and Jesus touched the sick man and healed him and sent him away. As believers, When is it appropriate to show compassion and mercy towards those who are suffering? As Jesus had taught earlier in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, it is always our responsibility to take action when confronted personally with such suffering.
Jesus vindicated the healing by pointing to basic compassion through question: Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day? In the same manner, none was able to answer Him. But their answer is within their hearts which is very clear that none of them would let their son or animal remain trapped. Compassion–even for livestock demanded action.
The same compassion prompted Jesus to heal the drospy man. Those who questioned Jesus were silent, powerless to argue against the need for compassion regardless whether or not it was Sabbath day. Jesus saw a person in need and acted accordingly. The Sabbath was not meant to be a burden to the people. It was meant to be a compassionate gift from God. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Galatians 5:14).
Luke 14:7-14
Jesus turned His attention to those vying for position at the feast. Jesus watched as those attending the Sabbath feast “were trying to sit in the seats of honour near the head of the table, perhaps pushing and shoving one another in the process. Jesus spoke against self-promotion.
Rather than assuming one’s greatness by sitting down in a place of honor, one should sit far away. Do not try to create a place of importance for yourself. Let others recognize whatever real prominence you might have (see Proverbs 25:6-7). The key teaching here is that it is better to let others exalt you than to be humiliated. Jesus called for people to humble themselves with the promise that God would reward them on the last day. As believers, we must be humble because our God sets Himself against the proud, but He shows favour to the humble.
After teaching His following guests against fighting for social position, Jesus applied same priority to His host. Just as an invited may choose a seat–and be exalted or humiliated based on that choice–a host chooses who is invited in the first place. Jesus saw that His host chose his guests from a sense of exclusion and pride, lacking love to others. Jesus told him to not only ask those who could repay something to the host. It is not wrong to ever invite your friends, your brothers, and so on; but it is wrong to only invite such people to event. Jesus’ emphasis was on serving those who have nothing to offer in return.
Those in God’s kingdom should aim for selfless generosity. Believers should use the resources they have received from God to bless others around them. Oftentimes, we always invite the only people that can give us a “fat envelope” thereby neglecting people that may not have anything to give to us. We should always render help to the helpless knowing fully well that God will surely reward us.
Luke 14:15-24
Jesus told a parable about a man who gave a great feast, a large banquet, inviting many people to come. Normally, this was just the sort of occasion that people would be thrilled to attend, and be quite happy to be invited. Sadly, when the Master sent his servant to announce the time of the great feast, those invited made excuses instead of accepting the host’s generous hospitality.
Jesus used this familiar image to teach about God’s invitation to be part of His kingdom and experience salvation (see Matthew 22:2-3). The basic message of the Parable of the Great Banquet could be stated that the tragedy of the Jewish rejection of Christ has opened the door of salvation to the Gentiles. The blessings of the kingdom are available to all who will come to Christ by faith.
In the Parable master was furious when he heard his offer had been rejected by all who were invited. He responded ordering his servant to go into the streets and alleys of the town–places avoided by prideful religious people–and bring in the financially needy and physically disabled. In the context of Jesus’ ministry, this likely refers to God’s inclusion of Gentiles ie the non-Jewish people in His kingdom.
Out of love, the master instructed his servant to compel as many they can find to bring them to come to the banquet. By showing God’s desire to include those dwelling outside of the Jewish community, Jesus foreshadowed the Great Commission to welcome all into the kingdom. Those who respond positively to God’s invitation will forever celebrate in His presence. On the other hand, those who reject God’s invitation will experience God’s judgement. As believers, we have been empowered by our Master to bring as many that will obey and accept His salvation call to His Kingdom.
Lesson Action Word
As Jesus challenges conventional mind-sets, He is able to renew our minds in all aspect.
Lesson Prayer Point
Father, let every veil covering the eyes of men from seeing the light of the gospel of Christ be removed in Jesus’ matchless name. Amen!
Remain blessed as you join us in our Sunday school both online and at any Assemblies Of God Church close to you as we study together under the Feet of the Master.
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