Prayer is a powerful tool or weapon in all season, especially this season we are into. This particular season is the wrongest time to be prayerless. If God grants you the grace to fast while praying then fast. This spiritual laziness of eating anytime and any how should be dealt with. Many believers now see fasting as a ceremony, three days fasting you will carry it on your head as if you are fasting for twelve years. If you love food more than your destiny then life will cheat you again and again, food is okay but you must learn to show food that your spiritual man has grown above it, there are spiritual level you will attain that a week you did not fast, you won’t be yourself
I will continue to teach you this, real victory in prayer is gotten while men sleep, real men of power contact power while men sleep, I pray that God will give the grace to rise above sleep that when you feel the desire to pray, you will respond to it without being held down by sleep. Please learn to pray in the night and may you receive grace to dedicate night times to prayer, because if you are a prayerless Christian then you are seriously joking with your life.
Turn everywhere to a prayer alter, turn your toilet to a prayer alter, turn your bathroom to a prayer alter.
A time will come when you will feel in your spirit to tell Satan that he’s a liar, that you are going far , you will get to a level where your tongues will begin to change because you have entered a level in the spirit. Tongues are languages and the are groanings that cannot be uttered.
Prayer is not something you do in a group so that people will see you and think you are a prayer warrior when you are not.
There is a level of fire
you will have and any attack aganist you will give way because they saw something mightier than them which is prayer.

My brothers and sisters, when you pray with your heart, there will be a shift in your life and environment, because there are things in your life that only prayer can challenge and change.
You are the priest of your life, you are the priest of your destiny, so stand strong in prayer because only you has the power to cause a change in your life.